University of Maryland School of Nursing NRSG 790 Course Overview An online, core curriculum course in the plans of study the following programs: -Doctor of Nursing Practice (post-Masters and post-Baccalaureate) - Master of Science - Clinical Nurse Leader
Welcome to NRSG 790 The aim of NRSG790 is to: Enhance your understanding of research and the evidence based practice process Enhance your abilities to gather, review, critically appraise, and synthesize literature on a particular topic, and Use evidence to effectively promote health in your nursing practice, in practice settings in which you work or will work in future. NRSG 790 is a web-based course delivered online through a Learning Management System - Blackboard Modular format – each weekly module has been designed to facilitate your learning around a specific topic Learning occurs through independent activities, peer interaction, and engagement with professors Students in online courses are expected to take on more responsibility for recognizing their knowledge gaps and directing their own learning Anticipate spending 9-12 hours a week on the learning objectives in a 3-credit hour course Faculty (and a teaching assistant) are present and available to facilitate your learning through: Office hours, e-mail, requested/scheduled sessions, course work feedback, exams
NRSG 790 Course Faculty Team – whom to contact about what? Teaching Assistant The course faculty for your assigned section will hold weekly office hours (in person and/or online), answer questions on course content & assignments, and grade and provide feedback on discussion board exercises & written assignments. Available during office hours to answer questions on assignments & content. Lindsey Stanton, DNP/FNP student, BSN, RN IT & Learning technology For technical issues, call HELP Desk at 410-706-4357 (6-HELP) or e-mail IT ( or LT ( Also inform your course faculty about technical issues. WB01 - Gail Schoen Lemaire, PhD, PMHCNS, BC, CNL WB02 - Dawn Mueller-Burke, PhD, CRNP, NNP-BC WB03 - Rebecca Brotemarkle, PhD, MSN, MBA, CCM, ACRN WB04 - Linda Costa PhD, RN, NEA-BC WB05 - Deborah Busch, DNP, CPNP-PC, CLC WB06 - Gina C. Rowe, PhD, DNP, MPH, FNP-BC, CNE WB07 - Kristen Rawlett, PhD, CRNP, FNP-C Course Coordinator Ensures all content is accessible & current and assignments fulfill course objectives; constructs & analyzes exams, with course faculty assistance; available to answer questions if course faculty is unavailable. Gina Rowe, PhD, DNP, MPH, FNP-BC, CNE
Course Overview Please Review Course Syllabus Course Objectives Faculty Information Office Hours Textbook and Article Readings HS/HSL Reserves Course Assignments Course Evaluation Course Policies
Course Assignments and Grading Course Assignments and Grading Grade Weight Due Participation in Individual Discussion Board Assignments (Individual assignment) 5% Modules 1 and 9 Participation in Group Discussion Board Assignments (Work in small groups) 10% Modules 2, 3, 4, 10, & 12 Group Critique of a Quantitative Research Study (Work in small groups) Module 6 PICO(T) Evidence Review 1: Evidence Search (Work in pairs) 15% Module 8 PICO(T) Evidence Review 2: Review and Synthesis (Individual assignment) 30% Module 13 Examinations (2 exams, each 15%) (Individual Assessment) 15% Each Modules 7 and 15 Complete an online CITI Basic (Group I Biomedical Research) Training (Pass / Fail) (Individual assignment) Pass/Fail Module 14
Group Work is important! Adult learning is maximized when students practice leadership skills and learn from peers in team- based learning scenarios. Students should begin communicating with assigned group members the first week of the semester. Each student has been assigned to one group of 4-5 students with whom to work on 5 Discussion Board assignments and on the Group Critique of a Quantitative Study. Learning from these group assignments is intended to prepare students for other assignments to be completed as individuals. All students are expected to actively participate in all group assignments. Students who do not contribute equitably to group work may not receive the same grade as other group members. Students will complete two pass/fail Peer Reviews about group participation, one after the Discussion Board exercises in Modules 2, 3 and 4, and one after the Discussion Board exercises in Modules 10 and 12. In addition, students working together will grade one another on participation as a small part of the total grade for the Group Critique and the PICO(T) 1 assignments. Do not let problems with group communication or group process simmer! Address any such issues directly and with courtesy and respect for all involved. If problems continue, contact your course faculty. Your group may be asked to meet with faculty in person and/or by phone or online conferencing software, such as Collaborate.
PICO(T) Evidence Review Assignments Two separate assignments that build on earlier Discussion Board assignments and sequential learning. PICO(T) Evidence Review 1 to be completed in assigned pairs PICO(T) Evidence Review 2 is an individual assignment Time spent creating well-constructed PICO(T) questions in Modules 2 & 9 is a wise investment for later assignments Resources for constructing an appropriate and well-written PICO(T) question include: Modules 2 and 3 Course professor and teaching assistant Peers Discussion Boards dedicated to posting for input and feedback Professional colleagues in your practice setting PICO(T) Question Construction Involves Identifying a problem (background) Drafting a question Evidence search (in academic databases, available through HS/HSL) Document your search strategy, take notes Revising the question, based on how many/what type of studies you find Samples of prior student work on the assignments will be provided to serve as a guide Your section faculty professor will grade all of your course papers (and discussion board assignments) Questions regarding the format and grading of assignments should be directed to your section’s course faculty The TA can also provide general guidance about assignment requirements
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Virtual Engagement Your course instructor may hold online office hours. Appointments with the course instructor and/or the teaching assistant may also be arranged virtually or via the phone. Before starting, make sure we can successfully engage with one another in the virtual environment: Blackboard Collaborate On-line Orientation Sidebar: Click on Communication Tools<Blackboard Collaborate<Blackboard Collaborate Online Orientation Blackboard Collaborate functions to review Audio set up wizard Microphone and video Participant response Raising your virtual hand Stepping away from the session Chat box
Teaching Assistant (TA) Support and resources for Success: Professors Teaching Assistant (TA) Peers Colleagues Campus Success Center Writing Assistance Academic Coaching Strengthen your focus Utilize your resources Commit to excellence Create connections Experience new and diverse ideas Seek assistance Sustain your passion and drive