Causes of the American Revolution Part II
Tea Act 1773
Tea Act 1773 Cause: British East India Company bankrupt Tax on Tea remains but colonists just buy smuggled tea. Intent assist the British East India Company, grant monopoly on sale of tea in colonies Cut down on smuggled tea, by making legal tea cheaper. Get colonies to agree to pay tax on tea, by making it cheaper. Effect Colonists angered by tax Leads to Boston Tea Party
Boston Tea Party 1773
Boston Tea Party December 16, 1773 Cause: Colonists opposed to taxation without representation Prevent tea from being unloaded in Boston harbor Intent: Sons of Liberty organize mob to throw tea into the harbor To protest Tea Act Effect: Britain responds harshly with Intolerable Acts Point of no return…
Intolerable Acts 1774 Cause Boston Tea Party Intent to Punish the colonies, and force obedience Port of Harbor closed Put MA Gov’t under British control Effects Colonists organize the First Continental Congress
First Continental Congress Cause The Intolerable Acts Intent meeting of colonists in Philadephia, PA organize a unified protest repeal Intolerable Acts Effect Olive Branch Petition sent to King Ignored by Great Britain Second Continental Congress takes more radical action
Battles of Lexington and Concord 1st Battle of Revolutionary War CauseEscalating tensions between British and colonists after Intolerable Acts Intentto keep British from seizing armory Effect-Began the revolutionary War Leads to Declaration of Independence