5th RECAN Workshop – Almaty - Kazakhstan 24-09-2009 European ALARA Network The actions and roles of EAN in the ALARA community: past, present and future 5th RECAN Workshop – Almaty - Kazakhstan 24-09-2009
1996 : EAN founded by the European Commission. 1996-2009 1996 : EAN founded by the European Commission. Creation of the EAN as a not for profit association: self-sustainable since 2005. 2009 : 8 20 countries 14 in the Administrative Board Coordination : CEPN - HPA 5th RECAN Workshop – 09-2009
Organization of EAN since 2005 In June 2005, adoption by the Steering Group of a Cooperation Charter (EAN “Terms and Conditions”), which defines new objectives and means for the next five years. In parallel, creation of EAN association as legal entity under the French law (non-for-profit NGO) Three entities operate the network: Bureau: Chairperson (BfS-Germany), Secretary (HPA, UK) and Treasurer (CEPN, France), nominated by the Administrative Board, Administrative Board (AB): representatives from the 14 countries (RB/TSOs/Ops/Research Centres) supporting the network coordinated by CEPN Steering Group (SG): representatives of institutes member of EAN (1 per country) - take main decisions about the work performed by the network. 5th RECAN Workshop – 09-2009
Budget Costs: 85,000 € in 2009 workload of the coordinator (CEPN) and assistant coordinator (HPA) and T&S costs. Coordinator: ~70 man.days, Assistant coordinator: ~20 man.days, T&S and other costs (bank, website, etc.): ~12,000 €. Resources: Fees from organizations: Free amount: between 4,000 and 8,000 €/year, From 10 countries paying fees in 2005 to 14 in 2009, 78,800 € in 2008 and about 85,000 € in 2009. + in-kind contributions (i.e. partially self sustainable): CEPN: ~20 man.days, HPA: ~ 7 man.days. Participation of Members to SG meetings and WG for free Resources: in 2009, Finland (5000€), Greece (+1200€ - Workshop 11) and Sweden (+3000€) 5th RECAN Workshop – 09-2009
To cover all types of practices within the different sectors EAN Objectives To maintain and develop competences in radiation protection, with special emphasis on ALARA for all types of exposures in routine operations and emergency situations To contribute to harmonisation of radiation protection policies and practices, particularly concerning ALARA, at regulatory and operational levels To cover all types of practices within the different sectors To cover radiation protection themes relevant to all sectors, as well as themes specific to one or more sector(s). 5th RECAN Workshop – 09-2009
EAN Activities - Workshops 11 Workshops addressing relevant topics: Decommissioning, NORM industry, internal exposures, holistic approach of risk management, industrial radiography, ALARA in the medical sector and radiopharmaceuticals, site rehabilitation, inspection & control, waste management. More than 700 participants: between 50 to 80 at each Workshop from 10 to 20 countries. About 100 recommendations produced: EU, ICRP, IAEA, National Authorities, Operators, E&T organisms, etc. 5th RECAN Workshop – 09-2009
EAN Activities – 12th Workshop http://www.alara2009.at “ALARA in Safety and Security of Radiation Sources” Vienna, Austria – 21st - 23rd October 2009 S1: « Setting the Scene » EU HASS Directive IAEA activities on the control of sources ALARA in Security and Safety of Radiation Sources: an ICRP perspective (Pub. 96, 101, 103, 109, 111) … S2: Security and Safety Measures Operation of the Register on High Activity Sealed Sources in Germany Improved security measures for radiation sources in Norway - A case study of irradiation facilities in hospitals Reclassification of security at a waste disposal repository ALARA principle in collecting radioactive sources: the Spanish experience How to combine security and safety of radioactive sources and good patient service in public of large hospitals Safety and Security of Sealed Radiation Sources for Industrial NDT Applications 5th RECAN Workshop – 09-2009
EAN Activities – 12th Workshop http://www.alara2009.at S3: Planned Exposure Situations Training programmes of workers dealing with security: national and regional aspects Aero-gamma measurements as an important tool after a nuclear accident Experience of Georgian authorities in recovering orphan sources … S4: Emergency situation management (malevolent acts) Minimizing the radiation exposure risk of first responders during emergency situation management The UK Health Protection Agency’s response to Po-210 Incident in London 2006 Radiation Protection Measures during the Investigation of Po-210 traces in Hamburg in 2006 IAEA emergency preparedness and response programme On the use of an ALARA tool to countering nuclear or radiological terrorism S5: Justification & optimisation in the use of security devices Use of X-ray Body Scanner Equipment in the UK and matters to consider to keep doses ALARA Radiation Protection Control Area around Passenger Baggage X-Ray Units Type testing of basic-protection devices in Germany S6: WGs Recommendations - Conclusion 5th RECAN Workshop – 09-2009
EAN Activities - Newsletters and Website 24 Newsletters published - 2 per year: Main articles: technical or scientific papers, international comparison of regulations or practices, recommendations of Workshops, News, announcements, etc. Website as an important mean for diffusing information - publication of all the work: www.eu-alara.net Between 150 and 300 visitors/month. A mailing-list (forum) to exchange information and for requests: ean-request@ml.free.fr « subscribe » 5th RECAN Workshop – 09-2009
EAN Past Activities - Sub-networks Setting-up of sub-networks by EAN member when a specific topic or sector should be discussed deeper: Activity does not have to be validated Information at SG meetings, Self-sustainable. Sub-network on research reactors (EASN) created in 2002: Specific RP issues related to RR (good practices, incidents, etc.), 3 meeting (2006-2008): discussions and exchanges, closed in 2009. Participation to EC projects in networking on NORM (2y) on NDT (1y) 5th RECAN Workshop – 09-2009
EAN Activities - Sub-networks Sub-network of radiation protection authorities (ERPAN) created in 2006 : Meeting once a year - 16 European RB represented, Meetings consist in oral presentations by participants on inspection activities from the practical point of view, Apart from the meetings, e-mail exchanges between participants and joined-inspections. 5th RECAN Workshop – 09-2009
Diffusion of the information by national contact points Important role of national contact persons to diffuse the information: Within their institution, To members of national RP societies, To specific contacts (societies in the medical sector, in NDT, etc.) depending on the topic, Sometime link to EAN website on organization website. Through the publication of Workshop’s recommendations in national RP journals (France, UK, Germany). Their roles and duties will be redefined for the future. 5th RECAN Workshop – 09-2009
Brainstorming Seminar – near Paris May 2009 5th RECAN Workshop – 09-2009
Statements for continuing EAN activities Efficiency of EAN is now demonstrated: A time-saving search tool: providing a rapid means of getting answer to question, through a contact list of experts, An alerting mechanism: information on incidents can be disseminated quickly (e.g. 60Co in steel, lift buttons). Also new RP issues can be identified and disseminated. An information provider: providing a source of information, and actively sharing and disseminating information to help raise standards, A forum for discussion and problem solving: this could also be considered as a resource for external stakeholders, for example it could be tasked by EC or ICRP to consider specific issues. 5th RECAN Workshop – 09-2009
Future Evolution and Perspectives Improve the EAN visibility and openness The participation to the SG should not be limited to only one organisation per country, EAN SG should promote the creation of national ALARA groups, coordinated by national contact points, Encourage the participation of new members (no minimum fees), Encourage the participation of other stakeholders (other networks, professional associations, representatives of participating organisations other than contact persons, etc. be encouraged. Renewal of the EAN Terms and Conditions Establish a 5 years (2010-2014) Roadmap New Deliverables EAN Experts position papers (endorsed by EAN Members), Topical WGs (eg. on ALARA culture for IRPA) instead of subnetworks Development of actions in education and training (preparation and participation to training courses), Establishment of a reflection on existing good ALARA programmes in collaboration with ERPAN. 5th RECAN Workshop – 09-2009
Future Evolution and Perspectives The Newsletter should be renewed (e-format) to become more attractive and promoting more practical papers on ALARA implementation in different sectors The Website should be re-designed as an international ALARA portal Publication of Incidents feedbacks (links with IRID-RELIR-…) Participation to the mailing list should be more activel encouraged (chat-rooms on topical issues) 13rd Workshop on “ALARA in the Medical Sector” (in Norway?) 5th RECAN Workshop – 09-2009
Future Evolution and Perspectives Participation to funded projects (EAN is facilitator in establishing international consortiums) Call for tender by EC for the setting-up of a medical ALARA network (EMAN): Tender submitted in April 2009 with the participation of EAN members (SSM, CEPN, BfS) & professional societies (ESR, EFOMP, EFRS, EURADOS). Call for tender by EC for the realization of 2 training modules aiming at improving the ALARA culture of the safety managers (TRASNUSAFE): Tender accepted with the participation of EAN, CEPN, SCK-CEN Mol. Bilateral agreements and contracts with EAN are possible and welcome (international TSO?) EAN is a bridge between all stakeholders involved in ALARA 5th RECAN Workshop – 09-2009