Joint Institute for Nuclear Research


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Heavy ion program at NICA@JINR Joint Institute for Nuclear Research International Intergovernmental Organization Dedicated to the memory of Alexei Norairovich Sissakian Heavy ion program at NICA@JINR A.S. Sorin (for the NICA/MPD collaboration) Hard Probes 2010, Eilat, October 12

Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility (NICA) Goals: 2 Exploration of the QCD phase diagram - in-medium properties of hadrons & nuclear matter equation of state - onset of deconfinement & chiral symmetry restoration - phase transitions, mixed phase & critical phenomena - local parity violation (P-odd effects) J.Randrup, CPOD2010 J.Randrup, J.Cleymans Collider fixed target NICA/MPD Triple point? Nuclotron Spin physics to shed light on the origin of spin to define the nucleon spin structure

Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility (NICA) Flagship project at JINR/Dubna Based on the technological development of the existing Nuclotron facility Optimal usage of the existing infrastructure Modern machine which incorporates new technological concepts Operational ~ 2016 New flagship project at JINR/Dubna Based on the technological development of the existing Nuclotron facility Optimal usage of the existing infrastructure Modern machine which incorporates new technological concepts Operational ~ 2015 NICA advantages: optimal energy range sNN = 4-11 GeV (system of max. baryon density) rich nomenclature of colliding systems (from p+p to Au+Au) high luminosity (up to 1027 cm-2s-1 for Au79+) NICA advantages: optimal energy range sNN = 4-11 GeV (system of max. baryon density) rich nomenclature of colliding systems (from p+p to Au+Au) high luminosity (up to 1027 cm-2s-1 for Au79+)

NICA will provide: 1a) Heavy ion colliding beams 197Au79+ sNN = 4 ÷ 11 GeV Laverage= 1E27 cm-2s-1 (at sNN = 9 GeV) 1b) Light-Heavy ion colliding beams 2) Polarized beams (collider mode): pp spp = 12 ÷ 27 GeV dd sNN = 4 ÷ 13.8 GeV Laverage  1E30 cm-2s-1 (at spp = 27 GeV) 3) Beams of light ions and polarized protons and deuterons (fixed target mode): Li  Au = 1  4.5 GeV /u ion kinetic energy p, p = 5 ÷ 12.6 GeV kinetic energy d, d = 2 ÷ 5.9 GeV/u ion kinetic energy 4) Applied research on ion beams at kinetic energy from 0.5 GeV/u up to 12.6 GeV (p) and 4.5 GeV /u (Au)

Energy regions (present and future experiments) 5 Energy regions (present and future experiments) colliders fixed target  2 5 10 15 20 Ecm , GeV/u 1 3  10 20 50 100 200    Elab, GeV/u kin NICA Au NA49 Pb AGS Au SIS100Au LeRHIC Au SIS18 U Nuclotron Au SIS300 Round Table IV 5

Veksler & Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics 6 accelerator facility Booster New Linac Collider FT experiment area Nuclotron Lu 20

NICA layout (preliminary) MPD 2.5 m 4.0 m Booster Fixed target experiments KRION-6T & HILac Collider C ~ 500 m Spin Physics Detector (SPD) SPI & LU-20 (“Old” linac) Synchrophasotron yoke Nuclotron beam transfer line Nuclotron Beam transfer lines & New research area NICA layout (preliminary) 7

Heavy Ion Mode: Operation Regime & Parameters (preliminary) 8 Injector: 2×109 ions/pulse of 197Au32+ at 6.2 MeV/u Collider (45 Tm) Storage of 26 bunches by ~ 1x109 ions per ring at 1 - 4.5 GeV/u, electron and/or stochastic cooling Booster (25 Tm) 1(2-3) single-turn injection, storage of 2∙(4-6)×109, acceleration up to 100 MeV/u, electron cooling, acceleration up to 600 MeV/u Stripping (80%) 197Au32+ => 197Au79+ Two SC collider rings Nuclotron (45 Tm) injection of one bunch of 1.1×109 ions, acceleration up to 1 - 4.5 GeV/u max. IP-1 IP-2 2х26 injection cycles 8

Collider general parameters 9 Collider general parameters B max [ Tm ] 45.0 Ion kinetic energy (Au79+), [GeV/u] 1.0  4.56 Dipole field (max), [ T ] 2.0 Free space at IP (for detector) 9 m Beam crossing angle at IP Vacuum, [ Torr ] 10-11 Luminosity per one IP, cm-2∙s-1 0.02÷5.0 ∙10^27 9

Physics program is complementary to ones at NICA/MPD, SPD Experiments at Nuclotron-N could cover the energy range between SIS-18 and AGS Extracted beam Max Tkin , GeV/u proton (Z/A=1) 12.0 deutron (Z/A=1/2) 6.0 Au (Z/A=0.4) 4.56 Extracted Nuclotron beams (plan): proton, deutron, neutron, ions (up to Au), polarized proton, deutron, neutron Physics program is complementary to ones at NICA/MPD, SPD

Comparison, particles per cycle New ion source + booster (2014) Beam Comparison, particles per cycle Energy GSI (SIS18) Nuclotron-M (2010) Nuclotron-N (2012) New ion source + booster (2014) p 4,5 GeV 51011 81010 51012 d 2,2 GeV 21010 4He 2109 31010 11012 d 2108 71010 (SPI) 7Li6+ 7109 12C6+ 300 MeV 71010 6109 31011 14N7+ 11011 3107 3108 51010 24Mg12+ 7108 4109 40Ar18+ 61010 8106 56Fe28+ 4106 58Ni26+ 8109 84Kr34+ 0,3 -1 GeV 2105 1108 1109 124Xe48/42+ 11010 1105 7107 181Ta61+ 1 GeV 197Au65/79+ 3109 238U28+ 0,05-1 GeV 5109

Baryonic Matter@Nuclotron Physics: AA-interactions - particle production, including sub-threshold production; studies of particle (collective) flows, even-by-event fluctuations, correlations phase space distribution of p, n, pi, K, hyperons, light nuclear fragments, vector mesons, resonances ratios of yields (pi/K) in different kinematic regions pA, nA, dA interactions in direct & inverse (Ap, Ad) kinematics to get a “reference” data set for comparison with AA to study particle modifications in hadronic matter to study of polarization effects in particle production off nuclear target by polarized d, p, n.

Baryonic Matter@Nuclotron 13 Baryonic Matter@Nuclotron Schedule (preliminary) Start of project preparation 2010 presentation for the consideration at PAC 2011 Experimental area preparation 2012 major subdetector for the starting kit are prototyped & mounted starting kit commissioning 2013 Start of physics runs 2014 Round Table IV 13

MPD: 3 stages of putting into operation Toroid MPD: 3 stages of putting into operation 1-st stage barrel part (TPC, Ecal, TOF) + ZDC,FFD, BBC, magnet, … 2-nd stage IT,EC-subdetectors 3-d stage F-spectrometers (optional ?) 14 Forward spectrometer-B universal detector for collider experiments; a central part inserted into 0.5T superconducting solenoid (D=5m, L=8m)

4/19/2018 List of Tasks for MPD .. To measure a large variety of signals at systematically changing collision parameters (energy, centrality, system size). Reference data (i.e. p+p) will be taken at the same experimental conditions. bulk observables (hadrons): 4 particle yields (OD, EOS) multi-strange hyperon production : yields & spectra (OD, EOS) electromagnetic probes (CSR, OD) azimuthal charged-particle correlations (LPV) event-by-event fluctuation in hadron productions (CEP) correlations involving , K, p, Λ (OD) directed & elliptic flows for identified hadron species (EOS,OD) ……. NICA White Paper ( Round Table materials ( 15 V.Kekelidze 15

Angle coverage of MPD B = 0.5 T 16 SNN = __3 __9 GeV/u TPC (|| <2) ECAL (||<1.2) FD (2<||<4) TOF (||<3) IT (||<2.5) ZDC (||>3) B = 0.5 T

Spin Physics NICA design allows to reach effectively polarized 17 Spin Physics NICA design allows to reach effectively polarized protons up to s ~ 26 GeV with average L = 2 1030 cm2/s deuterons up to s ~ 12 GeV with the average L= 1029 cm-2s-1 The SPD (Spin Physics Detector) program includes: Drell-Yan/MMT processes J/ production processes Spin effects in elastic pp, pd & dd scattering Spin effects in inclusive high-pT reactions Polarization effects in heavy ions collisions The 1-st stage could be started already at MPD essential extension of COMPASS (CERN SPS) program

Round Table Discussions on NICA@JINR Round Table Discussion I: Searching for the mixed phase of strongly interacting matter at the JINR Nuclotron, July 7 - 9, 2005 Round Table Discussion II: Searching for the mixed phase of strongly interacting matter at the JINR Nuclotron: Nuclotron facility development JINR, Dubna, October 6 - 7, 2006 Round Table Discussion III: Searching for the mixed phase of strongly interacting QCD matter at the NICA: Physics at NICA JINR (Dubna), November 5 - 6, 2008, Round Table Discussion IV: Searching for the mixed phase of strongly interacting QCD matter at the NICA: Physics at NICA (White Paper)‏ JINR (Dubna), September 9 - 12, 2009 Round Table Discussion V: Searching for the mixed phase of strongly interacting QCD matter at the NICA: Physics at NICA (White Paper)‏ JINR (Dubna), August 28, 2010 Editorial board: D. Blaschke D. Kharzeev A. Sorin O. Teryaev V. Toneev I. Tserruya A. Sissakian

Contents (55 contributions)‏ 1 General aspects (6)‏ 2 Phases of QCD matter at high baryon density (16)‏ 3 Femtoscopy, correlations and fluctuations (7)‏ 4 Mechanisms of multi-particle production (6)‏ 5 Electromagnetic probes and chiral symmetry in dense QCD matter (6)‏ 6 Local P and CP violation in hot QCD matter (6)‏ 7 Cumulative processes (2)‏ 8 Polarization effects and spin physics (3)‏ 9 Related topics (3)‏ 10 References

The NICA White Paper 114 authors from 46 scientific centers in 19 Countries (8 JINR members)‏ Arizona State University, USA Lulea Technical University, Sweden University of Oslo, Norway Kurchatov Institute, Russia Los Alamos National Laborator Lebedev Institute, Russia University of Illinois, USA St.Petersburg SU, Russia Wayne SU, USA JINR Dubna IHEP, Russia LBNL, USA Columbia University, USA ITEP, Russia BNL, USA INP MSU, Russia Ohio SU, USA MEPhI, Russia BITP, Ukraine INR, Russia INFN, Italy Weizmann Institute, Israel Osaka University, Japan Tel Aviv University, Israel SISSA, Italy YITP Kyoto, Japan University of Catania, Italy Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, India GSI Darmstadt, Germany University of Trento, Italy University of Florence, Italy Rio de Janeiro University, Brazil FIAS Frankfurt, Germany University of Barselona, Spain University of Frankfurt, Germany University of Coimbra, Portugal University of Giessen, Germany Mateja Bela University, Slovakia University of Bielefeld, Germany University of Cape Town, South Africa Wroclaw University, Poland Tsinghua University, Beijing, China Jan Kochanovski University, Poland Beijing Institute of High Energy Physics, China Institute of Applied Science, Moldova Lanzhou National Laboratory of Heavy Ion Accelerator, China

Chiral vortaic effect and neutron asymmetries at NICA O.Rogachevsky, A.Sorin, O.Teryaev (arXiv:1006.1331 and poster presentation HP2010) Both, chiral magnetic effect (CME) and chiral vortaic effect (CVE) belong to the class of effects based on the triangle anomaly in QFT. CVE is a generalization to conserved charges other than the electric one. In case of baryon charge and chemical potential, it should manifest itself by neutron asymmetries, observable at NICA/MPD! Observable: three-particle correlator: In CME case at RHIC: 15 M events were sufficient to establish the effect For demonstrating the CVE, we need 1000 M events, which can be collected at NICA/MPD within a few months of running time!

New members are welcome! Summary The NICA/MPD design passed the phase of concept formulation and is presently under detailed simulation of NICA/MPD parameters development of working project manufacturing and construction of prototypes Physics program will be extended to Nuclotron energy range and call for proposals is announced The Project realization plan foresees a staged construction and commissioning of NICA/MPD elements. The main goal is the NICA/MPD commissioning in 2016. The collaboration around the NICA/MPD is growing. New members are welcome! 23

Thank you for attention!

NICA construction schedule 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 ESIS KRION LINAC + channel Booster + channel Nuclotron-M Nuclotron-M → NICA Channel to collider Collider Diagnostics Power supply Control systems Cryogenics MPD Infrastructure R&D Design Manufactrng Mount.+commis. Commis/opr Operation

IHEP (Protvino): Injector Linac The NICA Collaboration Budker INP Booster RF system Booster electron cooler Collider RF system Collider SC magnets (expertise) HV e-cooler for collider Electronics Injector linac (under discussion) IHEP (Protvino): Injector Linac FZ Jűlich (IKP): HV E-cooler & Stoch. cooling Fermilab: HV E-cooler, Beam dynamics, Stoch. cooling CERN: Beam dynamics, E-cooling, Acceler. technique BNL (RHIC) Electron & Stoch. Cooling All-Russian Institute for Electrotechnique HV Electron cooler GSI/FAIR SC dipoles for Booster/SIS-100 SC dipoles for Collider ITEP: Beam dynamics in the collider Corporation “Powder Metallurgy” (Minsk, Belorussia): Technology of TiN coating of vacuum chamber walls for reduction of secondary emission

27 Timetable MPD

MPD Collaboration + Nuclotron-M/NICA/MPD/SPD cooperation 28 MPD Collaboration + Nuclotron-M/NICA/MPD/SPD cooperation Members of the Collaboration JINR ~ 100 Other institutes 54 Institutions JINR 12 institutes from 7 countries The Collaboration is permanently growing New participants – are welcome ! Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Institute for Nuclear Research, RAS, RF Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, NAS, Ukraine Nuclear Physics Institute of MSU, RF Institute Theoretical & Experimental Physics, RF St.Petersburg State University, RF Institute of Applied Physics, AS, Moldova Institute for Nuclear Research & Nuclear Energy BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria Institute for Scintillation Materials, Kharkov, Ukraine State Enterprise Scientific & Technolog Research Institute for Apparatus construction, Kharkov, Ukraine Particle Physics Center of Belarusian State University, Belarus Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China Physics Institute Az.AS, Azerbaidjan

Particle yields in Au+Au collisions √sNN = 7.1 GeV (10% central) 29 Luminosity L = 1027cm-2s-1 Event rate (central) 7 kHz Particle (mass) Multi- plicity decay mode yield (s-1) 10w K+ (494) 55 -- 7.7·103 4.6·1010 K- (494) 16 2.2·103 1.3·1010 ρ (770) 23.6 e+e- 1.6·10-2 9.4·104 ω (782) 14.2 1.4·10-2 8.6·104 φ (1020) 2.7 1.1·10-2 6.8·104 Ξ- (1321) 2.4 Λπ- 67 4.0·108 Ω- (1672) 0.16 ΛK- 1.5 9.2·106 D0 (1864) 7.5·10-4 K+π- 2.0·10-4 1200 J/ψ (3097) 3.8·10-5 8.0·10-5 480