Teknologi Dan Rekayasa OxyFuel welding and Equipment .
OxyFuel System I. Acetylene cylinder pressure gauge Oxygen safety disc Oxygen cylinder valve Oxygen cylinder pressure gauge Oxygen working pressure gauge Oxygen regulator Oxygen regulator adjusting screw G. Acetylene cylinder safety disc H. Acetylene cylinder valve I. Acetylene cylinder pressure gauge Teknologi dan Rekayasa
OxyFuel System--cont. J. Acetylene working pressure gauge K. Acetylene regulator L. Acetylene regulator adjusting screw M. Acetylene hose N. Oxygen hose O. Oxygen torch valve P. Acetylene torch valve Q. Torch R. Welding tip S. Acetylene cylinder T. Oxygen cylinder Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Oxygen Cylinder One piece, seamless construction. Each cylinder has unique serial number and number is recorded in national registry. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Oxygen Cylinder Valve Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Regulator Problems Not Returning To Zero Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Oxyfuel Torches Flashback arrestor Check valves Safety codes require torches to have check valves and flashback arresters. this is a relative new code. Older torches will not have check valves or flashback arresters. 2. If not included, they should be added in line between the regulator and the torch. Flashback arrestor Check valves Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Oxyfuel Torches (Continue)
Oxyfuel Welding Tips 1. What is normally called a welding tip is actually a welding tip and a mixing chamber. 2. Some manufacturers put the mixing chamber in the torch, Victor are in the welding tip. 3. Tips have different sizes of orifices. Size usually indicated by number. Manufacturers use different number systems. When fuel gas other that acetylene is used a larger size tip is required 4. Tips for heating may have multiple orifices. 5. Tips require periodic cleaning. 6. Tip orifice should be cleaned with a tip cleaner. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Using Tip Cleaner Start with the smallest size that will enter the orifice without excessive force and work up to orifice size. Be careful, a broken tip cleaner usually means a destroyed tip. Clean the face of the tip with the included file. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Pressure Regulators Gas systems must have a pressure regulator to reduce the pressure from the high pressure in the cylinder down to the working pressure. Many different designs are used. They range from simple fixed output, commonly used for gas grills and camping stoves, Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Airacetylene Torch 1. As fuel gas flows through torch it draws in the correct amount of air. 2. Lower temperature than oxyacetylene. 3. Primary use is in soldering and brazing copper piping
REGULATOR 1. Oxyfuel welding and cutting uses two types - Single stage - Two stage 2. Correct use - Insure adjusting screw is back off when shut down. Check before starting. - Set correct working pressure. 3. Two potential problems - Regulator creep - Gauge not returning to zero
EQUIPMENT SAFETY Use protection for: Eyes Body Correctly shaded lens--not sun glasses. Shade 4 or 5 Fire resistant gloves Long sleeves Button shirt Teknologi dan Rekayasa
General Safety Tips Keep regulators free of oil, grease and other flammable substances Check valves stop reverse gas flow, they do not act as a fire stop Never starve a tip, this can cause a flashback Always keep cylinders in an upright position Never stand in front or behind a regulator when opening the cylinder valve Do not open acetylene valve more than 1 1/2 turns Always make sure area is safe and flammable free
Setting Up Oxyfuel System Extinguish all open flames and stop processes that produce sparks. Steps (assuming new system) 1. Secure cylinders 2. Remove caps 3. Crack cylinder valves 4. Connect regulators 5. Open cylinder valves 6. Connect hoses to cylinders 7. Connect hoses to torch body 8. Connect welding tip to torch body 9. Set working pressures 10.Check system for leaks. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Shutting Down System 1. Close cylinder valves 2. Open torch valves - Leave open until regulator gauges read zero. - Some sources recommend doing fuel first and oxygen last 3. Close torch valves 4. Release tension on regulator adjusting screw. 5. Roll up hoses and place torch in a safe position. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Joints, Welds & Positions Electric arc welding uses the same five (5) types of joints and five (5) types of welds and five (5) positions. Five (5) joints: Corner Butt Lap Edge
Groove Welds The primary use of groove welds is to complete butt joints
Fillet Welds T Joint Lap Joint Outside Corner
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