THE FAO NATIONAL AQUACULTURE STAKEHOLDERS WORKSHOP; KENYA CHAPTER 23RD AND 24TH MARCH 2009 Report On Workshop Proceedings Mbugua H. Mwangi, Ministry of Fisheries Development, Directorate Of Aquaculture Development, Kenya.
The Kenya National Aquaculture Stakeholders Workshop was held from 22nd to 24th March 2009 at Royal Springs Hotel in Nakuru, Kenya. OBJECTIVES: Share and internalise with Key National aquaculture stakeholders the outcomes of the FAO Workshop On Rice And Aquaculture, held in Kampala, Uganda Review the situation and constraints to aquaculture development in Kenya Identify the main aquaculture development constraints to be fast tracked and addressed by the GCP/INT/053/JPN project
Terms Of Reference (ToRs) National Aquaculture Stakeholders Workshop Provide a forum for discussion and information sharing for Key National aquaculture stakeholders Internalise the project design, activities and goals of the GCP/INT/053/JPN) project Share and internalise the outcomes of the FAO Workshop On Rice And Aquaculture, held in Kampala, Uganda, 3rd To 7th Nov. 2008 with Key National aquaculture stakeholders Identify issues contributing to the slow growth of aquaculture in the country and give guidelines on how to deal with them.
Identify with the key stakeholders the main issues to be fast tracked and addressed by the GCP/INT/053/JPN project Come up with conclusions and recommendations to be presented during the next regional Workshop. Establish an action plan to address the Workshops conclusions and recommendations Write the Workshop report and forward to PS the Ministry of Fisheries Development and FAO Country Director (Kenya)
The Workshop agenda Introduction the Workshop and its agenda Overview of the project (GCP//053/JPN) Outcomes of the FAO Workshop On Rice And Aquaculture, Kampala, Uganda, Nov. 2008 Overview of aquaculture in Kenya focussing on Opportunities, constraints and proposed development agenda Establishing National Aquaculture Development Strategy Elements of NADS Establishment of NADS Implementation of NADS Conclusions and recommendations Discussion on important constraints to aquaculture development, possible solutions and action plan
Attendance 21 participants selected representing a wide spectrum of aquaculture industry Participants from the public sector Top level managers in the Ministry of Fisheries Mid level managers in the Ministry Extension service providers representing all regions of Kenya Aquaculture Researchers Representative from aquaculture training and research institution
Participants from private sector Aquaculture producers Farmers association representatives Aquaculture service providers Representatives of; ornamental, trout and tilapia/catfish producers Aquaculture input providers CIGs representatives Representatives from Financial institutions
Overview Of Aquaculture Development In Kenya: Ministry of Fisheries has already initiated reforms in the aquaculture sector in line with the issues raised during the FAO regional Workshop: Creation of Directorate of Aquaculture - fully address the aquaculture development Addition staff to provide extension services Constitution of NADWG Aquaculture policy in line with the Fisheries policy and NADS from the existing draft.
Facilitated the formation AAK - fast tract private sector involvement The Government has continued to fund the aquaculture demonstration centres Aquaculture development has been fully integrated in all major agricultural development initiatives including ASDS, NARS and NASEP.
Overview of draft NADS Objectives: Creating an enabling environment Facilitating access to markets Increasing output and productivity Strengthening aquaculture institutions Establishing a monitoring and evaluation system Enhancing ICT in the aquaculture directorate Institutionalizing public service Integrity
The strategic Issues include Weak policy and legal framework in Aquaculture sub-sector Low Aquaculture Production Market Access and Information system Weak Institutional capacity and linkages Monitoring and evaluation framework Inadequate information technology Aquaculture development and the environment
DISCUSSIONS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The following constraints were identified for discussion in plenary sessions: None existence and/or inadequate supply of quality fish seeds and feeds None existence and/or inadequate credit facility and marketing systems Limited aquaculture production knowledge and techniques among the producers and service providers Weak policy and legal framework that drives aquaculture development
None existence and/or inadequate credit facility and marketing systems The government to Establish fish marketing infrastructure Establish fish marketing standards and assist in reducing fish price disparity - market information system Develop credit facilities modality and mechanisms in partnership with willing financial institutions, - credit needs Create awareness among aquaculture investors on credit availability and requirements
Publicize to prospective financiers the viability of this subsector Partner with mass media to publicize investment opportunities in aquaculture sub-sector Train farmers on customer service to improve advocacy and retention Encourage fish farmer clustering to create critical mass
2. Limited aquaculture production knowledge and techniques among the producers and service providers Capacity building for farmers and extension services providers through issued based, continuous and rigorous trainings Sharing information to all aquaculture stakeholders Harmonize ASDS programs among the Agricultural sector Ministries Recruit adequate technical and support staff within the Aquaculture sector Provide adequate funding to spur aquaculture development
The government provide adequate infrastructure to the grass root – roads, power Develop ICT infrastructure to the grass root to the fisheries extension officers and the aquaculture stakeholders Develop harmonized fish farming extension material Encourage the private sector involvement in extension services delivery Implement NASEP and NARS based framework for Aquaculture
3. Weak policy and legal framework that drives aquaculture development The private sector has not been adequately involved in the development of aquaculture agendas. Reasons: Lack of the government recognition of the importance of private sector in aquaculture development Limited information on the part of the private sector on their role in aquaculture development Lack of organization among the aquaculture producers
Proposed actions: The MoFD should enhance the NADWG by involving all key players – permanent members are all public The MoFD to facilitate stakeholders forums MoFD to encourage and support the formation of aquaculture cluster groups
RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE JAPANESE INITIATIVE (GCP/INT/053/JPN) The Workshop observed the following as issues for priority attention of the project (GCP/INT/053/JPN): Urgently complete the NADS (existing draft) Provide for capacity building and assist on holding national Workshops work on the NADS Completion of the existing draft NADS will require two stakeholders’ consultative Workshops before publishing and public sensitization
Establish solution measures to address constrains in commercial fish feeds and adequate and quality fish seeds production Support to aquaculture facilities to enhance efficiency and production capacity of juveniles Establishment of commercial fish feed manufacture/supply and distribution chain Strengthen through capacity building, research, extension, and entrepreneurship to enhance availability of quality seeds and feeds. Entrepreneurs include Hatchery managers, farmers, feed producers, and cluster groups.
Suppot to increase aquaculture production through by adopting new appropriate and efficient technologies Support to carry out demand driven aquaculture research espectially in priority needs such as seeds, feeds, value addition and post harvets losses Support development of aquaculture products market infrastures
3. Assist in acquisition of credit for aquaculture investors 4. Assist on exchange of experience and expertise between countries Support exchange study tours by fish farmers and extension service providers to Emerging Developing Countries (especially from Asia) Support short local courses for technical staff and fish farmers
5. Technical support on Integration of Irrigation and Aquaculture Support pilot programs in rice/fish culture in rice producing areas (Mwea, Ahero, Taveta, Tana river delta)