What do we expect of the president? What can he actually do? The Presidency What do we expect of the president? What can he actually do?
Here’s what we are doing: In groups collect information on subtopic From the book From recent events Make poster for your topic Presentations next class
Collecting information Read through your assigned section and complete worksheet. Additionally, gather details and examples that are useful in understanding your topic Come up with at least 4 relevant examples: At least 1 from President Trump, at least 1 example from President Obama, the rest can be from other presidents Find one video clip (max 3 min) that relates in a significant way to your topic. Email it to Ms. Summerville Brainstorm images for a poster. Must have at least 3 images Design a rough draft the poster’s organization and layout on a regular sheet of paper On the back of that paper, come up with 3 questions for students to answer after they have examined your poster Show this to Ms. Summerville to start your poster
Next time: Your group will present the poster and clip, while the class takes notes and asks questions.
Presentations Presenters Learners Topic title 4-6 notes Clearly and effectively convey large concepts Teach vocabulary and use vocabulary Describe how examples relate Introduce clip and explain clip Answer questions Topic title 4-6 notes All relevant vocabulary 2 examples Any other significant detail