Mrs. Harris 4th Grade
8:15- Doors open, breakfast begins 8:35 School starts/Tardy after 8:55-9:40- Special Area 9:40-11:10-Block One/Math 11:10-11:45- Lunch 11:45-11:50- Bathroom stop 11:50-12:10- Recess 12:15-1:00- SWARM 1:00-2:30-Block Two/ELA 2:30-2:50- Brain Break 2:50-3:15-Science/Social Studies 3:15-3:25-Pack up/Dismissal 3:35 Schools out - pick up time Specials: 1. Art 2. PE 3. Music 4. Library 5. PE 6. Music
Comprehension Vocabulary Practice at home by reading 20 minutes a night! We will start with Narrative writing (narrator), then Informational (non-fiction), followed by Opinion writing. No spelling words this year. We will continue to practice phonics boxes though in class. Expectations for presenting information to the class in a clear manner.
Math: need to know multiplication facts, single digit up to 100 in order to progress to double digit multiplication and division. Homework will be as needed (Monday – Thursday). Please give best effort and complete within 20 minutes. Science and Social Studies: we will be rotated between the two subjects. Often the material will be integrated into our Reading block and reviewed during our designated last half hour of class.
At this time, we are using ClassDojo to track student behavior At this time, we are using ClassDojo to track student behavior. Each point is equal to a Leader Loot, which will be used as the admission to grade-level celebrations. Any student who does not earn enough Leader Loot based on our expectations, will have to sit out the activity and complete a designated assignment. Students have passwords to technology that can be used at home if you have a computer.
Our conferences are student led. I will send home a sign-up sheet a week before the conferences. There might be multiple conferences in a session at the same time. If you have a specific need to talk to me privately, please let me know ahead of time. Don’t forget to check the white BUG folders nightly for any notes or papers. Dress code: Solid colored collared shirts. Bottoms should be navy, khaki, or black - only khaki/twill material will be allowed. Any knee socks or tights- must be a solid color. ***For safety reasons, students will only be allowed to wear ankle or high top tennis shoes. No hats or hoods in the building. Only solid colored jackets or sweatshirts worn inside the building. The only exception is a Mitchell-Neilson sweatshirt. NO wildly colored hair or distracting haircuts (this includes, but is not limited to Mohawks). Students may wear a Mitchell-Neilson School t-shirt and uniform pants on Fridays.
Most likely, we will be taking the Walking Tour in Nashville this spring. Please check your weekly newsletters for updates. Money will be collected at that time to pay for the bus and any other related costs.
If you are interested in volunteering, please let me know your availability. Also, let me know if you want to work with a group of students or helping with task cards (cutting, etc.)
Jennifer Harris