American Revolution Objective: Understand the economic, political, social and reasons for the American Revolution
Seeds of Rebellion # 1 Explain how each of these was a cause for an eventual declaration of American independence: Mercantilism Navigation Acts Salutary Neglect Colonial self –government French and Indian War (Seven Years’ War) 1754-1761 (officially ended in 1763- Treaty of Paris) Proclamation of 1763
Revolution Review #2 List 3 examples of growing tensions and conflict #3 List 3 examples of organized resistance #4 How had fighting erupted at Lexington and Concord? What effect did it have? # 5 Why were Americans reluctant to declare their independence at first? #6 What finally led to a Declaration of Independence? When? #7 Summarize the main beliefs of the Loyalists and Patriots.
Arguments for Independence # 8 Read each of the following slides, Then give a one-sentence summary of the FOUR most influential slides in your notes. # 9 After you have finished reading and summarizing each, write a paragraph stating which argument you believed was the best given for Americans to declare their independence from Britain.
Argument 1 Damn the king and damn Parliament! They are responsible for our suffering! Our fathers and brothers have died at their hands. They have taken our property and destroyed our homes! Too long have we been bound to the vile country called Britain. Now we must take a stand.
Argument 2 Any thoughts of gratefulness or commitment to Britain are mislaid. Britain has never protected our interests. They care only for their welfare. Thomas Paine wrote in Common Sense, “We have boasted the protection of Great Britain without considering that her motive was interest, not attachment.” If our colonies did not benefit them, do you think that they would be trying so hard to keep us under their control? They are using us to collect their riches and what do we get in return? Nothing! The regulations on trade were intended only to enrich Britain. Without Britain’s laws, we could trade with whomever we pleased. With that freedom our economy could skyrocket. We could import goods from any country in the world and other countries would be lining up to get a hold of a piece of our trade.
Argument 3 John Locke has pointed out that we all have the right to life, liberty, and the security of property. The British have slaughtered our citizens, won’t allow us the freedom to choose what we’re taxed on, and are telling us where on this land we can and can’t move. They haven’t given us any of our natural rights. So what do we owe them? The Proclamation of 1763 forbids us from moving past the Appalachians. But our population is growing! We are thriving here! And we need that room to grow. This land has no boundaries. By what natural right should the British place boundaries on us? They do not know this country like we do. How do they know how to control it?
Argument 4 Britain has been unfair to us all. We have been taxed on probably everything that Parliament can think of. We have had absolutely no say in what ours laws will be. We have the right to be heard! No taxation without representation! Our laws should be what we want them to be! We’re the ones affected by them!
Argument 5 Britain has been holding us back. This country has potential. Our vast lands would attract people from all over Europe. We could create relationships with the countries of our choice. We don’t have the same feelings of resentment towards their opponents from distant wars that we had no part of.
Argument 6 “…As Britain hath not manifested the least inclination towards a compromise, we may be assured that no terms can be obtained worthy the acceptance of the continent, or in any ways equal to the expense of blood and treasure we have already put in.” As Thomas Paine so wisely said, we have already put in the effort for an agreement between the two of us. But, we have been rejected. The king never gave a second glance towards the Olive Branch Petition. Our offerings of peace were ignored by your “faultless” king.
Argument 7 Now, who of you among us doubts our success? Who of you question our ability to win? I assure you that Britain no longer doubts the determination and strength of our loyal citizens. They can not forget the Battle of Bunker Hill so quickly. Also, Britain does not have money to finance another war. Why do you think they are taxing us so? They will run out of resources. We have the advantage. If Britain wants news of the war, then they have to wait months for a ship to reach them with it, and by then the news will have changed. Whereas we will know what’s happening, when it’s happening. Furthermore, Britain’s enemies would delight in supporting our cause. France will not miss an opportunity in weakening their enemy. There is word that the French have already sent aid.
Argument 8 We can win this war! We can achieve independence! If we don’t stand up now, who knows what the British will do? They have already massacred the farmers of Lexington. You could be next. To hell with the king! Let us go out there and declare our independence! To freedom!
Write Paragraph Reminder, # 9: Which was the best argument for American declaration for independence and why?