Alcohol and Drug Intervention Council (ADIC) Meeting Mission Outline the Command’s Substance Abuse Prevention Strategies And Evaluate The Programs Effectiveness 5 December 2015
ADIC Charter MEETING: ALCOHOL/DRUG INTERDICTION COUNCIL (ADIC) CHAIRMAN: AAG – BG John A. Byrd OWNER: Army G-1 ATTENDEES: MSC Deputy Commanders / XOs, Coordinating Staff (Deputies) Army DTC (Drug Testing Coordinator), State MRO, ADCO (Alcohol Drug Control Officer) PURPOSE: Advise the Adjutant General on all matters regarding the Army Substance Abuse Program SCOPE: All issues related to programs, policy, and doctrine associated with substance abuse FACILITATOR: KNOWLEDGE MANAGER: FREQUENCY: See Current Battle Rhythm INPUTS: Testing goals, plans, and results OUTPUTS: Minutes with roll-up statistics/trends and recommendations COORDINATING INSTRUCTIONS: Aviation/Safety Conference Room and via DCO/Teleconference
Agenda Policies/ALARACTs/Regulations Quarterly Testing Statistics Testing Concerns Open Cases MRO UPL Status/UPL Class Dates for FY15 ADCO/ Prevention Coordinators (SASI Program) New Business Closing
Policies/ALARACTs/Regulations AR 600-85 dated 28 December 2012 Chapter 8, G1 Field Manual, last update 1 Aug 2015 MEDCOM Regulation 40-51 Regulations, policies, ALARACTS, laws governing the ASAP can be found at: Updated Charter documents
SAP FY15 Drug Testing Stats by MSC Available Strength 1st Quarter Testing Percentage 2nd Quarter Testing Percentage 3rd Quarter Testing Percentage 4th Quarter Testing Percentage JFHQ 255 25.09% 30.98% 14.14% 26.26% 30th ABCT 2810 9.97% 22.41% 11.30% 11.80% 130th MEB 1785 15.07% 41.34% 12.55% 10.17% 113th SUS BDE 1362 15.49% 36.63% 17.01% 14.03% 60th TRP CMD 982 16.59% 35.43% 24.22% 19.69% 449th TAB 710 1.54% 36.61% 14.86% 76.81% 139th RTI 139 0% 2.87% 19.46% 2.01%
FY16 SAP 1st Quarter Drug Testing Stats by MSC Available Strength JFHQ 338 30th ABCT 3388 130th MEB 2693 113th SUS BDE 1610 60th TRP CMD 1127 449th TAB 841 139th RTI 149 Specimens Tested 98 202 19 67 168 82 29 Positives Specimens 6 1 4 3 Positive Percentage 0% 2.97% 5.26% 5.97% 1.78% 1.21% 1st Quarter Testing Percentage 28.99% 5.96% 0.70% 4.16% 14.90% 9.75% 19.46% ARNG: End of Each Quarter Goal25% ANG: End of Each Quarter Goal 25% TAG FY15 Policy Requires 10% per month or 25% per quarter for ARNG As of 1 Dec 2015
FY15 Mandatory Testing Pools Category Assigned Tested Testing Percentages ARNG Aviation 502 714 147% ARNG Military Police 500 457 89% ARNG AGRs 738 748 96% ARNG Counterdrug 18 43 717% ARNG Top Secret 781 546 76% ARNG Medical Services 314 284 91% ARNG General Officers 5 0% ROSTERS AVAILABLE WITH A LIST OF MEMBERS NOT TESTED THROUGH SFC SFC Melendez AR 600-85 Para. 4-8 Special Drug Testing Programs As of 2 Nov 2015
FY16 Mandatory Testing Pools Category Assigned Tested Testing Percentages ARNG Aviation 502 43 9% ARNG Military Police 500 0% ARNG AGRs 738 40 5% ARNG Counterdrug 18 ARNG Top Secret 781 17 2% ARNG Medical Services 314 20 6% ARNG General Officers 5 ROSTERS AVAILABLE WITH A LIST OF MEMBERS NOT TESTED THROUGH SFC SFC Melendez AR 600-85 Para. 4-8 Special Drug Testing Programs As of 17 Nov 2015
Testing Concerns AR 600-85, 15–19. Drug testing rate and the NCARNG Drug Testing Policy - Company/troop commanders will randomly test 10 percent of their available Soldiers each month or 25 percent each quarter. Units are not meeting their quarterly regulatory percentages. Units need to notify the DTC if they need supplies.
Open ADC/MRO Cases Packet Level 30TH ABCT 113TH SUS BDE 130TH MEB 60TH TRP CMD 449TH TAB 139TH REG JFHQ TOTAL MSC or below 0-90 Days 19 12 7 1 5 44 MSC or below 91-180 Days 4 2 20 MSC or below 181 Plus 18 31 JAG 8 10 3 32 G1/MRO 9 TOTALS 56 33 28 16 145 As of 1 Dec 2015
Open ADC/MRO Cases The number of open cases and the number of ADC Packets may vary if more than one test is sent forward for a Soldier in one packet. New online tracker – Currently creates a case number, allows for various reports and provides visibility of packet work levels by case number on SharePoint. Help ticket input system on NCGKO Allows for MSCs to upload and forward ADC packets and/or prescriptions to G1 without bogging down the email or using group inboxes. Cases 181 days plus numbers are slowly starting to rise. Units need to be closing out the old cases. Units need to be tracking TAG decisions, completing the new counseling for individuals that do not wish to meet the AG imposed requirements for continuation in service.
Medical Review Officer (MRO) Lack of MROs / Full time MRO – often creates delay in processing outside of the regulatory 15 days from receipt of prescriptions MSC PAs being trained and appointed as MROs, CPT Adam Clark has already completed training and appointed by the TAG to be the MRO for the 30th ABCT. MAJ Salerno from Med Det, 60th Troop Command is now certified and assisting at state level. State MRO SOP in review MRO’s are appointed by the NGNC TAG and complete MEDCOM-sponsored training and certification within 6 month of appointment according to AR Regulation 600-85 and prior to performing any MRO reviews. MEDCOM is the final determination in the Drug and Alcohol Management Information System (DAMIS).
Purposed UPL Training FY16 DATE TIME LOCATION PAX 18-19 Nov 2016 0900 Greensboro 113th SUS BDE (Armory) 30 20-21 Jan 2016 Lenoir Armory 10-11 FEB 2016 130 MEB Charlotte (Armory) 9-10 Mar 2016 Ft. Bragg 139th Regiment 30-31 MAR 2016 JFHQ-Raleigh USPFO Classroom (Recertification) 20-21 APR 2016 Winterville Armory 18-19 MAY 2016 8-9 JUN 2016 Asheville 105th MP BN (Armory) 10-11 AUG 2016 JFHQ-Raleigh USPFO Classroom 15-16 Sep 2016
UPL Training Service members are required to have signed duty appointment orders on file with the DTC Attendees paid in accordance to their status (M-Day [orders/RMA/AT/SUTA] or AGR) and is the responsibility of the parent unit. Recommend MSCs assign Soldiers to attend training who reside within 50 miles of a training site. Any travel expenses incurred are the responsibility of the parent unit. SFC Melendez will also continue to work with MSCs to accommodate them on drill weekends and/or during BN/unit annual training events in addition to those listed. Names/SSNs of trainees need to be supplied 24 hours in advance to ensure they qualify for the training. -
Trained Unit Prevention Leaders MSC FY15 FY16 JFHQ 22 30th ABCT 58 10 130th MEB 73 113th SUS BDE 37 1 60th TRP CMD 34 12 449th TAB 139th RTI 4 Total Trained 262 23
NCARNGSAP Best Practices The NCARNG Substance Abuse Program (NCARNGSAP) office will continue to implement the program elements of (Service, Assessment, and Prevention). Effect Service-Provide the Substance Abuse Services Initiative (SASI) No Cost Voucher for all Soldiers to ensure they receive an opportunity to obtain a free Substance Use Assessment. Assessment-Collaborate with Readiness NCOs to schedule Unit Risk Inventory (URI) mail-outs. Prevention-Collaborate with Readiness NCOs to schedule Strong Choices Prevention training. FY15 (1,772 of 10,182) Soldiers completed Strong Choices prevention training. FY15 (2,813 of 10, 182) Soldiers completed the Unit Risk Inventory. FY15 (216) Unit Prevention Leaders received Strong Choices Training Success Stories The NCARNGSAP showed improvement in program facilitation for FY15. However, note that end of year results show sparse participation in the use of prevention tools; Strong Choices prevention training (17%) and Unit Risk Inventory assessment (28%) of the NCARNG total strength (10,182). Recommendation: “The focus of effort for FY16 will be to increase Soldier participation by strongly encouraging Commanders to have an (80%) or greater E-6 and below yearly completion rate. E-6 and below represent (80%) of NCARNG structure. Encouragement of this rank category would facilitate an increase of program participation for FY16. Commanders are encouraged to make continued use of Risk Reduction tools.” Trends Noticed Assistance Needed Where Assistance is Needed FY16 Strong Choices prevention training completion FY16 Unit Risk Inventory (URI) completion FY16 Reintegration-Unit Risk Inventory completion Recommended Approach Socialize the benefit of Strong Choices prevention training to MSC Commanders; encouraging training completion for Soldiers (E-6 and below)
New business and due outs?
Closing 1st Quarter FY 16 ADIC Meeting 5 December 2016 (rescheduled) 2nd Quarter FY 16 ADIC Meeting 13 February 2016 3rd Quarter FY 16 ADIC Meeting 14 May 2016 4th Quarter FY 16 ADIC Meeting 6 August 2016