Preparing for the World of Work Chapter 17 Preparing for the World of Work
17:1 Developing Job-Keeping Skills Must develop good characteristics to be a good employee Use correct grammar at all times Report to work on time and when scheduled Be prepared to work when you arrive Practice teamwork (continues)
Developing Job-Keeping Skills (continued) Promote a positive attitude Accept responsibility for your actions Be willing to learn Without good job-keeping skills, no amount of knowledge will help you keep a job
17:2 Writing a Cover Letter and Preparing a Résumé Job seeking: Evaluate your abilities Decide on the type of job Explore job sources Identify places of employment Prepare to apply for the position (continues)
Writing a Cover Letter and Preparing a Résumé (continued) Purpose of a cover letter is to obtain an interview Must create a good impression Well organized If possible, address letter to the correct individual
Cover Letter Format Usually contains 3–4 paragraphs Paragraph one contents Paragraph two contents Paragraph three contents Paragraph four contents PARAGRAPH 1 – state your purpose for writing letter / express interest in position you are applying / state where you saw posting PARAGRAPH 2 – state why you believe you are qualified for position / why you want to work for employer PARAGRAPH 3 – state that a resume is included / draw attention to 1-2 important features on your resume PARAGRAPH 4 – close letter with a request for an interview / state contact information / include thank you for considering your application
Résumé Record of information Thorough, concise summary Basic information for the employer Computer printed or typed and attractive in appearance Format for résumé can vary References are separate and not part of the résumé (continues)
Résumé (continued) Honesty is always the best policy List all information before preparing your résumé Keep résumé to one page Use correct size envelope Same stationery for cover letter, résumé, envelope, and references
Parts of a Résumé Personal identification Employee objective, job desired, or career goal Educational background Work or employment experience Skills Other activities
Career Passports or Portfolios Professional way to highlight your knowledge, abilities, and skills Allows for presentation in an organized and efficient manner Introductory letter Résumé Skill list and competency level Letters of recommendation Copies of work evaluations (continues)
Career Passports or Portfolios (continued) Documentation of mastering job-keeping skills Organize information in a neat binder or portfolio Use tab dividers to separate into organized sections Use correct grammar and punctuation on all written information Effort will pay off at interview (continues)
17:3 Completing Job Application Forms Used by employers to collect specific information Vary between employers Most request similar information Read entire form first before completing information (continues)
Completing Job Application Forms (continued) Have all required information when you go to an interview Basic principles for completing application forms Wallet card Remember, employers use application forms as a screening tool BASIC PRINCIPLES FOR COMPLETING APPLICATION FORMS – SEE PAGE 538 IN TEXTBOOK
17:4 Participating in a Job Interview Usually last step before getting or being denied a particular job You have been selected based on your résumé and/or application Purposes of interview Careful preparation is needed Careful attention to the date and time of interview PURPOSES – PROVIDE THE OPPORTUNITY TO EVALUTE YOU IN PERSON, OBTAIN ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, AND SEE WHETHER YOU MEET JOB QUALIFICATIONS ALLOWS EMPLOYER TO TELL YOU ABOUT THE POSITION IN MORE DETAIL (continues)
Participating in a Job Interview (continued) Dress appropriately Check entire appearance Leave early for the interview Points to remember during interview Send a follow-up note or letter after the interview POINTS TO REMEMBER DURING INTERVIEW – SEE PAGE 540 – 541 IN TEXTBOOK (continues)
Participating in a Job Interview (continued) Many difficult questions can be asked during an interview Federal law prohibits discrimination in regard to age, cultural or ethnic background, marital status, parenthood, religion, race, or sex You may be asked to provide proof of eligibility to work
17:5 Determining Net Income Income: money you are earning that is available to you Amount you earn and amount you spend may vary Gross income Net income GROSS INCOME – TOTAL AMOUNT OF MONEY EARNED BEFORE DEDUCTIONS HAVE BEEN TAKEN OUT OF PAY NET INCOME – “TAKE HOME PAY”, MONEY AVAILABLE TO YOU AFTER ALL PAYROLL DEDUCITONS HAVE BEEN TAKEN OUT. (continues)
Determining Net Income (continued) Calculation of gross income Calculation of net income Calculation of net monthly pay Essential to calculate your net income: Know what amount of money you have to spend Determine your lifestyle Manage your money more effectively
17:6 Calculating a Budget Budget is an itemized list of living expenses Must be realistic to be effective Types of expenses: fixed and variable Way to calculate a budget using percentage ranges Incorporate savings into a budget Calculating monthly payments FIXED – rent, house payments, utilities, food, car payment, insurance payments VARIABLE – entertainment, clothing, donations, etc. (continues)
Calculating a Budget (continued) Important that budget amounts do not exceed amount of net monthly income Final step is to live by your budget Creation of a budget leads to careful management of hard-earned money