EYELID EDEMA AND FILAMENTARY KERATITIS AS HYPERACUTE DEBUT OF PRYMARY SJÖGREN´S SYNDROME IN YOUNG PATIENT Borja Maroto Rodríguez Esther Corredera Salinero Pila Puy Gallego María Isabel Gabarrón Raul Veiga Cabello Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada
- Artificial tear drops - Topical corticosteroids Woman 34 years. Red eyes and bilateral eyelid edema. AV 1 both eyes. Allergic disease ????? - Artificial tear drops - Topical corticosteroids
Two weeks Systemic evaluation: ANAs 1/80 Shirmer Test: 1 mm both eyes Gland Biopsy: Moderate lymphocytic inflammatory component. PRYMARY SJÖGREN´S SYNDROME DEFLAZACORT METOTREXATE
Two months Clinical improvement of dry eyes and eyelid inflammation. RITUXIMAB
CONCLUSIONES Classification criteria for Primary sjögren´s syndrome 1- ocular symptoms: dry eyes 2- oral symptoms: dry mouth 3- ocular signs: Shirmer, rose bengala 4- Histopathology (salivary gland) 5- Salivary gland involvement (sialography, salivary flow) 6- Autoantibodies: antiRo (SSA), anti La (SSB) o ANA > 1:320 Early anti-inflammatory-immune therapy can improve ocular signs and symptoms in Primary sjögren´s syndrome.