Aligning efforts to ensure equal access to sustainable health care If one word were to reflect the ambition of Gavi, it would be ‘equity’ If one word were to reflect the reason for Gavi’s success, it would be partnership Seth Berkley, at the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals
Cameroon Gavi/GF/WB GFF partnership Experience so far Ongoing integration efforts of Gavi/GF into PBF program, potential for PBF to reinforce EPI program Good coordination across GF/Gavi/WB portfolio managers, yet need to enhance coordination with EPI, HIV/AIDS, RMNCH etc.). Ongoing efforts to map stakeholder resources Ongoing efforts to prioritise Investment case close to finalisation, yet mismatch with other proposal development process (e.g. Gavi/GF)
Cameroon Gavi/GF/WB GFF partnership Opportunities Aligned financing timeline of all three donors 2016/2017 Health financing strategy essential as the country prepares for Gavi transition stage Strengthening health information system (scale-up of DHIS2)
Cameroon Gavi/GF/WB GFF partnership Challenges Selected health districts do not match different partner criteria (WB- poverty; Gavi- EPI coverage). This could lead to different management needs and reduce joint-financing opportunities. Delays experienced in investment case development could influence funding timelines alignment Domestic resources mobilisation could be slower than expected and reduce outcomes and sustainability.
DRC Gavi/GF/WB GFF partnership Experience so far Existing partnership across GF/WB/Gavi and UNICEF, including joint mission and regular discussions between portfolio managers Investment case built on the national health development plan, SDGs, global and national RMNCHA strategic plan Agreed on 13 priority targeted provinces based on 4 combined indicators (neonatal mortality; 1st pregnancy; prevalence of modern contraception; and growth delay)
DRC Gavi/GF/WB GFF partnership Opportunities Investment case helped to clarify prioritisation of system bottlenecks: HR, supply chain strengthening, public finance management Good alignment and harmonisation between WB/GF/Gavi through respective grants including on DHIS2, supply chain strengthening, HR and financial management capacity strengthening. Capacity of the Bank to improve financial sustainability at country level by supporting MoF on increasing fiscal space for health.
DRC Gavi/GF/WB GFF partnership Challenges Mobilising domestic resources: DRC is currently facing a major financial crisis and decrease in its income Donor agreement around 13 GFF priority provinces GFF to commit to enhanced coverage and equity focus Clarifying operational details, including fund management