Examen de ropa, números, cultura y verbos
Please write the test on your own paper. Write the information down so you can go back to it.
Questions 1-6 you will conjugate verbs.
1. Conjugate one of the following verbs Hablar Cantar Bailar
2. Conjugate one of the following verbs Comprender Comer Beber
3- Conjugate one of the following verbs Vivir Abrir Sufrir
4, 5, 6. Conjugate any 3 of the following verbs Poder o-ue Volver o-ue Mostrar o-ue Querer e-ie Cerrar e-ie Pensar e-ie
7, 8, 9, Write a complete sentence in Spanish telling three items of clothing a person is wearing. Use the verb llevar.
Write the following numbers in digital form. 10.Cuatrocientos noventa y seis 11.Ochocientos treinta y siete 12.Ciento veintiuno 13.Setecientos cuarenta y tres 14.Novecientos ocho 15.Trescientos diecinueve
17 ¿Cómo se dice Semana Santa en inglés?
19-21Write three facts about Semana Santa.
Turn you papers in.