CFC Singapore 23rd Anniversary T-Shirt and Cap UPDATED Details Fiesta de la Vida CFC Singapore 23rd Anniversary T-Shirt and Cap UPDATED Details
T-shirt Design
T-shirt Layout Color: white Fabric: cotton
T-shirt Measurement Guide Regular T-Shirt
T-shirt Measurement Guide Lady Tee
Cap Layout Chili red with white* White with navy blue * Has CFC logo as well
Price List T-shirt: 10 SGD Cap: 8 SGD
Order Details HOW TO ORDER: Orders outside the roadshows (e.g. CFC Theme Weekend) should be made via your household leader. WHEN TO ORDER: As soon as you receive this Powerpoint presentation till April 2 (Friday) EOD. HOW TO PAY: COD or via POSB Savings Account # 093-97458-1 (Paulo Canlas) OTHER ENQUIRIES: Kindly contact either bro. Paulo Canlas (96619719; or sis. Len Canlas (90685217;
Thank you for supporting our mission trip to Perth. GO LAH!