Department of the Navy’s (DoN’s) Historically Black Colleges and Universities/ Minority Institutions (HBCU/MI) Cybersecurity/Information Assurance (CS/IA) Program Administered by: Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR) R. Maurice Civers 22 September 2017
Space and Naval Warfare System Command (SPAWAR) SPAWAR Mission Statement: SPAWAR is the Navy’s acquisition command that develops, delivers and sustains advanced cyber capabilities for our warfighters. SPAWAR, along with its system centers, space field activity and its partnership with three program executive offices, provides the hardware and software needed to execute Navy missions. With nearly 10,000 active duty military and civilian professionals located around the world and close to the fleet, SPAWAR is at the forefront of research, engineering and acquisition, keeping our forces connected around the globe
Program Overview Program Description: What Is The Navy’s HBCU/MI Cybersecurity/Information Assurance (CS/IA) Program? DoN’s Cybersecurity/Information Assurance (CS/IA) Program is in response to the President’s National Security Strategy (February 2015) to secure our nation’s cyberspace while providing opportunity, diversity, inclusion, and real world exposure The CS/IA Program is the DoN’s premier cyber outreach effort to the very best undergraduate and graduate computer science engineering students attending our nation’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities/Minority Institutions. We invite students to participate in a 6 – 7 month program where they work together and in teams, directly with SPAWAR technical professionals on mission-critical cyber-related initiatives The (CS/IA) Program is a two phased program consisting of Phase I and Phase II Phase I: (Mentorship): January – April 2018 Phase II: (Internship): June – August 2018 (10 Weeks) Application Period Starts: 18 September – 1 December 2018 To Apply: Email
Roadmap - Phase I and II Phase I (Mentorship): Phase I occurs from January to April 2018 During Phase I participating students will be attending their respective HBCU/MI and will not receive a financial stipend. While students attend their respective HBCU/MI, SPAWAR cyber experts provide a combination of onsite and remote mentorship, cyber workshops and guest lectures to computer science, computer engineering students attending participating HBCU/MI that are interested in pursuing cyber careers
Roadmap - Phase I and II Phase II (Internship) Phase II occurs from June to August 2018 Students selected to become interns must be U.S. citizens and must be eligible for a DoD security clearance Interns will be directly involved in cybersecurity and information assurance research projects that enable the cyber mission force through current analysis methodologies, training, and research & development of new IA tools Interns will be eligible to receive: - Financial stipend of $8,100; housing subsidy, and travel allowance - Based on the needs of SPAWAR, interns may be selected to work at one of the participating SPAWAR facilities identified below: - SSC Pacific – San Diego, CA - SSC Pacific – Hawaii - Pearl City, HI - SSC Pacific – Philadelphia, PA - SSC Atlantic – Charleston, SC - SSC Atlantic – Norfolk, VA
Application Process Key Dates: - Application Period: 18 September – 1 December 2017 - Phase I (Mentorship): 8 January – 13 April 2018 - Phase II (Internship): 4 June – 10 August 2018 - Apply at: Internship Required Items: - U.S. Citizenship Required (Eligible for a DoD security clearance) - Computer science, Computer Engineering, Cyber related major - Minimum GPA 3.0 - Official Transcript - 2 Letters of Recommendations - Resume - Essay (475 – 500 words) Topic: Describe a cyber project that you were heavily involved in and the role that you played
Points of Contact Primary: Program Manager, DoN HBCU/MI Cybersecurity/ IA Program: R. Maurice Civers (Office) 215-214-8056, (email) Program Technical Director, DoN HBCU/MI Cybersecurity Program William Littleton (Office) 843-300-9299, (email) Cybersecurity Analyst, DoN HBCU/MI Cybersecurity Program Alana Hagofsky (Office) 215-214-8038, (email) Alternate: Program Director, Department of the Navy HBCU/MI Programs Anthony Smith (Office) 703-696-4590, (email) Division Head, SSC Pacific – Integrated C2I Engineering Division Bruce Waldron (Office) 215-214-8100, (email)