Welcome to Transformation Session Six The Human Value of: Truth Agenda Welcome to Transformation Session Six The Human Value of: Truth Lighting the Candle Prayer: As we light this flame, we light the flames of Love, Peace, Truth, Right Conduct, and Non-violence that lie within us all. ∞ Opening Ceremony ∞ Lighting the Candle Prayer ∞ Forbearance Prayer ∞ Announcements ∞ Newcomers welcome ∞ Date of next meeting ∞ Facilitator for next study session ∞ Checking in on month of Peacefulness ∞ Lesson ∞ Closing Virtue: Enthusiasm
Lighting the Candle Prayer: Agenda Lighting the Candle Prayer: As we light this flame, we light the flames of Love, Peace, Truth, Right Conduct, and Non-violence that lie within us all. ∞ Opening Ceremony ∞ Lighting the Candle Prayer ∞ Forbearance Prayer ∞ Announcements ∞ Newcomers welcome ∞ Date of next meeting: Oct. 15th (11-12:30 pm) ∞ Jeanne’s sharing of her Australian experiences ∞ Checking in on month of Responsibility ∞ Lesson ∞ Closing
Forbearance Prayer Let us have forbearance towards each other Let us rejoice together Let us all strive together Let us live and move in harmony Let us grow together Let us cherish the wisdom that we have acquired Let us live in complete harmony without misunderstanding May all beings in the worlds be happy Namaste, we honor the goodness in each other
Wise saying: “Be happy for who you are” Human Value: Truth Virtue: Enthusiasm
Who can tell us what the word ‘enthusiasm’ means? Questions: This wise saying is about the Human Value of Truth – how to become a more truthful person. The Virtue or sub-value in this saying is “enthusiasm”. Who can tell us what the word ‘enthusiasm’ means?
What does it mean to be ‘enthusiastic’ about doing something?...
“Be happy for who you are” Now let’s look at the saying. What does it mean to ‘be happy for who you are’?.... If we were born without arms would it be possible to be happy for who we are?... How?... What if you’ve been bashed and neglected during much of your childhood. Could you be happy for who you are?.... How?..... “Be happy for who you are” Mr. Nick Vujicic and family
Illustration: Think of a bucketful of gold which is melted down and made into three different things: a ring on the finger of a dishwasher; an ankle bracelet; and a tooth filling. Now the ring might think, “I am nothing really. All day long I’m covered in dirty washing-up water”. The ankle bracelet might think, “I am even more useless. All day long I get covered in dust from the road”. And the tooth filling might think, “My life is the worst. I’m stuck inside a mouth covered in saliva”.
Each one of them has forgotten who they really are Each one of them has forgotten who they really are. Each one is gold, valuable gold. In the same way, we have forgotten that we are ‘gold; we are valuable, precious, amazing, rare, beautiful. We are, each one, extraordinary beings.
Is there anyone here who is already happy for who you are Is there anyone here who is already happy for who you are?....(If there is, then what would you suggest others can do so that they too can feel happy for who they are?.... Do you have any ideas about how your behaviour would be different if you were really happy for who you are?...
Guided Imagination
Affirmation for reflection and contemplation: “I am happy for who I am Write an action plan for how you would like to apply this saying in your life and how to be always happy with who you are.
Closing Prayer May we be totally present, here and now, mindful of the gift of each moment. Let us kindfully pay attention to what is happening within us as we become aware of the truth that lies within. That our hearts open widely with compassion for ourselves, for our families and our world. That we live fully in our bodies while we bless our families each day. That we open ourselves to the great love and grace that holds us all together. That we care for each other and for our world as we open widely the circle of our family. That we all find the peace and be well. Taken from Mindful Parenting Book, Words for Reflection Ch. 8 by Ron and Suwanti Farmer,