12th Regional Meeting of EFA National Coordinators Day 2: Governance Mechanisms for accelerating EFA Progress: the role of state and PPP Korea’s Case of Public-Private Cooperation: The Samsung-KNCU Educational Fund Project Joo-Ok Lee, (former Programme Specialist, Korean National Commission for UNESCO) jolee@unesco.or.kr
Contents Overview of the Scheme Brief History Project Examples Success Factors 5 minutes to cover the entire 10 year scheme: quite insufficient - Therefore must be very brief in the introduction and spend most of the time on possible takeaways - Will concentrate on sharing the modality
Overview Samsung-KNCU Fund Project Manager Private Companies Fund Committee Private Companies Samsung Electronics Others Public Sector Partners Governments Nat.Coms Other Partners UNESCO NGOs Universities *Samsung-KNCU Ed. Fund is a unique scheme in the composition of cooperation structure KNCU handled the main role of coordinator (with the advice of the steering body) Private Companies’ (mainly Samsung Electronics) contributions consisted of not only funds, but also expertise (personnel), governance techniques and many more resources Public Sector played a role of distributor and national/ local coordinator as well as offering public support, UNESCO (HQ, Regional, Cluster and National Offices) as well as NGOs and Academia acted as the main actor in the field offering expertise and manpower, also extending logistical support when necessary
Brief History Michael Jackson and Friends Concert (1999) 1st Phase of the Fund Project - 2001~2004 - Wide dispersal of funds for independent projects Donation of USD 400,000 Samsung Electronics (2000) Donation of USD 600,000 2nd Phase of the Fund Project Establishment of the Samsung-KNCU Educational Fund (2000) - 2005~2007 - Concentration on limited number of project sites Calls for Proposals distributed: mid 2000 3rd Phase of the Fund Project First project initiated: 2001 - 2007~2010 - Implementation of African Teacher Training Workshops The Samsung-KNCU Educational Fund Project was made possible through 2 large donations from the private sector. - The Michael Jackson and Friends Concert held in Seoul in 1999 donated its profit yielded towards KNCU and Red Cross, - Samsung Electronics, with the proposal of KNCU, again donated an amount that enabled the establishment of the 1 million dollar fund. The first calls for proposals were issued throughout the UNESCO National Commission Network in 2000. In 2001, the project was initiated in 11 countries for a 2 year period, with a second batch of projects supported from 2003 to 2004. The Fund project saw 3 stages of development in terms of the dispersal mechanism: 1) The first phase enabled KNCU to identify potentials for stronger partnership and at the same time promote the idea of the Fund project, 2) through the second phase, KNCU tried to concentrate the assistance to 3 or 4 strategic development partners. With the cooperation projects in Lao PDR, Mongolia, Timor Lest and the Philippines, the fund project saw gradual developments throughout the years of assistance and was able to accumulate more experience on the grounds, 3) The final phase of project saw various models of cooperation experimented in the African continent. In line with UNESCO’s priority in Africa and on the importance of teachers for attaining the EFA goals, the Fund Project concentrated on teacher training in Africa through triangular partnerships with other NatComs, involving universities, UNESCO institutes and private sector companies.
Project Examples (1) Textbook Printing Machine Installation (2002-2008, DPRK) Training Workshop for African Teachers (2007-2008, Uganda, Ethiopia) The cooperation with DPRK partners enabled the Fund Project to install a full color textbook printing machine in Pyongyang. Apart from the symbolism of paying back the international community’s same assistance to ROK during the Korean War, and the Political importance of an inter-Korean cooperation, this partnership was important in its way of engaging the private sector. The textbook printing machine installed in Pyongyang had been donated by a South Korean textbook printing company and altogether 10 of its engineers spent almost a year in Pyongyang Successfully completing the installation and operation. The series of Workshop for African Teachers was a successful case of South-South cooperation involving the National Commissions of each countries involved, as well as the academia, private companies and UNESCO Institutes. Peace and Human Rights, ESD, ICT were chosen as key agenda for the workshops and participants were able to take part in diverse activities thanks to the contributions from various partners.
Project Examples (2) Aid for Visually Impaired Children (2006-2008, Mongolia) Establishment of an ICT Center (2009-2011, Philippines) Here I wanted to highlight some of the successful co-operations we’ve had with NGOs working in the project communities. Through the National Commission’s help, we have not only been able to identify active and trustworthy partners in the field before the projects were initiated, but also enjoyed their support in the course of implementation. Here we have the project examples of Mongolia, where support for textbooks and technical vocational education materials were provided for visually impaired children, And the case of the Philippines, where ICT was provided as a means for self-help for children in the urban poor.
Success Factors (1) Active Private Sector Engagement enables: Diversity in Financing Engaging a Wealth of Expertise Establishment of a Strong Governance Mechanism
Success Factors (2) Strong Support from Governments (national/ local) is crucial for: Lowering international barriers often found difficult in project implementation Facilitating Domestic support (logistics/ Administrative)
Success Factors (3) UNESCO National Commissions are unique in that they have: Access and means of Mobilizing UNESCO’s Resources Flexibility in Structure, able to engage both public/ private sectors
Thank You! Jolee@unesco.or.kr