What matters: the main tools to consolidate EHEA Raimonda Markeviciene EduLab Rome December 15-16,20016
Bologna on political level: ministers agree… …more complete and far-reaching Europe… …compatibility and comparability… …we engage in coordinating our policies…. …developing European cultural dimensions… …we undertake to attain these objectives… …adapt to changing needs, society’s demands… …international competitiveness…
Challenges for education Joint/double degrees What is this? MOOCs Interdisciplinarity Self-directed learning OOCs Blended learning Franchise New qualifications Technologies Work based learning New providers OER Off-shore institutions Continual professional development
Questions to be answered On human level… Questions to be answered Difference and diversity is a value, but we need to communicate and understand each other! How can we ensure that we are understood if we do not say who we are? How can we expect to be rightly treated without being recognizable? Do we have any other way than to strife to compatibility in this globalized world?
What are we looking for, if we are, for educations systems fit for the future? Modern Effective Efficient To respond to diversity and growing expectations HE requires shift in its provision: student-centred approach, flexible learning paths; recognition of competences gained outside formal curricula Tools to improve our education Systems: Credits, learning outcomes, qualifications frameworks, and quality assurance systems Transparent Globally recognised Aiding economy
Bologna process (European Higher Education Area) transparency tools providing common face for HE European qualification framework European credit transfer and accumulation system Diploma supplement EQF DS European standards and guidelines for quality assurance ECTS ESG Transparency, quality, recognition
Learning outcomes – focus of all tools & building blocks of EHEA Input based approach Explicit statements about results of learning defined in terms of knowledge, skills abilities and attitudes: Point to methodological approach of curricula design and levels Clarify area descriptors Serve as basis to qualifications frameworks Aid quality assurance and standards Link different spheres of training (vocational and academic)
Learning outcomes –building material of EHEA Institutional level Qualification Curriculum Module (TLA) National level Qualifications frameworks descriptors External reference points for QA International level Development of EHEA common face – transparency, recognition, mobility,
EQF for higher education and National qualifications frameworks (London Communique, 2007) Meta-framework as qualification translation device; Based on learning outcomes; Underpinned by quality assurance systems and procedures Three cycles including possibility for intermediate qualifications. Credit ranges (ECTS) in the I and II cycles Generic descriptors for each cycle based on learning outcomes and competences (Dublin descriptors – typical expectations of achievements associated with qualifications) Learning outcomes Quality assurance EQF NQF
Two EQF on European level - confusion or help? connects different parts of the education into comprehensive framework Descriptors are more generic and can be used to describe all types of learning EQF for LLL 2006 refers to HE qualifications at national level facilitates transparency, recognition and mobility EQF for HE 2005 Bergen communique or EQF for EHEA Difference in: scope, purpose, methodology Compatible
Basic principles of ECTS ECTS since 1989 LO+ Workload ECTS – learner-centred system Recognition of prior learning; lifelong learning Allocation Accumulation Credits Awarding Transfer Documents Use of credits Key features
Three interdependent elements on different level Competences Credits & workload Learning outcomes Coherence comes from programme design and constant evaluation Credits expressed in LO provide an effective structure for relating qualifications to each other
ESG - common understanding of QA for learning and teaching (Bergen, 2005. Updated: Yerevan 2015) they do not prescribe but guide Broader context - ECTS/DS - increase transparency Ensure that learning environment is fit for purpose Accountability & enhancement- quality culture ESG principles Set common framework for QA Enable assurance and improvement of quality Support mutual trust Provide information on QA Applicable to all forms of provision
Diploma Supplement -a direct product of the Council of Europe/UNESCO “Convention on the Recognition of Qualification Concerning Higher Education in the European Region” adopted in Lisbon 1977, which: Acts Gives transparency Describes Accompanies original qualification Not valid without Diploma/award certificate Provides sufficient independent data on qualification Improves recognition nature, level context, content and status of the studies pursued. Berlin (2003): …every student graduating as from 2005 should receive the Diploma Supplement automatically and free of charge. I
Diploma Supplement revision 2015-2018 Not all countries issue DS automatically Learning outcomes are not included or well defined intended purpose is not clear Language used is not clear Format is not flexible DS label should continue Need for digitization Conclusions of BFUG secretariat (2012-2015 working group):
Interconnection of tools Diploma Supplement ESG Qualifications frameworks ECTS Quality assurance
Tools and Quality Assurance – ESG takes care of that! Tools for quality Quality of tools Good practice in using tools should help to improve the quality and transparency of the programmes and the whole educational system of a country
ESG – bridges all Standard 1.2 Standard 1.3 Standard 1.8 Standard 1.9 The programmes should be designed so that they meet objectives for them, including the intended learning outcomes. The qualifications resulting from a programme should be clearly specified and communicated, and refer to the correct level of the national qualification framework for HE and, consequently, to the Framework for Qualifications of the EHEA. Define the expected student workload and LO Standard 1.3 …The programmes are delivered in a way that encourages students to take an active role in creating learning process, and that the assessment of students reflects this approach Standard 1.8 Institutions should publish information about their activities, including programmes, which is clear, accurate, objective, up-to date and readily accessible Standard 1.9 QA processes allow European HE systems to demonstrate quality and increase transparency Institutions should monitor and periodically review their programmes to ensure that they achieve the objectives set for them and respond to the needs of society
Tools for transparency -implementation problems… Scenario 3 Real implementation at grass-roots level Scenario 1 Common problems: Resistance at grass-roots and/or Inaction on political levels Common responsibility at all levels Scenario 2
Learning outcomes and credits!!!! Common features Non-invasive Respect national/institutional autonomy Can be adapted to their needs Foster transformation of HE Based on soft-laws
Qualifications frameworks Problems to deal with Learning outcomes Common definition, understanding and application Know how the countries apply and use LO (at what level they are written, how assessed) Credits Common understanding of credits and LO (how to reach?) Knowledge how national/institutional credit systems relate to the overarching one Qualifications frameworks Mechanical alignment NQF and merge of the two EQF Clarification between credits and EQF The need for dynamic and interlocking fit between QA, QF, ECTS (learning outcomes and credits)
Thank you for your attention!