Take the place of a period when 2 connecting sentences are related Semicolons
Pigs are misunderstood animals; they are actually very clean and smart Pigs are misunderstood animals; they are actually very clean and smart. Or They have a good reason for rolling in mud; it protects their skin from getting sunburned. Semicolon Examples
I gave my cat his medicine; however, I forgot to put it back in the fridge when I was done. Semicolon Examples
First word of a sentence EX: The first word is always capitalized. First word of a sentence
EX: I i The letter I
EX: George Washington Names of people
Languages and Religions EX: English EX: Christian, Muslim, Judaism Languages and Religions
Days, Months, and Holidays EX: Friday EX: July EX: Labor Day Days, Months, and Holidays
EX: Pecos River Ex: Earth EX: Texas EX: Empire State Building Geographic Names
EX: Governor Perry Titles with names
EX: Uncle Buck Words used as names
Names of businesses and companies EX: Old Navy EX: Tombstone pizza Names of businesses and companies
EX: Bill of Rights EX: Texas Revolution Historical Events
First word of a quotation. EX: She said, “The first word is always capitalized.” First word of a quotation.
Titles of books, poems, movies, songs EX: Beauty and the Beast EX: Daddy Daycare Titles of books, poems, movies, songs
EX: Mr. and Mrs. Abbreviations
EX: T-shirt Letters