Welcome to Moon Class
Overview of the evening Rules and behaviour Uniform Curriculum overview Planned visits Reading Assertive Mentoring Targets Handwriting Core Maths Skills Homework VLE Communication Questions
Rules and behaviour Class charter Power gems Marbles Behaviour pyramid
Uniform PE kit Blue polo shirt School jumper or cardigan Grey trousers, shorts, skirt, pinafore or calottes Black shoes Navy or grey tights Navy, grey or white socks PE kit Navy blue shorts Sky blue round neck t-shirt
Yr1 Curriculum Overview AUTUMN Street Detectives Geography – Map work. Comparison between areas Science – Materials DT – Planning and making a salad. Art – Landscapes. Painting and drawing. Autumn Watch Geography and Science – Changes in seasons and weather patterns
Planned Visits Autumn term – Trip to Brockham Spring term – to be arranged Summer term – to be arranged
Reading Parents and teachers to use orange/yellow Reading Record book to share children’s reading progress. Please make sure when you have listened to your child that it is recorded in their contact book. Book change box.
Assertive Mentoring Targets Targets are set in discussion with each child individually. Targets will be set each half term. The targets will be stuck on a flap at the back of their maths and English books and reviewed at the next individual meeting. If achieved then a new target will be set. Will share targets at first parents meeting.
Handwriting This year we will continue to work on developing the correct formation of each letter and moving onto join writing.
Core Maths Skills and Progression in Calculations List of key maths skills the children need to be able to do mentally by the end of Year 1. Shows the steps the children take in developing written methods for the four operation.
Homework Reading – 10 minutes each day Spelling – set of words given each week to learn. It is then kept at home as a reference so that parents can review over the year. Given out on a Friday. There will be half termly spelling assessments reviewing learning. Maths – 10 minutes a week. Will be from a worksheet, website or Mathletics. Given out on Friday and handed in on Wednesday. Mathletics – 10 minutes a week if not set as maths homework. Times tables – 5 minutes each day. 2, 5 and 10x
Communication In person By note or letter In contact book By phone If there are any issues then please contact me in the first instance, then the Headteachers.
Any questions?