What do children take to school? Getting Started Welcome to Primary 1 James Gillespie's Primary School! We hope to help answer some of the questions you may have before your first day. You can access the School Handbook on the school website under the Information tab. Some web pages will be updated during the summer. http://www.jamesgillespiesprimary.co.uk/ The parent council website is at http://jgpsparentcouncil.wordpress.com/ Day to day, most children wear a navy or white polo shirt, navy jumper/cardigan/fleece and navy or grey trousers/shorts/skirts/pinafores. Your child will need to have 2 or 3 pairs of shoes: Outside shoes/trainers for the walk to and from school and play time (and with the new playground areas shoes may get scuffed and dirty) Indoor shoes, plimsolls, which children change into for the classroom Trainers for PE activities outside (if your outdoor shoes are not trainers) these are kept in the gym bag What is the uniform? The school uniform policy is in the school handbook. There is a supplier of uniform with the school logo: BE (Borders Embroidery) www.beschoolwear.co.uk if you wish. You may also like to have a white shirt and tie for photos and school events (a limited number of ties can be borrowed for these events). Ties may be available to buy at your induction session. Otherwise, JGPS ties and (optional) blazers and kilts can be bought at the School Blazer Scotland shop in Morningside (not available online). The school uniform suppliers BE sell complete gymsac kits, however, a gym bag should have a plain t-shirt (can be in child’s house colour), plain shorts and long track suit trousers and trainers for outside activities. It is taken in on the first day of school and is kept in the classroom, coming home at mid term and end of term for washing. What goes in the gym bag? Things to bring in a school bag: Water bottle filled with water (make sure it doesn’t leak!) A healthy snack for snack time (no nuts) Lunch, if you are taking packed lunches Pencils etc are supplied by the school so there is no need to send a pencil case – keep one at home for homework tasks What do children take to school? School lunches are provided free for P1s. Children have their lunch in the dining hall (including those with packed lunches). P1’s are the first to have their lunch which means a bit less queueing. School lunches are ordered by you via Edinburgh City Council parent pay. Instructions will be emailed to you by the school so watch out for it. The 4 week menus are available via CEC website and Edinburgh Catering Services supplies JGPS: http://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/info/20183/food_and_clothing/915/lunch_menus_for_schools What happens at lunch?
Getting Started Where is the Lost Property Box? Name everything, and every part of everything! There is a big lost property box next to reception. Where is the Lost Property Box? What homework do P1’s get and how often? Expect P1’s to get home learning and activities during the week but not on Fridays. More detailed information will be given to you by the class teacher and will be shared via Learning Journals. The home learning policy is included in the school handbook on the school website http://www.jamesgillespiesprimary.co.uk/information/school-handbook/ How can I get in touch with their teacher? Letters in the school bag are the main form of communication between you and your child’s teacher, check for these every day. You can make an appointment to speak to your child’s teacher separately if required. You can also email your child’s teacher by emailing admin@jamesgillespies-pri.edin.sch.uk with ‘FAO’ and the class teacher’s name. Please be aware that teachers may take a day or two to reply as they catch up with emails once lessons have finished. You can contact reception during school hours 0131 447 1014 or email admin@jamesgillespies-pri.edin.sch.uk How can I get in touch with the school? If you share your email address with the school then you will receive a fortnightly email with news of what is going on at school and what’s coming up. Your Parent Council P1 Year Rep will organise a separate parent email list at your induction session. This will be used for sharing relevant P1 news from the school, parent council and for sharing ideas or questions from parents or for simply arranging social events. Good luck! How do I know what is going on in school?