Fab At 40 Debbie Cook – Chief Executive
The Beginning 1976 Huge thanks to Dr Allan Dixon and all our Founder Members for their foresight 1980 Fergus Rogers appointed as first NASS Director
NASS Information The first patient symposia was held in 1978 The first NASS Guidebook was produced in 1982
The Early Years Key moments include 1978 First Patient Symposia 1981 Dr Allan Dixon interviewed on Radio 4 ‘Medicine Now’ 1982 First branches formed 1989 Production of the Fight Back video 1992 2 day International Scientific Meeting, London ‘HLA B27, 20 years on’ (Dr Calin and Dr Ebringer) 1996 First NASS Website produced by Ken Burrell 1998 Dora Bryan talks AS on Radio 4 ‘This Week’s Good Cause’
The Noughties Back to Action (the book) launched NASS enters social media with our Facebook page New website launched Looking Ahead launched First patient and unit survey carried out
More recently...... NASS Helpline launches Back to Action – the App GP education project reaching over 25,000 GPs, physios, chiropractors, osteopaths NASS Research priorities & fund Patient Survey of 2013 leads to successful Parliamentary ‘AS it is’ campaign Successful parliamentary events in England, Scotland and Wales Patient Conferences in Northern Ireland and Scotland AS and You newly diagnosed conferences Back Pain Plus
NASS Helpline Officially launched in 2011 020 8741 1515 – Mon–Fri – 0900–1200 Medication, benefits (supporting letters), diagnosis, exercise Supported by Medical Advisory Board
Our wonderful NASS Branches 93 branches across UK – opened Derry, Euston and Wrexham in past 3 months Meet for supervised physiotherapy and hydrotherapy sessions Most meet in hospital gyms and hydro pools ‘NASS Near You’ webpage
Benefits of NASS branches
The journey continues...... RCGP e-learning project ‘Young NASS’ to launch Care co-ordinating plan Back to Action App re-launch Patient Choice Awards
Thank you for your support! @NASSchiefexec debbie@nass.co.uk Justgiving.com/Debbie-Cook40