Atoms and molecules form solids by building repeating patterns.
Types of Solids Crystalline Amorphous
Types of Solids Crystalline Crystalline solids are solids that have a hard shape. The shape is because the atoms and molecules form a repeating structure. Examples: diamond, sugar, salt, quartz
Crystalline Solids
Crystalline Solids
Crystalline Solids
What if we could see the structure of salt?
What if we could see the structure of other crystalline solids?
Crystalline Solids: Summary The shape of one piece of the pattern determines the shape of the large material. That’s why you can get different shapes like diamonds, square crystals, and quartz crystals.
Types of Solids Amorphous Amorphous solids have a shape, but you can squish them and change their shape.
Types of Solids Amorphous Amorphous solids have a shape, but you can squish them and change their shape. Examples: tires, rubber bands, cotton candy, candle wax, and Glurch!
Amorphous Solids
Amorphous Solids
Amorphous Solids
What if we could see the structure?
What if we could see the structure?
Amorphous Solids: Summary Amorphous solids are made of long chains of molecules that are arranged in a pattern. The chains can get stretched out or squished together. This is why you can change the shape of an amorphous solid!