6th Grade Social Studies Unit 6, Lesson 5: Why Do Nations Trade?
Why do we usually use money instead of trading goods for goods?
Different Kinds of Currency. Dreamstime Different Kinds of Currency. Dreamstime. 21 January 2015 <http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/international-currency-banknotes-different-world-countries-30003776.jpg>.
Is global trade something new????? Give evidence for your answer.
Sherratt, Andrew. Trade Routes: Growth of Global Trade. Archatlas Sherratt, Andrew. Trade Routes: Growth of Global Trade. Archatlas. 21 January 2015<http://www.archatlas.org/Trade/Trade.php?Reload=Reload>.
How has trade changed????? Volume Geographic range Complexity Diversity TRADE
How has trade changed????? Speed Volume Geographic range Complexity Diversity TRADE
How has trade changed????? Speed Volume Geographic range Complexity Diversity TRADE
How has trade changed????? Speed Volume Geographic range Complexity Diversity TRADE
How has trade changed????? Speed Volume Geographic range Diversity
How has trade changed????? Speed Volume Geographic range Diversity Complexity TRADE
What has caused these changes?????
What has caused these changes????? Improvements in Communication
What has caused these changes????? Improvements in Communication Improvements in Transportation
Container Ship used in Global Trade “Germany: CTA Handles Its First 13,000 TEU Ship.” World Maritime News. 21 January 2015 <http://worldmaritimenews.com/archives/51942/germany-cta-handles-its-first-13000-teu-ship/>. Container Ship used in Global Trade 1 TEU (Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit)
Kremer, William. “How much bigger can container ships get Kremer, William. “How much bigger can container ships get?” BBC News Magazine. 21 January 2015 <http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-21432226>.
What are the top 5 trading partners of the U.S.? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Top Trading Partners. Foreign Trade. U.S. Census Bureau. 21 January 2015<http://www.census.gov/foreign trade/statistics/>.
What are the top 5 trading partners of the U.S.? 1. Canada 2. 3. 4. 5. Top Trading Partners. Foreign Trade. U.S. Census Bureau. 21 January 2015 <http://www.census.gov/foreign trade/statistics/>.
What are the top 5 trading partners of the U.S.? 1. Canada 2. China 3. 4. 5. Top Trading Partners. Foreign Trade. U.S. Census Bureau. 21 January 2015 <http://www.census.gov/foreign trade/statistics/>.
What are the top 5 trading partners of the U.S.? 1. Canada 2. China 3. Mexico 4. 5. Top Trading Partners. Foreign Trade. U.S. Census Bureau. 21 January 2015 <http://www.census.gov/foreign trade/statistics/>.
What are the top 5 trading partners of the U.S.? 1. Canada 2. China 3. Mexico 4. Japan 5. Top Trading Partners. Foreign Trade. U.S. Census Bureau. 21 January 2015 <http://www.census.gov/foreign trade/statistics/>.
What are the top 5 trading partners of the U.S.? 1. Canada 2. China 3. Mexico 4. Japan 5. Germany Top Trading Partners. Foreign Trade. U.S. Census Bureau. 21 January 2015 <http://www.census.gov/foreign trade/statistics/>.
What export do you think this shows? Cereals Exports. World Mapper. 21 January 2015 <http://worldmapper.org/images/largepng/47.png>. What export do you think this shows?
Cereals (wheat, rice, barley and corn) Cereals Exports. World Mapper. 21 January 2015 <http://worldmapper.org/images/largepng/47.png>. Cereals (wheat, rice, barley and corn)
What are other major U.S. exports?
Civilian aircraft, engines, equipment, and parts 105,547,180 Fuel oil 64,344,343 Petroleum products, other 61,014,197 Passenger cars, new and used 56,097,345 Other parts and accessories of vehicles 54,645,906 Industrial machines, other 48,803,393 Pharmaceutical preparations 47,937,979 Semiconductors 42,580,142 Electric apparatus 40,137,919 Telecommunications equipment 39,710,737 Plastic materials 36,174,271 Chemicals-organic 35,422,761 Medicinal equipment 34,086,563 Nonmonetary gold 33,406,928 Minimum value shipments 32,130,566 Computer accessories 31,362,045 Chemicals-other 30,378,192 Industrial engines 29,199,903 Measuring, testing, control instruments 24,751,304 Other industrial supplies 24,681,324 Other household goods 23,593,730 Soybeans 22,876,737 Gem diamonds 20,909,157 Trucks, buses and special purpose vehicles 20,736,458 Finished metal shapes 20,206,347 Meat, poultry, etc. 18,463,541 Computers 16,690,431 Engines and engine parts (carburetors, pistons, etc.) 16,467,626 Materials handling equipment 15,294,161 Excavating machinery 14,714,628 Generators, accessories 14,180,613 Newsprint 13,377,396 Other foods 12,862,322 Drilling & oilfield equipment 12,247,606 Jewelry, etc 11,763,202 Toiletries and cosmetics 11,309,941 Iron and steel mill products 11,116,258 Photo, service industry machinery 11,072,465 Laboratory testing instruments 10,979,867 Wheat 10,686,675 U.S. Exports to the World. U.S. Census Bureau. 21 January 2015 <http://www.census.gov/foreign-trade/statistics/product/enduse/exports/c0000.html>.
Why Do Countries Export? More goods are being produced than a country needs. Goods can be sold to other countries at higher prices than those if sold domestically. Goods can be sold in order to earn foreign currency which can be used to purchase imports. Selling exports can increase levels of employment.
Why Do Countries Export? More goods are being produced than a country needs. Goods can be sold to other countries at higher prices than those if sold domestically. Goods can be sold in order to earn foreign currency which can be used to purchase imports. Selling exports can increase levels of employment.
Why Do Countries Export? More goods are being produced than a country needs. Goods can be sold to other countries at higher prices than if sold domestically. Goods can be sold in order to earn foreign currency which can be used to purchase imports. Selling exports can increase levels of employment.
Why Do Countries Export? More goods are being produced than a country needs. Goods can be sold to other countries at higher prices than if sold domestically. Goods can be sold in order to earn foreign currency which can be used to purchase imports. Selling exports can increase levels of employment.
Why Do Countries Export? More goods are being produced than a country needs. Goods can be sold to other countries at higher prices than if sold domestically. Goods can be sold in order to earn foreign currency which can be used to purchase imports. Selling exports can increase levels of employment.
What imported good do you think this shows? Clothing Imports Cartogram. World Mapper. 21 January 2015 <http://worldmapper.org/images/largepng/84.png>. What imported good do you think this shows?
Clothing Imports Cartogram. World Mapper Clothing Imports Cartogram. World Mapper. 21 January 2015 <http://worldmapper.org/images/largepng/84.png>. Clothing
What countries are big exporters of clothing? Clothing Exports Cartogram. World Mapper. 21 January 2015 <http://www.worldmapper.org/display.php?selected=83>.
We import clothes because we aren’t capable of making clothes in the U We import clothes because we aren’t capable of making clothes in the U.S. Agree or disagree? Explain your answer.
Bangladesh vs. the U. S. : How much does it cost to make a denim shirt Bangladesh vs. the U.S.: How much does it cost to make a denim shirt? CNN. 21 January 2015 <http://www.cnn.com/2013/05/02/world/asia/bangladesh-us-tshirt/index.html?sr=sharebar_google>.
What are other major U.S. imports?
IMPORT Toy Imports. World Mapper. 21 January 2015 <http://worldmapper.org/images/largepng/58.png>.
IMPORT Toy Imports. World Mapper. 21 January 2015 <http://worldmapper.org/images/largepng/58.png>. Toy Exports Cartogram. World Mapper. 21 January 2015 <http://worldmapper.org/images/largepng/57.png>. EXPORT
IMPORT Toy Imports. World Mapper. 21 January 2015 <http://worldmapper.org/images/largepng/58.png>. EXPORT Toys
IMPORT Car Imports Cartogram. World Mapper. 21 January 2015 <http://worldmapper.org/images/largepng/78.png>.
IMPORT Car Imports Cartogram. World Mapper. 21 January 2015 <http://worldmapper.org/images/largepng/78.png>. Car Exports Cartogram. World Mapper. 21 January 2015 <http://worldmapper.org/images/largepng/77.png>. Toy Exports Cartogram. World Mapper. 21 January 2015 <http://worldmapper.org/images/largepng/57.png>. EXPORT
IMPORT Car Imports Cartogram. World Mapper. 21 January 2015 <http://worldmapper.org/images/largepng/78.png>. Car Exports Cartogram. World Mapper. 21 January 2015 <http://worldmapper.org/images/largepng/77.png>. Toy Exports Cartogram. World Mapper. 21 January 2015 <http://worldmapper.org/images/largepng/57.png>. EXPORT Cars
IMPORT Electronics Imports. World Mapper. 21 January 2015 <http://worldmapper.org/images/largepng/90.png>.
IMPORT Electronics Imports. World Mapper. 21 January 2015 <http://worldmapper.org/images/largepng/90.png>. Electronics Exports. World Mapper. 21 January 2015 <http://worldmapper.org/images/largepng/89.png>. EXPORT
Electronics IMPORT EXPORT Electronics Imports. World Mapper. 21 January 2015 <http://worldmapper.org/images/largepng/90.png>. Electronics Exports. World Mapper. 21 January 2015 <http://worldmapper.org/images/largepng/89.png>. EXPORT Electronics
Crude oil 272,465,752 Passenger cars, new and used 152,667,969 Other parts and accessories 92,002,958 Other (clocks, port typewriters, oth household gds 90,187,110 Medicinal, dental and pharmaceutical preparations 84,042,277 Computers 64,667,781 Computer accessories, peripherals and parts 56,491,001 Telecommunications equipment 54,383,226 U.S. goods returned, and reimports 51,843,082 Apparel and household goods-cotton 48,647,938 Other petroleum products 48,401,548 Other industrial machinery 47,232,350 Electric apparatus and parts, n.e.c. 45,693,624 Fuel oil 44,295,244 Apparel and household goods-other textiles 41,869,808 Semiconductors and related devices 41,448,071 Toys, shooting and sporting goods, and bicycles 33,255,146 Other scientific, medical and hospital equipment 32,500,950 Other (boxes, belting, glass, abrasives, etc.) 29,229,469 Television receivers, vcr's & other video equip. 28,759,355 Furniture, household items, baskets 27,578,036 Engines and engine parts 26,392,911 Industrial organic chemicals 26,381,402 Complete and assembled 25,334,707 Gem diamonds-uncut or unset 23,401,040 Household and kitchen appliances 23,386,832 Industrial engines, pumps, compressors & generators 22,046,309 Generators, transformers, and accessories 21,208,265 Footwear of leather, rubber, or other materials 19,525,866 Measuring, testing and control instruments 18,784,036 Iron and steel mill products-semi-finished 18,106,668 Fish and shellfish 17,936,163 Engines for civilian aircraft 17,302,492 Finished metal shapes & advanced manuf, except steel 16,841,855 Photo and service industry machinery & trade tools 16,384,550 Nonmonetary gold 15,911,048 Fertilizers, pesticides, and insecticides 15,471,591 Parts for civilian aircraft 15,319,604 Plastic materials 15,318,267 Other products (notions, writing and art supplies) 13,928,131 Civilian aircraft, complete-all types 13,752,811 U.S. Imports. U.S. Census Bureau. 21 January 2015 <http://www.census.gov/foreign-trade/statistics/product/enduse/imports/c0000.html>.
Buy American Logos. Word Press. 21 January 2015 <http://rixxblog
Why Do Countries Import? A country wants goods that are essential but not available in the domestic market. A country wants goods that are highly desired but not available in the domestic market. A country wants goods that can be produced cheaper or more efficiently by another country. levels of employment.
Why Do Countries Import? Countries want goods that are essential but not available in the domestic market.. A country wants goods that are highly desired but not available in the domestic market. A country wants goods that can be produced cheaper or more efficiently by another country. levels of employment.
Why Do Countries Import? Countries want goods that are essential but not available in the domestic market.. Countries want goods that are highly desired but not available in the domestic market. A country wants goods that can be produced cheaper or more efficiently by another country. levels of employment.
Why Do Countries Import? Countries want goods that are essential but not available in the domestic market.. Countries want goods that are highly desired but not available in the domestic market. Countries want goods that can be produced cheaper or more efficiently by another country.
Made in Cambodia Label. Flickr. 21 January 2015 <https://www.flickr.com/photos/cambodia4kidsorg/74486342/>.
How has trade changed????? Speed Volume Geographic range Diversity Complexity TRADE
Where do you think Levi’s Jeans are made? ACTIVITY Where do you think Levi’s Jeans are made?
ACTIVITY All Levi’s jeans are made outside America with one exception -- a single line of jeans produced at a factory called “White Oak” in Greensboro, North Carolina.
ACTIVITY From fiber to fashion: Unzipping the apparel global value chain.” Asian International Economists Network. 5 July 2013. 21 January 2015 <http://aienetwork.org/infographic/12/from-fiber-to-fashion-unzipping-the-apparel-global-value-chain>.
From fiber to fashion: Unzipping the apparel global value chain From fiber to fashion: Unzipping the apparel global value chain.” Asian International Economists Network. 5 July 2013. 21 January 2015 <http://aienetwork.org/infographic/12/from-fiber-to-fashion-unzipping-the-apparel-global-value-chain>.
Property of Oakland Schools Property of Oakland Schools Author: Carol Egbo Editor: Amy Bloom Copyright © 2010-2015 Oakland Schools Property of Oakland Schools Author: Carol Egbo Editor: Amy Bloom