EURL for Heavy Metals in Food & Feed F. Cordeiro, I. Fiamegkos, A. Cizek-Stroh, M.B. de la Calle & P. Robouch European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements, Retieseweg 111, 2440 Geel, Belgium.
RL DG SANCO European Union National Authorisation Control The Network The Roles
Duties EURL–FA Authorisation Coordinate NRL Network Maintain Sample-Bank of Submitted FA Evaluate analytical methods for Official Control Workshop Setup Expert Groups Develop relevant guidance documents Training – dissemination of competence Support COM in drafting legislation Close collaboration with SANCO & EFSA
“Equivalence of Measurement Capability” Duties EURL–?? Control “Equivalence of Measurement Capability” Coordinate NRL Network Organise Proficiency Tests Method Development / Method Validation Workshops Training – dissemination of competence Support COM, EFSA, MS, CEN, ISO Since 2006 European Union Reference Laboratory for Heavy Metals (As/iAs, Cd, Hg, Pb, Sn, …) in food (of non-animal origin & wild caught fish) & feed 47 NRLs (from 28 MS + Norway) = 12 MS (1 NRL for all matrices) + 16 MS (1 NRL food/fish + 1 NRL feed) + 1 MS (1 NRL / matrix)
the network
IMEP principle
Review of performances
Mineral Feed Feed PM High [Pb] Lead
Feed Plant Origin low [As] Arsenic
measurands Adapted legislation EN 15550: Pb in FS by GF-AAS after pressure digestion EN 15510: Pb in FS by ICP-AES
Ring trial IMEP-115: MetHg in Seafood - double liquid-liquid extraction: (1) organic solvent; (2) cysteine solution; - quantification Direct Mercury Analyzer (DMA) 4 seafood samples N = 9-11 labs [c] = 0.07 – 5.1 mg/kg RSDr = 4 -6 %; RSDR = 8 – 18% Rrec = 85 – 104% Currently under standardisation by CEN Ring trial
NRL mandate
Organisation of PTs (cf. Art.33.2(c)) 28 NRLs do not organise any PT, no or not enough OCLs 4 NRLs (from DK, HU, SE and UK) outsource this activity to other PT providers, such as FAPAS, BEPEA or IMEP/EURL-HM - 15 NRLs organise at least one PT/y (cf. BE, CZ, DE, DK, ES, FR, HU, IT, PL, RO)
Future/ongoing 2015 HM in chocolate HM in mineral feed or feed premixtures CEN mandate M/522 Criteria approach for HM in feed Identify methods of Reg 152/2009 to be replaced
Trace Elements / Heavy Metals Food Feed Feed Additives Heavy Metals CEFAO EURLs Trace Elements / Heavy Metals