Operations & Administration Committee | February 16, 2017 CHAIR REPORT
EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT REPORT February 16, 2017 Justin T. Augustine, III
Operations Report January 2017 February 16, 2017
Operations January 2017 Accidents BUS – 17 Traffic Accidents/ 5 requiring retraining 0.99 Preventable accidents per 100,000 miles STREETCAR – 12 Traffic Accidents/ 4 requiring retraining 3.49 Preventable accidents per 100,000 miles LIFT – 3 Traffic Accidents/ 1 requiring retraining 0.91 Preventable accidents per 100,000 miles
January 2017 Accident Map Report (Fixed, Streetcar, and Paratransit) Bus January 2017 Accident Map Report (Fixed, Streetcar, and Paratransit)
Passengers Per Revenue Hour YTD Passengers Per Revenue Hour System Usage January 2017 Mode Passengers Per Revenue Hour YTD Passengers Per Revenue Hour Bus 23.05 Streetcar 35.55 Paratransit 1.81 TOTAL 23.29
On-Time Performance January 2017 61% of all lines experienced detours or service interruptions, 24 service disruptions, including 15 short-term and 7 long-term detours affected service in September. January On Time Performance: Bus – 74.30% Streetcar - 76.74% Paratransit – 83.81%
On-Time Performance January 2017 Percentage Count On Time Late Early Total January Total 74.30% 17.30% 8.40% 68,113 50,639 11,786 5,688 Month without Jan 20-21 74.74% 16.89% 8.36% 62,985 47,078 10,640 5,267 Jan 2017 minus LT Detours 75.12% 16.85% 8.04% 53,772 40,391 9,058 4,323 Jan 2017 w/o LT Detours or Jan 20-21 75.71% 16.27% 8.02% 48,644 36,830 7,912 3,902 Jan 2017 minus ST detous 74.50% 17.12% 8.39% 64,372 47,956 11,018 5,399 Jan 2017 minus ST & LT Detours and Jan 20-21 76.05% 15.91% 8.05% 44,903 34,147 7,144 3,613
Service Disruptions: 2 Lines Short Term Detours: 15 Lines Long Term Detours: 7 Lines Customer Complaints for January 2017 - Driver-Pass Up - Driver-Attitude - Driver-Running Late - Other (Complaints)
Maintenance Statistics January 2017 MAINTENANCE Highlights and Analysis: Total number of in-service mechanical road calls for the month of January were Bus-48, Streetcar-3 and Paratransit-0. During the month of November the miles between mechanical failures system-wide were 14,249 miles. Mileage Road Calls MDBR by Mode Bus Mileage 502,575 48 10,470 Streetcar Mileage 114,596 3 38,199 Paratransit Mileage 109,532 0 109,532
Call Center Statistics January 2017 Average Time on Hold: 1 minute and 49 seconds Time to Close Complaint: 2.01 Average days to close 196 complaints Abandoned Calls: 10.60% JULY 2016 FIXED-ROUTE BUS STREETCAR PARATRANSIT OTHER TOTAL COMPLAINTS 159 14 6 17 196 VALIDATED COMPLAINTS 81 8 12 107 COMMENDATIONS 1 7 9
Paratransit & ADA Report
Paratransit Statistics January 2017 January 2017 Para-transit stats; Trips requested = 22,634 Trips Completed = 16,777 Total Passengers = 17,304 Total hours = 10,926 On-Time Performance 83.81% Trips Cancelled = 5854 Trips Denied = 0 Active Clients = 1,175 Larger than normal cancellations are due to closures for holiday subscription clients.
Paratransit Statistics January 2017 TOTAL REQUESTED TRIPS 22,634 TOTAL PERFORMED TRIPS 15,398 CANCELLATION % 25.86% No Shows 1,089 Cancelled at the Door 271 TOTAL NO SHOWS 1,360 Advance Cancellations 2,612 Same Day Cancellations 2,758 Late Cancellations 21 User Error Cancellations 86 Site Closure Subscription Cancellations 377 TOTAL CANCELLATIONS 5,854 Missed 19 MissedT TOTAL MISSED
ADA February Highlights 20,310 Trips requested, 15,035 completed Operations February 2017 ADA February Highlights 20,310 Trips requested, 15,035 completed 89,471 Individuals paid the 40 cent reduced fare and 3,699 ADA clients rode free on Fixed Route 1,651 persons in wheelchairs rode the system 7,02individuals places their bikes on buses There were six (6) items generated through LISTEN system this month: five complaints, and one commendation.
ADA Board Report February 2017 The ADA Office provided services to 610 individuals this month. Two hundred ninety (290) ID pictures were taken: 97 ADA/Paratransit, 78 senior, 99 Medicare replacement, and 16 fixed-route reduced fare cards. An additional 320 people came in for applications or information. The Eligibility section processed 127 ADA applications – approved 83, denied 12 and 32 applications are still being processed. Fixed Route received and processed 17 applications, and 74 ADA requests for applications were mailed. Paratransit Services had 20,310 trips requested, completed 15,035 and had an on-time performance of 83.34%. On fixed route, 89,471 individuals paid the 40 cent reduced fare and 3,699 ADA clients rode free. In addition, 1,651 persons in wheelchairs rode the system and another 7,202 individuals placed their bikes on the bus. Six items were submitted this month through the LISTEN system: five complaints and one commendation. Complaints were filed on late service, late service from Mel’s Transportation, safety issues and on another customer’s conduct on the vehicle.
At the request of several visually impaired members of the Lighthouse for the Blind workforce, a meeting was held March 7th at the Lighthouse facility – 123 State Street. Staff from RTA, MITS, and Mel’s transportation services participated in the session with approximately 35 individuals from the Lighthouse. Discussions regarding late service, scheduled pick-ups and potential changes in service ensued, as well as clarification of ADA Federal guidelines for paratransit service, the agency’s responsibilities and their responsibilities as clients. Issues were raised and a follow-up meeting will be held in the next two or three weeks. Participants included Steven Neal, Gary Jones, Silverine Ambeau, and Karen Wilson-Sider from RTA; Jimmy Pritchett from MITS; and Melissa Falls and Demon Williams from Mel’s.
Capital Projects Update STUDY / ANALYSIS / ASSESSMENT PROJECTS: Downtown Transit Center Alternative Analysis Water Leak Mitigations (A. Philip Randolph and ENO Facilities) Algiers Park and Ride Lighting Repair Assessment (FEMA) Facility Restoration Assessment
Capital Projects Update ENGINEERING PROJECTS (FOR FUTURE CONSTRUCTION): Ferry Project Ferry Terminal Badine St. Bus Terminal Riverfront Streetcar Upriver Connector Ferry Project – Passenger Ferry Vessels
Capital Projects Update ENGINEERING PROJECTS (FOR FUTURE CONSTRUCTION): Carrollton / Claiborne Special Track Replacement (St. Charles Streetcar Line) Riverfront Streetcar Line Special Track Replacement & Tamping Repaint Riverfront Streetcar Line OCS Poles Repair St. Charles Streetcar Line OCS Poles St. Charles Streetcar Line Downtown Loop Track Pavement Replacement A. Philip Randolph Facility - New SIS Inspection Pit Napoleon Facility Renovation A. Philip Randolph Facility – Electrical Modifications UPT Bus Canopy Lighting
Capital Projects Update CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS: Rampart / St. Claude Streetcar Expansion Carrollton Barn Renovation Cemeteries Transit Center Streetcar Expansion FUTURE PROJECTS UNDER EVALUATION: Streetcar Expansion – Riverfront to St. Claude & Elysian Fields to Press St. Howard Avenue Connector between Loyola and St. Charles Streetcar Lines
Canal/Algiers Point and Lower Algiers/Chalmette Ferry Routes Financial and Operations Report For the Period January 1, 2016 through January 31, 2017 February 14, 2017
Statement of Expenses and Revenues Ferry Operations Statement of Expenses and Revenues FEBRUARY 2017 Fiscal year 2017 JANUARY Total Expenses 652,444.94 Less Fares and Credits (107,020.81) Transdev Net Billing 545,424.13 FY 2016-17 LADOTD Ferry Subsidy 2,134,772.21 Less Ferry diesel fuel provided by RTA (12,747.96) RTA Ferry Grant Revenues 54,240.00 Less RTA Grant Expenses (67,800.00) Less Transdev’s Net March 2016 Billing (545,424.13) Balance of LADOTD Subsidy 1,563,040.12
January 1, 2016 through January 31, 2017 Ferry Operations RIDERSHIP February 14, 2017 January 1, 2016 through January 31, 2017 Algiers Point/Canal Street Lower Algiers/Chalmette Date Pedestrians Scooters Total Vehicles Jan-16 37,657 30 37,687 381 22,856 23,237 *Feb-16 75,696 (1) 69 75,765 397 26,536 26,933 Mar-16 46,971 97 47,068 359 27,479 27,838 Apr-16 77,303 (2) 81 77,384 280 23,824 24,104 May-16 52,729 90 52,819 405 27,787 28,192 Jun-16 50,095 (3) 80 50,175 420 26,738 27,158 Jul-16 56,231 (3)(4) 96 56,327 360 Aug-16 34,579 93 34,672 457 27,961 28,418 Sep-16 33,717 65 468 26,440 26,908 Oct-16 49,467 84 49,462 467 26,892 27,359 Nov-16 39,490 49 39,539 321 25,570 25,891 Dec-16 38,102 47 38,149 243 22,678 22,891 Jan-17 32,274 42 32,316 281 22,553 22,834 (1) Mardi Gras - Saturday, February 6, 2016 through Tuesday, February 9, 2016 33,733 (2) French Quarter Festival, Thursday April 7-10, 2016 (3) Wednesday's on the Point (June 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 and July 6) (4) July 4th Fireworks (5) Algiers Barn Fire & Concert (December 3, 2016) (6) New Year's Eve Fireworks on the River (December 31, 2016)
Marketing Communications Report
RTA Spring 2017 Campaign
RTA Spring 2017 Campaign
RTA Spring 2017 Campaign
RTA Spring 2017 Campaign
RTA Spring 2017 Campaign
RTA Spring 2017 Campaign On vehicles and shelters beginning February 2017 Complimentary begin running in broadcast and digital media March 1, 2017 Complimentary Earned Media, Social Media, and community engagement campaigns launching March 2017
RTA Valentine’s Day 2017 RTA spent the day spreading love this February 14 with Operator “Wayne the Love Train” aka Wayne Nelson, spoken word artist and motivational speaker in his free time . Marketing partnered with WBOK to broadcast live and interview riders about their Valentine’s Day plans and how RTA was involved.
RTA Mardi Gras 2017 Details on parade detours are available at www.norta.com on a dedicated page helping riders navigate during this busy time. Mardi Gras Rider’s Guides are distributed to community aboard buses, at hotels, libraries, and other partner agencies including jazzy pass vendors and to concierges wh0m we met with at their monthly meeting last week. An active social media campaign is underway to assist riders and remind them to; Plan extra travel tme Buy passes in advance via GoMobile Choose RTA for all their transportation needs.
Cleaner, Smarter Transit. THE END @NewOrleansRTA