PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS & COOPERATION key issues emanating from DIRCO’s Strategic Plan 2015-2020 Compiled by L Mosala Content Adviser
CONSTITUTIONAL MANDATE President ultimately responsible for foreign policy; appoints heads of SA’s diplomatic missions; receive foreign HOMs; conduct inter-state relations; enter into treaties Minister entrusted with formulation, promotion and execution of SA’s foreign policy PCIR&C responsible oversight and accountability in formulation & conduct of foreign policy
POLICY MANDATES Measures and Guidelines foe Coordination of South Africa’s International Engagements 2009 - paradiplomacy South African Council on International Relations (SACOIR-2011-consultative platform National Information Security Policy 1996-minimum security standards White Paper on Foreign Policy Foreign Service Dispensation – foreign service benefits
PLANNED POLICY INITIATIVES Foreign Service Bill- fulfil administrative and management responsibilities within framework of SA’s legislation, allows flexibility of operating abroad Establishment of South African Development Partnership Agency (SADPA) 2009 – all outgoing development assistance Repeal African Renaissance Fund Act with Partnership Fund for Development Challenges with Treasury: concurrences
PERFOMANCE ENVIRONMENT Alignment with prescripts of NDP- enhance SA’s position in the region & world; align missions; increase trade and investment; deepen integration with groupings of South Operating in unpredictable, insecure environment-due to global economic crisis Rise of emerging powers resulting in formation of new economic and political groupings (IBSA, BRICS); SA’s economy increasingly linked to emerging economic powers
PERFORMANCE ENVIRONMENT cont. Identified lack of adequate infrastructure and industrial capacity obstacle to intra-African regional trade Global population growth skewed across wealth lines-developed countries having aging population; developing countries experiencing youth bulge Need to address skills development and youth employment; carry a serious risk to social and political instability
ORGANISATIONAL ENVIRONMENT DIRCO operates in 126 missions in 108 countries; accreditation of 160 countries Structure review: reorganising functions not creating new positions; COO, integrated HR, Finance, Admin systems Cost-effective-9 branches from 11-hopefully not impacting on discharge of mandate; concerns with Africa multilateral Notable alignment to budget programmes-easy to monitor ownership & performance
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 2015-2020 Programme 1: Administration: Links to NDP Provide and manage secure ICT infrastructure Enhance financial management: from qualified to unqualified audit Minimise security risks Structure support to achieve strategic objectives; vacancy rate from 13.5%-10% Rely on research to advise on unfolding foreign policy trends Effective internal controls- internal audits
Programme 1 cont. Risks attributable Inadequate accountability by depts. to missions – enhance current MOUs with depts. Inadequate implementation of ICT governance processes-Monitor governance committees Inadequate ICT service delivery- modernise ICT infrastructure (long standing challenge) Lengthy decision-making processes-delegation of authority/COO Inadequate emergency response-implement emergency response policy (many disasters)
Programme 2: International Relations Prog 2: International Relations: Links to NDP; strengthening political and economic partnerships in various regions of the world (Africa, Asia & Middle East, Americas& Caribbean, Europe) Prioritise increased exports of SA’s goods and services; increase Foreign Direct Investment; increase value-added industries and mineral beneficiation; increased inbound tourism; skills enhancement; transfer of technology
Programme 2 cont. Risks attributable Non-adherence to Coordination mechanism-Use credentials to control composition and size of delegations Unfunded mandates=reprioritise spending; necessary budget adjustments Inappropriate composition of official delegations= use credentials to control composition and size of delegations ( Becoming a serious challenge)
Programme 3: International Cooperation Prog 3: International Cooperation: Links to NDP; Continue with Africa central to foreign policy; contribute to socio-economic development of Africa thru ARF; support Agenda 2063; strengthen AU structures; revitalise NEPAD; support APRM; has 4 sub-programmes Has four subprogrammes: global governance; Continental cooperation; South-South; North-South cooperation
Programme 3 cont. Global governance Linked to NDP Reform of global governance institutions and secretariats to better address needs of developing countries; Peaceful resolution of international conflicts Contribute to global peace and security Provide international legal advice Influence outcomes to reflect SA’s interest
Programme 3 cont. African Agenda Linked to NDP Advance SA’s positions in AU summits, AU Peace and Security and APRM processes Support NEPAD Infrastructure project; lobby support for NEPAD Contribute to peaceful resolution of conflicts, peace missions, election observer missions
Programme 3 cont. Political and economic integration of SADC Linked to NDP Contribute to peace, stability, socio-economic development, good governance, democracy, strengthen SADC structures Support regional integration-review Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (RISDP)
Programme 3 cont. South-South cooperation Linked to NDP Strengthen the competitive and complimentary strength of countries and groupings of the South Advance national interest and priorities through advancing African Agenda and agendas of the South Influence resolutions to reflect national interest
Programme 3 cont. South-North cooperation Linked to NDP Advance and leverage national priorities, African Agenda and development agenda of the South with the formations of the North Risks: non-adherence to coordination; lack of adequate representation in regional and multilateral organisations=Consultative Forum on International Relations; coordination
Programme 3 cont. Risks: Non adherence by 3 spheres of government to coordination mechanisms lack of adequate representation in regional and international organisations Relations between North and South Shifting international focus away from Africa to other pressing issues Lack of coherence and coordination on African positions Inter and intra departmental coordination
Programme 4: Public Diplomacy and Protocol Services Linked to NDP Have annual public diplomacy strategy which will enhance understanding and awareness of South Africa’s foreign policy Complete a perception study Protocol Services Provide protocol services as required Risks: Non-compliance with Protocol prescripts; uncoordinated international visits
Programme 5: International Transfers To honour South Africa’s financial obligations and voluntary contributions to international organisations Effect transfers to the ARF Risks Foreign exchange fluctuations=budget adjustment processes Non payment of assessed contributions by partner departments= increased coordination to pay
Infrastructure and other capital plans DIRCO has: local property portfolio Headquarters, state guesthouses, state protocol lounges (JHB, Durban, OR Tambo), UN offices, PAP, NEPAD Secretariat International: chanceries, official residences (state owned) staff housing (mostly leased) Medium term: assess acquisition vs leasing; condition assessment for renovations. PPPs agt ends Sept 2034
Entities: African Renaissance Fund Established through Act of Parliament in 2000; under DIRCO, responds to requests for development funding, humanitarian, good governance; has had many challenges December 2009,Cabinet approved establishment of South African Development Partnership Agency-SADPA, to manage, coordinate and facilitate all South African official outgoing development cooperation assistance
Annual Performance Plan 2015/16 Reduced budget at R5, 698.6 billion compared to R5, 871.3 in 2014/15 Will be effected over 3 years on non-essential goods and services; compensation of employees and transfers to the ARF Means discontinuation with other service providers, freezing or abolishing certain posts; for ARF its operations will not be affected
Annual Performance Plan cont. Continue operating under 5 programmes Global governance: Reform of the UN system; reflect national interest and agenda of Africa and the South in international forums to address underdevelopment and poverty eradication January-December 2015- operating as Chair of G77 plus China to champion development agenda of developing countries
GLOBAL GOVERNANCE Continental cooperation Increase uptake of South Africa’s quota in AU structures Support post conflict reconstruction and development and political reform in the Great Lakes region Operationalise peace and security framework for the Great Lakes Region (SA, Angola, DRC) Review RISDP towards a free trade area
South-South Cooperation Consolidate and strengthen relations and positions with countries and groupings of the South Chair of G77 plus China for development Agenda Participate in Non Alignment Movement, Forum for China Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Summit, 7th BRICS summit, IBSA Ministerial
North-South cooperation Continue pursuing beneficial political and economic relations with countries and formations of the North Have engagements with EU, Korea, Nordic countries, TICAD(Japan with Africa)summit in Africa for the first time
Operational capacity In the medium term, the structure will be operationalised Owns 133 state owned properties, 800 leased; feasibility study on viability of acquisition or leasing Assess renovation plan, complete construction of chanceries and official residences in Malawi, Tanzania, and the Netherlands Table Foreign Service Bill
Development cooperation Repeal African Renaissance Fund Table Partnership Fund for Development Provide legislative framework for establishing SADPA Continue to play roles in AU, SADC, NEPAD; ARF is tool for achieving strategic objectives in these structures
Road travelled and oversight areas 2015/20 Strategic plan incorporated recommendations from Committee Oversight on risks: real or imagined MOUs; uncoordinated visits, representation in international organisations; uncoordinated messages internationally; Inappropriate delegations; non payment of assessed contributions; foreign exchange fluctuations; non payment to missions; coordination mechanisms