SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS The Sociological Perspective 4 part SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS The Sociological Perspective McGraw-Hill © 2005 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
THE FAMILY AND INTIMATE RELATIONSHIPS 14 THE FAMILY AND INTIMATE RELATIONSHIPS Global View of the Family Studying the Family Marriage and Family Divorce Diverse Lifestyles Social Policy and the Family: Reproductive Technology
Global View of the Family Composition: What Is the Family? Nuclear Family The nuclear family is the nucleus or core upon which larger family groups are built. Extended Family An extended family is a family in which relatives such as grandparents, aunts, or uncles live in the same home as parents and their children.
Global View of the Family Composition: What Is the Family? Monogamy Monogamy is a form of marriage in which one woman and one man are married only to each other. Serial Monogamy Serial monogamy is when a person has several spouses in his or her lifetime, but only one spouse at a time.
Global View of the Family Composition: What Is the Family? Polygamy Polygamy is a form of marriage allowing an individual to have several husbands or wives simultaneously. Polygyny Polygyny, a type of polygamy, is the marriage of a man to more than one woman at a time. Polyandry Polyandry, a type of polygamy, is the marriage of a woman to more than one husband at the same time.
Global View of the Family Kinship Patterns: To Whom Are We Related? Kinship Kinship is the state of being related to others. Bilateral Descent Both sides of a person’s family are regarded as equally important.
Global View of the Family Kinship Patterns: To Whom Are We Related? Patrilineal descent In patrilineal descent, only the father’s relatives are important. Matrilineal descent In matrilineal descent, only the mother’s relatives are significant.
Global View of the Family Authority Patterns: Who Rules? Patriarchy When males are expected to dominate in all family decision making, that society is a patriarchy. Matriarchy When women have greater authority than men, that society is a matriarchy. Egalitarian family A family in which spouses are regarded as equals.
Global View of the Family Figure 14.1: Households by Family Type, 1940–2000 Source: Fields and Casper 2001.
Studying the Family Functionalist View The family serves six functions for society: Reproduction Protection Socialization Regulation of sexual behavior Affection Providing of social status
Studying the Family Conflict View The conflict view believes that family reflects the inequality in wealth and power found within society. The conflict view recognizes that historically, husbands exercised power and authority within the family. The conflict view sees the family as an economic unit contributing to social injustice.
Studying the Family Interactionist View The interactionist view focuses on the micro level of family and other intimate relationships. The interactionist view is interested in how individuals interact with each other, whether they are cohabiting partners or long-term married couples.
Studying the Family Feminist View Feminist theorists have urged social scientists and social agencies to rethink the notion that families in which no adult male is present are automatically a cause for concern. Feminists stress the need to broaden family research to include not only gender, race, and social class, but human sexuality and the aging process.
Studying the Family Theoretical Perspective Emphasis Table 14.1: The Four Major Perspectives on the Family Theoretical Perspective Emphasis Functionalist The family as a contributor to social stability Roles of family members Conflict The family as a perpetuator of inequality Transmission of poverty or wealth across generations Interactionist Relationships among family members Feminist Family as a perpetuator of gender roles Female-headed households
Studying the Family Author James Steyer discusses his book The Other Parent (Click inside frame to start video)
Marriage and Family Courtship and Mate Selection Aspects of Mate Selection Endogamy: Endogamy specifies the groups within which a spouse must be found and prohibits marriage with members of other groups. Exogamy: Exogamy requires mate selection outside certain groups, usually one’s own family or certain kin.
Marriage and Family Courtship and Mate Selection The Love Relationship The coupling of love and marriage is not a cultural universal. Many of the world’s cultures give priority in mate selection to other factors, such as in an arranged marriage
Marriage and Family Figure 14.2: Percentage of People Aged 20 to 24 Ever Married, Selected Countries Source: United Nations Population Division 2001.
Marriage and Family Households by Size: 1970 to 2000 5 or more people 1 person 1970 1980 1990 2000 Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census. 2001. The Population Profile of the United States: 2000. Figure 5-2. (Internet Release) accessed at
Marriage and Family Variations in Family Life and Intimate Relationships Social Class Differences The upper class emphasizes lineage and maintenance of family position. Lower class families are likely to have only one parent at home, and children in lower class families typically assume adult responsibilities. Women are often a significant source of economic support in poor families.
Marriage and Family Variations in Family Life and Intimate Relationships Racial and Ethnic Differences The subordinate status of racial and ethnic groups profoundly affects their family life. Family patterns differ among racial and ethnic groups. Family ties can serve as an economic boost within racial and ethnic groups.
Marriage and Family Figure 14.3: Rise of One-Parent Families among Whites, African Americans, Hispanic, and Asians or Pacific Islanders in the United States Source: Bureau of the Census 1994:63; Fields and Casper 2001:7.
Marriage and Family Child-Rearing Patterns in Family Life Parenthood and Grandparenthood One of the most important roles of parents is socialization of children. Recently, the United States has witnessed the extension of parenthood, as adult children continue to (or return to) live at home. This phenomenon is referred to as the “boomerang generation” or “full-nest syndrome.”
Marriage and Family Percent of Grandchildren in Poverty, Not Covered by Health Insurance, and Receiving Public Assistance by Selected Living Arrangements: March 2002 Source:U.S. Census Bureau, “Children’s Living Arrangements and Characteristics: March 2002,” Current Population Reports P20-547, by Jason Fields, issued June 2003.
Marriage and Family Child-Rearing Patterns in Family Life Adoption Adoption is a process that “allows for the transfer of the legal rights, responsibilities, and privileges of parenthood” to a new legal parent or parents. The largest single category of adoption in the United States is adoption by relatives. In most cases, a stepparent adopts the children of a spouse.
Marriage and Family ACLU Lesbian and Gay Rights Project Representative Matt Coles and Ken Connor from the Family Research Council Discuss Gay Adoption Ban Ruling (Click inside frame to start video)
Marriage and Family Table 14.2: Foreign-Born Adoptees by Top Ten Countries of Origin, 1989 and 2000 1989 2002 Number of Number of Children Country Rank Children Country 3,544 S. Korea 1 5,053 China 736 Colombia 2 4,939 Russia 648 India 3 2,219 Guatemala 465 Philippines 4 1,779 S. Korea 253 Chile 5 1,106 Ukraine 252 Paraguay 6 819 Kazakhstan Total, all Countries 6,654 20,099 Source: Department of State 2003.
Marriage and Family Child-Rearing Patterns in Family Life Dual-Income Families Among married people between the ages of 25 and 34, 96 percent of the men and 72 percent of the women are in the labor force.
Marriage and Family Child-Rearing Patterns in Family Life Single-Parent Families A single-parent family is one in which there is only one parent present to care for the children. In 2000, a single parent headed about: 21% of White families with children under 18 35% of Hispanic families with children 55% of African American families with children
Marriage and Family Birth Rates for Married and Unmarried Females Live births per 1,000 females 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 35 30 25 15 10 5 Percent of all births Births to unmarried females (right scale) Birth rate for unmarried females 15-44 (left scale) Birth rate for married females 15-44 (left scale) Source: Office of the President. 2000. Economic Report of the President: Transmitted to the Congress, February 2000. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, Chart 5-3 on p. 171.
Percent of Live Births, Born to Unmarried Women Marriage and Family Births to Unmarried Women, by Country: 1980 to 1998 Percent of Live Births, Born to Unmarried Women 1980 1998 United States 18 33 Canada 13 28 Denmark 45 France 11 40 Germany 8 14 Italy 4 9 Japan 1 Netherlands 21 Sweden 54 United Kingdom 12 38 Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census. 2001. Statistical Abstract of the United States 2001. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. Table 1331 on p. 836. Also accessible at
Marriage and Family Children’s and Parents’ Nativity by Parent’s Education for Children Living with at Least One Parent: March 2002 Source:U.S. Census Bureau, “Children’s Living Arrangements and Characteristics: March 2002,” Current Population Reports P20-547, by Jason Fields, issued June 2003.
Marriage and Family Children Under Age 15 with Married Parents, One Stay-At-Home and One in the Labor Force: March 2002 Source:U.S. Census Bureau, “Children’s Living Arrangements and Characteristics: March 2002,” Current Population Reports P20-547, by Jason Fields, issued June 2003.
Marriage and Family Children with Single Parents and Proportion with Cohabitating Single Parent: March 2002 Source: US Census Bureau, “Children’s Living Arrangements and Characteristics: March 2002,” Current Population Reports P20-547, by Jason Fields, issued June 2003.
Marriage and Family Poverty Status of Custodial Parents:1993–1999 Source: US Census Bureau, “Custodial Mothers and Fathers and Their Child Support,” Current Population Reports P60-217, by Timothy Grail, issued Oct. 2002.
Marriage and Family Custodial Parents Receiving Part of Full Child Support Payments Due: 1993–1999 Source: US Census Bureau, “Custodial Mothers and Fathers and Their Child Support,” Current Population Reports P60-217, by Timothy Grail, issued Oct. 2002.
Marriage and Family Child-Rearing Patterns in Family Life Stepfamilies The rising rate of divorce and remarriage have led to a significant increase in stepfamily relationships. Stepfamilies are an exceedingly complex form of family organization. The exact nature of these blended families has social significance for children and adults alike, and re-socialization is often required for children and adults alike.
Marriage and Family Grandchildren in Grandparent’s Homes by Presence of Parents 6 5 4 3 2 1 1970 1980 1990 1998 Neither parent present Only father present Only mother present Both parents present Percent of children under 18 who live with a grandparent Source: Office of the President, 2000. Economic Report of the President: Transmitted to the Congress, February 2000. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, Chart 5-5 on p. 174.
Marriage and Family Number of Victims Murdered by an Intimate Partner 2,000 1,600 1,200 800 400 1976 1982 1988 1994 1998 Male victims Female victims Source: Callie Marie Rennison for the Bureau of Justice Statitics. 2001. Intimate Partner Violence. NCJ 178247, p. 1. Accessible at
Marriage and Family Rate of Intimate Partner Violence by Age, 19931998 25 20 15 10 5 12-15 16-19 20-24 25-34 35-49 50-64 65 or older Male Female Intimate partner violence per 1,000 females or males in each age category Source: Callie Marie Rennison for the Bureau of Justice Statitics. 2001. Figure 6 in Intimate Partner Violence. NCJ 178247. Accessible at
Divorce Statistical Trends in Divorce Approximately one-third of all people in the United States will marry, divorce, and then remarry. Divorce rates increased in the late 1960s but then started to level off and even decline since the late 1980s.
Divorce Figure 14.4: Trends in Marriage and Divorce in the United States, 1920–2002 Source: Bureau of the Census 1975:64, 2000a; National Vital Statistics Reports 2003:3.
Divorce Factors Associated with Divorce Divorce rates have increased largely because of the greater social acceptance of divorce. Other factors include: more liberal divorce laws families have fewer children greater family income more opportunities for women
Divorce Impact of Divorce on Children It would be simplistic to assume that children are automatically better off following the breakup of their parents. Recent research suggests that the impact of divorce can extend beyond childhood, affecting a grown person’s ability to establish a lasting marital relationship.
Diverse Lifestyles Cohabitation Male-female couples who choose to live together without marrying engage in cohabitation. People who cohabitate include: college students working couples the elderly
Diverse Lifestyles Remaining Single More people are postponing entry into first marriages. The trend toward maintaining a single lifestyle for a longer period of time is related to the growing economic independence of young people, especially women. Remaining single represents a clear departure from societal expectations.
Diverse Lifestyles Figure 14.5: Unmarried-Couple Households by State Source: T. Simmons and O’Connell 2003:4.
Diverse Lifestyles Lesbian and Gay Relationships Lifestyles of lesbians and gay men vary greatly. They: live in long-term monogamous relationships live in relationships and have adopted children. live with children from former heterosexual marriages In Canada in 2003, same-sex marriages were upheld as legal in the province of Ontario. Many lesbians and gay men do not publicly acknowledge their homosexuality.
Diverse Lifestyles Marriage Without Children An increasing number of couples today choose not to have children. They consider themselves to be child-free, not childless. Many practices in the workplace like childcare and scheduling are being questioned by child-free couples.
Social Policy and The Family Reproductive Technology The Issue Today we are witnessing aspects of reproductive technology that were regarded as science fiction just a generation ago. To what extent should policy encourage or discourage innovative reproductive technology?
Social Policy and The Family Reproductive Technology The Setting While using technology to enhance the ability to reproduce is a recent phenomenon, the first successful artificial insemination actually took place in 1884. The ability to preserve sperm, beginning in the 1970s, made the process much simpler.
Social Policy and The Family Reproductive Technology Sociological Insights Advances in reproductive technology allow childless couples to fulfill their personal, and societal, goals. Conflict perspective analysts would note that available technologies are often accessible only to the most affluent. Conflict theorists further note the irony that while lower-class women have broad access to contraceptive coverage, they have limited access to infertility treatments. Continued...
Social Policy and The Family Reproductive Technology Sociological Insights Feminist theorists are concerned that in societies where men enjoy a higher status, use of this technology will effectively reduce the presence of women. Interactionists observe that the quest for information and social support connected with reproductive technology has created new social networks.
Social Policy and The Family Reproductive Technology Policy Initiatives The legal and ethical issues connected with reproductive technology are immense. Industrial societies are hard-pressed to deal with present advances in reproductive technology, much less future ones.