You Will Succeed Only if you choose too! All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them. ~Walt Disney
Get Organized and Stay That Way! Make use of your daily planner by filling it out after every class! Open up your planner right now and lets put in some important dates to remember this semester! Be as detailed as possible!
Organization Tips ! Use Technology! Use your phones or computers at home in order to keep track of important due dates such as projects or written papers. You can even set the setting so you will be notified and/or reminded early ! Create a checklist of things that need to be accomplished. It feels good to cross things off the list! Take advantage of that feeling ! So if you have one big task break it down into smaller parts. Some days your checklist will be small and other days your list will be big. Focus on one task at a time then cross it off !
Get Organized and Stay That Way! Keep your backpack clean! Choose a day of the week that you clean out your backpack and organize your papers for school.
Get Organized and Stay That Way! Keep separate folders, notebooks, and/or sections of a binder for each subject/class you are in. Accordian folders. Pocket folders. Notebooks Dividers NOTE: folder and such do not have to be just for core subjects, maybe you want to make one that says “Parent Signatures”.
Have control of your education! Check this list of things often if not nightly: PowerSchool School Website Syllabus Planner Notes
Study Groups Sometimes it is easier to study with someone else. Create a study group to meet with after school. Make Note Cards . Share Classroom notes . Explain topics and ideas to each other. Quiz each other.
Never Get Discouraged You are very smart and owning your own education is the first step to achieving your goals. Come to school Be responsible for your actions Take Risks, make mistakes, and learn from them. Try Again We are always here to help you !