Dawn Traynor & Paul Holliday-Millard Advising Students on Academic Probation Friday, December 9, 2016 Dawn Traynor & Paul Holliday-Millard
Learning Objectives Understand the factors that contribute to academic probation Through case studies, consider strategies academic advisors can use to support students on academic Explore available campus resources Share best practices on how to support this student population
Four Types of Academic Standing Good Academic Standing Good Academic Standing with Warning Doesn’t directly impact student but raises flags Academic Probation Suspension Student can’t be suspended if their GPA is above a 2.0, even if they lose Financial Aid due to 2/3 rule
Fall Probation Trends
Spring Probation Trends
What does a student on academic probation look like? Draw a probation student activity – coming up with prompts.
Common Student Reactions to Academic Probation Emotions Actions Frustration/Anger Denial Sadness Guilt Fear Shame Ambivalence Depression Blame others Look for loopholes Try to hide the situation Appeal to “higher powers” Over-commit to improve Soul-searching/questioning Ignore the situation Use this slide to debrief the activity?
Factors that Contribute to Academic Probation Transitions (academic, personal) Myth of self reliance Lack of academic preparation Lack of skills (time management, study) Lack of utilization of free resources Poor decisions Course/major selection Personal issues And more… Use this slide to debrief the activity?
Case Study #1 It is the first week of January in 2017. Jade, a sophomore, has just completed her third semester at UNC Charlotte. She has learned that she has been placed on Academic Probation for the second time since starting here a year and a half ago. During her first semester on probation (Spring 2016), she completed the 49er Rebound program by participating in the SOS Peer Mentoring program, which she says she found to be very beneficial due to the weekly accountability and personalized support. She returned to good standing after the spring but struggled again this fall. She says she did not go to class as often as she should have and had some personal issues that made her miss a test in one class and a quiz in another. Jade says she wants to get things turned around…again. What do you need to address with the student? What campus resources should you refer the student to? What university policies or procedures (or programs) impact your actions in these circumstance? What, in any, questions do you have after discussing this case?
Case Study #2 Brandon, a transfer student who completed one semester at CPCC before coming to UNC Charlotte, has earned 62 total credit hours. He comes to you just before mid-semester to let you know he is failing all but one of his five classes. Three of the four classes he is failing are required for his major. After earning a 0.4 during his first semester at UNC Charlotte, Brandon has been on academic probation every semester since but has been able to continue on probation by barely earning a 2.3 or higher each semester. He did not complete the 49er Rebound program when given the option after his first semester at UNC Charlotte. He says he was really sick for the first four weeks of this semester and attended no classes during that time, but that he did email his professors to let them know what was going on and tried to keep up with things on Moodle/Canvas. He wants to know what his options are at this point. What do you need to address with the student? What campus resources should you refer the student to? What university policies or procedures (or programs) impact your actions in these circumstance? What, in any, questions do you have after discussing this case?
Case Study #3 It is January 4, 2017. William has just finished his first semester at UNC Charlotte and has come in because he received the 49er Rebound letter in the mail over break. He says he knows why he had trouble first semester and has plans to turn things around. He wants to know if this program is required. What do you need to address with the student? What campus resources should you refer the student to? What university policies or procedures (or programs) impact your actions in these circumstance? What, in any, questions do you have after discussing this case?
Case Study #4 Kara has been your advisee since she started at UNC Charlotte as a freshman in the fall of 2015. She is always extremely friendly and makes her advising appointments with you well in advance of the beginning of registration. During her first semester, she took two courses and earned A’s in both of them. During her second semester, she took four courses but withdrew from all of them without contacting you or the Dean of Students Withdraw Advisor first. She has come to you at the start of the fall semester as she is concerned that she has been placed on “Good Academic Standing Warning” and doesn’t understand why this has happened since she has a 4.0 GPA. What do you need to address with the student? What campus resources should you refer the student to? What university policies or procedures (or programs) impact your actions in these circumstance? What, in any, questions do you have after discussing this case?
Case Study #5 It is the beginning of the Fall 2016 semester. Miguel has come to see you because he doesn’t understand why he is still receiving notifications from the Registrar’s office in reference to him being on academic probation. He is starting his senior year and doesn’t want this to be his academic standing as he prepares for graduation. In looking at his transcript, you see that he was placed on academic probation at the end of the spring semester. He then took three summer classes that have brought his cumulative GPA back above a 2.0. “I’m no longer on probation, right?” he asks you. What do you need to address with the student? What campus resources should you refer the student to? What university policies or procedures (or programs) impact your actions in these circumstance? What, in any, questions do you have after discussing this case?
Thank you!