WP5: Semantic Multimedia (Raphaël Troncy, CWI) Partners: CWI, QMUL, DCU, INA, GU, KU, JRS, ITI
WP5.3 Status QMUL: Creation of a web-based application for Image Classification and Relevance Feedback for image retrieval. The system is divided into two main modules: Client side: The system will be able to handle Image Classification (Module 1) and will incorporate User Relevance Feedback (Module 2) Server side: To include video shot detection and KF extraction. Functionalities: Text based query input, handle video stream and perform shot detection (and KF extraction) Initial classification result based on Biologically Inspired classifiers and User Relevance Feedback techniques are used for improving the image classification Demonstration of QMUL tomorrow (WP 4 session)
WP5.3 Status KU: SemFs - a virtual filesystem for accessing RDF metadata Paper accepted to the I-Know'06 conference (Graz, September). Apply SemFs to the SmatWebDataset Demonstration of KU tomorrow (WP 5 session) GU: Development of an interactive video retrieval system The system allows capturing the interaction data from the users and will make use of it in inferring user intentions Semantics of interaction is captured and will be used to proactively fetch information for the user A prototype (standalone application) has been implemented and will be used for experimenting with the TREC VID activity
WP5.3 Status http://e-culture.multimedian.nl/tutorials/framed.html CWI: /facet - A Browser for Heterogeneous Semantic Web Repositories Based on the facetted paradigm Allows to do simple (keyword based) and advanced search (RDF properties based) Online Demonstration and Tutorial: Paper accepted to the ISWC'06 conference (Athens, US, Nov). Demonstration of CWI tomorrow Finalists in the Top 5 of the Semantic Web Challenge 2006 CWI: CHIP - Build Your Art And History Profile http://e-culture.multimedian.nl/tutorials/framed.html http://www.chip-project.org:8091/devDemo/
/facet: Features /facet extends the facet browsing paradigm of Semantic Web data in four ways: Users are able to select and navigate through facets of resources of any type and to make selections based on properties of other, semantically related, types. We address a disadvantage of hierarchy-based navigation by adding a keyword search interface that dynamically makes semantically relevant suggestions. The interface of /facet allows the inclusion of facet-specific display options that go beyond the hierarchical navigation that characterizes current facet browsing. The browser works on any RDFS dataset without any additional configuration.
WP5.3 Status DCU ? JRS, ITI: no activity reported for the first 6 months ? INA + CWI: Provide real world queries from INA customers Cross WP discussions … will be discussed tomorrow
WP5.3 Deliverables AP.3.5.17 CWI, (QMUL/DFKI ?) 2006/12/31 Report specification of Semantic Retrieval AP.3.5.18 CWI, (QMUL/DFKI ?) 2006/12/31: First implementation and evaluation of Semantic Retrieval
WP5.3: Future Plans New collaborations/ideas ? CWI/WP3: use feature extraction results in order to adapt multimedia presentations to users / devices (ambient intelligence) CWI/JRS: commonalities between a video manual annotation tool and a video search / browsing tool CWI/GU: recommended system for video/photo commonalities between the 2 systems store user profiles, interoperability INA/DFKI/CWI: align rich semantic metadata to French video and propose pre-structuring path / navigation in a collection Apart from contractual work, what would you like to DO ? HAVE ?
WP5.3: D5.3 proposed TOC 1. Introduction (ALL) 2. Semantic Retrieval Images classification system (QMUL) 3. Semantic Browsing /facet: Browsing Heterogeneous RDF repositories (CWI) SemFs - a virtual filesystem for accessing RDF metadata (KU) 4. Semantic Interaction with Multimedia CHIP – An Art Recommended System (CWI) NoName (GU): implicit vs explicit relevance example: EGO – Efficient Group Organization (GU): Images are grouped Ambient intelligence (CWI) 5. Conclusion Other partner contributions: DCU ? JRS ? ITI ? INA ?
WP 5.3: Action Points AP 5.3.1: CWI: distribute the TOC of D5.3 by 22/09/2006 AP 5.3.2: ALL: comment and agree on the TOC of D5.3 by 29/09/2006 AP 5.3.3: ALL: chapters due to 15/11/2006 AP 5.3.4: CWI: first complete draft of D5.3 by 30/11/2006