Supplemental Instruction at Georgia College


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Presentation transcript:

Supplemental Instruction at Georgia College

What is Supplemental Instruction? Non-remedial, peer-guided study sessions for all students in a given class Free service, voluntary participation Regularly scheduled, planned review sessions Dedicated time for students to build content knowledge in collaboration with peers Integrating study skills Opportunity to build confidence, content language, leadership and communication skills Unique program for building horizontal and vertical relationships SI leaders are not undergraduate Teaching Assistants – SI Leaders cannot grade, assess, or evaluate student performance nor do they teach new material.

Purpose of the SI Program To increase retention within targeted historically difficult courses To improve student grades in targeted historically difficult courses To increase the graduation rates of students UMKC website

A bit of our SI history Individual STEM grants to faculty About 4 per year Physics, Chemistry, Biology 2012: Centralized Academic Support Centralizing support addressed: Training Reporting Data Collection Programmatic uniformity Comprehensive support for SI leaders Contact for faculty Delivery improvements

Growth in SI Program Fall 2012 Spring 2013 48 53 23 22 43 44 87 Semester Total Request STEM funded Total Funded Fall 2012 Spring 2013 48 53 23 22 43 44 87 Fall 2013 Spring 2014 62 61 26 31 46 49 95 Fall 2014 Spring 2015 71 68 21 16 47 45 92 Fall 2015 Spring 2016 56 72 50 118 Fall 2016 Spring 2017 76 58 42 125

Growth Creates Opportunities & Challenges For administrator Training (content related issues) Effectively supporting and mentoring 50-70 SI Leaders each semester Communication Providing observations & feedback Volumes of Paperwork (session plans, observations, attendance, training) Sharing of best practices SI Leaders and Coaches Reflections Lack of community amongst leaders Developing the leaders individually For Leaders Large numbers, minimal attention Course specific challenges Time with administrator Easy session documentation Executive tasks (creative session plans, turning things in) Easy access to attendance program, payroll website, and archived session plans 1-stop ‘shopping’ Receiving on-going, real-time support Gaining skills Professional development

Volumes of Paperwork. Red folders = Spring 2016 Volumes of Paperwork! Red folders = Spring 2016 Blue folders = Fall 2016 (old system) (new system)

Solution to most of our Challenges: Build a Website Senior student – internship & capstone for CSCI major LC Peer Tutor, SI leader, and SI Coach Develop over summer Collaborate with Director & SI Coaches Set goals Small test market (admin and coaches) Amend & improve, add features Launch for Fall 2016 use

New Website Launched! Program built by Brian Minter for senior capstone/internship with CSCI Public Calendar Personal Calendar Session Plans Opportunity for feedback, support, and encouragement Sharing best practices Search function for archived session plans Observation forms Community of Practice Agendas Opportunity to commercialize product

First Goals of Website Give leaders a place to upload documents Handle Planning Sheets more efficiently Give leaders a place to upload documents Increase collaboration among leaders

Secondary Goals of Website One-Stop-Shop for SI Program Attendance and Notes for Coaching Sessions Observation Forms Calendar Announcements Notifications Ability to Search for Best Practices

Your USG STEM Summit Temporary Account Ipad or personal laptop: User name – STEM Summit 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Password: Leader17 Working in small groups Create a profile including day/times for your imaginary May classes Add the day/times for your SI sessions Work on a Session Plan

Website Usage – first year Website Usage counts Fall 2016 Spring 2017 Users/Accounts  72 SILs, 8 SICs, 2 Adm  53 SILs, 7 SICs, 3 Adm, added 4 SICs in Training Planning Sheets 1,115  893 Content Techniques 2,364  2,452 Observation Forms 56  30 Notifications 6,045 8,345 Coaching Attendance 596  381 Uploads 270  229

Final Result: Kudo

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