CAPACITY BUILDING “Customs Perspective” Presenter Allen Kagina Commissioner General Uganda Revenue Authority
Meaning of capacity building Establish or Renew or Strengthen skills, competencies, tools, processes and resources for customs to perform its mandate.
Capacity Building Focus Areas The focus of capacity building is to increase performance in the key principle of the Kyoto convention: Integrity Transparency Accountability Predictability Facilitation and control Client service Standardization Simplification Minimum intervention Use of ICT Cooperation and partnership Continuous improvement Compliance improvement
Capacity Building and Reforms Staff remuneration Internal audits and monitoring Tax policy capacity building Building a tax paying culture through accountability and transparency The context matters Political will Donor confidence Addressing patronage Organizational culture and leadership Human resource management
CHALLENGES Sustained high-level political will Customs ownership and participation Accurate Diagnosis and country specific responses Realistic Government and donor expectations Dedicated human and financial resources Enhanced cooperation and coherence
History of URA prior to 2005 Character URA ranked second most corrupt institution in Uganda Inefficient and ineffective Poor corporate culture High handedness Poor public image Mediocre revenue performance Low staff morale High staff turnover Attempts to change Expatriates hired with no substantial change Judicial commission of enquiry instituted into corruption and mismanagement Three reform programs carried out Board of Directors changed 3 times
Transformation of URA 2005 HR Restructuring (Integrity focus) Modernization Program (Capacity Building) Corporate Re-branding (Building Partnerships)
Transformation of URA 2005 Context Political will and support Financial resources Human resources
Capacity Building Initiatives The URA Modernization Plan Pillars People Processes Systems
Capacity Building Initiatives - Focus Areas Customs Domestic Tax Non-Tax Revenue Corporate Services: HR Modernisation Data Warehousing Disaster Recovery Sun System Implementation Financial Accounting System Fleet Management Communications Infrastructure Integrity Enhancement Plan Quality Services Modern Office Concept; Building Construction and repairs or maintenance Public & Taxpayer Education
Key success factors Proper needs identification by candidate institution Clear and committed leadership A capacity building plan that is fully owned by the tax administration Financial support from government and development partners Political Interest but not interference Keep it simple Address contextual issues
The Evidence – so far A new corporate culture – Institutional pride High expectations New partnerships with stakeholders A new public image A higher integrity profile Greater voluntary tax compliance Continuous change Greater revenue yield. Surpassing targets.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION “The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step” We have made quite a few steps THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION