NPDES e-Reporting Tool - NeT Training


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Presentation transcript:

NPDES e-Reporting Tool - NeT Training url Call in number (866) 918-0772 conference code 194-635-5424 # Submittal of NOIs, NOTs, and Annual Reports (MSGP)

Network Discharge Monitoring Report (NetDMR) NetDMR url

CDX - Current Roles Certifier Can fill out forms and Sign (Submit) Duly Authorized Representatives of Certifiers (MSGP Permit ONLY) Fill out forms, route to Certifier (cannot sign the NOI’s, NOT’s) Fill in and submit annual reports Preparer fill out forms, routes to Certifier

CDX New Role – Permit Administrator Permit Administrator (added functionality) This role enables a user to approve or deny others at their company or contractors/consultants to have access to their specific NPDES id Will also allow you to fill out NOIs, NOTs (Current Preparer tasks)

CDX Roles

List of Roles from CDX

Initial Certifiers when Implemented Approved Certifiers as of January 28, 2016 List of Certifiers provided to contractor Certifier role remains for CDX In addition to Certifier role, the Permit Administrative role in NeT was granted May have multiple Certifiers that were approved Certifiers that were on the list, now have access to that NPDES number and can approve others Certifiers not linked to their NPDES id or New Certifiers for an existing permit Will need to request access to the NPDES id before submitting any “Change” forms Permit Administrator role in NeT will be automatically granted to the Certifiers

New Role - Permit Administrator Certifiers Brand New NOI forms submitted – Certifier will automatically be granted the Initial Permit Administrator role in NeT Notify users that they need to request access to the new NPDES id assigned NPDES id will be contained in an email

Preparers that want the Permit Administrator Role PRIOR to requesting access to the NPDES id in NeT Preparers that need the Permit Administrator role in CDX CDX only allows one Role If you have “Preparer” role Log into CDX and “Manage Program Services” “Deactivate” your “Preparer” role Request “Permit Administrator” role Role does not need approval from EPA Log into Net Request Access to the NPDES id(s)