Tips for Inserting Graphs or Images Tips for Title/Headers Bar Color Note: Skip the following procedure if your graphs were created in PowerPoint®, Illustrator (eps file) or Excel. Image checking procedure: After you insert the image (72 dpi screen resolution) and resize* to fit, right click on it and select Format Picture. When the pop-up window comes up, click on size and check the scale. The image will print better if its width and height scale is at 25% or lower (20% or 10%, etc.) If the scale of the image is higher than 25%, try to replace it with a larger size (more dpi, e.g. 300dpi) image if possible. (Note: This should not be done by manually stretching the image to a larger size.) If the resolution of the image is 300 dpi or higher (400 or 600 dpi), then check to make sure its scale is not higher than 100%. *To resize an image – Click on the image, hold the Shift key down and drag the bottom right corner to resize the image in proportion. (Delete this box when inserting your text or image. This is only a reminder.) Decompressive Craniectomy in Patients Suffering Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage Insert your Logos Insert your Logos E. TSIANAKA , C. GATOS , T. GIANNIS and K. FOUNTAS University of Thessaly, University Hospital of Larisa, Department of Neurosurgery, Larisa, Greece Results In a total of 35 patients, 28 (80%) were male and 7 (20%) female. Age ranged from 23 to 70 years, with a mean of 51, 5 years. The observed 30-day survival rate was 51,4%. However, none of the patients in our cohort had GOS score of 5, and only 4 patients (22,2%) had a GOS score of 4. Analysis of our results demonstrated that there was statistically significant correlation between the 30-day survival and the pre-intubation GCS, the GOS and the pre-intubation GCS, as well as between the GOS and the presence of an abnormal clotting profile. Introduction Surgical management of spontaneous, supratentorial, intracerebral hemorrhage (ssICH) constitutes a challenge. Survival rate as well as, morbidity, quality of life, and long-term overall management cost are important parameters in the evaluation of the efficacy of any surgical intervention in these patients. DISCUSSION ssICH is a brain pathology causing high morbidity and mortality, with only 38% of patients survive after the first year. [1] Our results agree with the general rule of better initial GCS leads to improved outcome. [2] Affected coagulated mechanism is associated with increasing morbidity in patients suffering ssICH. [3] In our study is identified that affected coagulated mechanism is a bad prognostic factor for the 30 -days outcome of patients suffering ssICH, who underwent craniectomy. Objectives The purpose of our current study is to analyze the 30-day survival of ssICH patients undergoing decompressive craniectomy (DC), and their Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) score, upon discharge. Conclusion Pre–intubation GCS score is of great importance in order to predict 30-day survival and GOS score. Interestingly, patients with a normal clotting profile tended in our cohort to have a better 30-day GOS score. Tips for Title/Headers Bar Color How to change the background color for the poster title and headers: Right click on the bar and select Format Autoshape. When the pop-up window comes up, select your color under “Fill” and then “Color” menu. For more effects select Fill Effects under the Color option. (Delete this box when inserting your text or image. This is only a reminder.) MATERIAL & Methods Our study, covering a period of four years (2012-2015), is a prospective analysis of patients with ssICH, undergoing DC. Demographic data, pre-intubation Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score, laterality of hemorrhage, pre- and post-operative CT scans, midline shift, intraventricular expansion of hemorrhage, clotting profile, craniectomy dimensions, 30-day survival and GOS score were recorded. Statistical analysis was performed with IBM SPSS v.22 software package. References Taylor TN, Davis PH, Torner JC. Projected number of strokes by subtypes in the year 2050 in the United States. Stroke. 1998;29:322. Ghani ARI, Kalappurakkal JTJ, Idris Z, Ghazali MM, Murshid NL, Musa KI. Functional Outcome at 6 months in surgical treatment of spontaneous Supratentorial Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Malays J Med Sci. 2008 Oct; 15(4). 3. Sjoblom L, Hardemark HG, Lindgren A, Norrving B, Fahlen M, Samuelsson M, Stingendal L, Stockelberg D, Taghavi A, Wallrup L, Wallvik J,. Management and prognostic features of intracerebral hemorrhage during anticoagulant therapy: a Swedish multicenter study. Stroke. 2001 Nov; 32(11): 2567-74. Tips for Excel Charts Copy and paste your Excel chart. The chart can be stretched to fit as required. If you need to edits parts of the chart, we recommend you edit the original chart in Excel, then re- paste the new chart. (Delete this box when inserting your text or image. This is only a reminder.) CONTACT INFORMATION Tsianaka Eleni MD Department of Neurosurgery, University Hospital of Larisa, Larisa, Greece. Tel. +302413502101 E-mail: