Effects of the New Deal Chapter 13.3 Pg. 412-419
New Deal Changes Role of Government; 1. Expands Role 2. Welfare State 3. Coalition of Groups (Strengthen Democrats) 4. Minorities Does it end Depression? Women and the New Deal; Eleanor Roosevelt Transforms office of First Lady; Deep Involvement, Toured Nation, Causes, Advice (Minorities) Impact on Women; Mixed Didn’t end gender discrimination –BUT- Political Influence **KNOW ABOUT THE DIFFERENT WOMEN BOOK MENTIONS**
Eleanor urged for racial changes - African Americans Black Cabinet; judges, cabinet members advice on issues relation to African Americans ; Anti-lynching Overall; Didn’t greatly reduce racial injustice –BUT- found jobs for African Americans (WPA) –BUT- paid less than whites - Native Americans Dawes Act (1887) not working out Indian New Deal funding for schools, hospitals Indian Reorganization Act (1934) Tribal Control of Land Negative Effect; Navajo Livestock Reduction Act Resent and Distrust of Federal Government
New Deal Coalition; United by FDR’s Political Skills ; Strong Political Force Southern Whites, Blue Collar Workers, Poor Midwest Farmers, African Americans and Immigrants Challenges Balance of Power; 1. Democrat majority in both houses 2. Elected FDR 4 Terms 3. Many Decades Effects on Ethnic & Social Divisions; Help Unify Nation Provided Jobs for Many Groups of People Slightly Breaks Down Prejudices
Role of Government Expands; 1. Large Scale Employer 2 Role of Government Expands; 1. Large Scale Employer 2. Sponsor of Public Works Program 3. Helped Growth of Unions 4. Established Min. Wage 5.Eliminated Child Labor 6. Gave $ to Unemployed Backlash; Socialism –AND- Capitalism Welfare State Created; Assumes responsibility for welfare Radical Changes; Direct Responsibility = Never Before Precedent for Future Division (Until Today) Effects Style of Presidency; Radio, Media, Popular Response 22 Amendment (1951)
Chapter 14.1 Dictators & Wars Pages 436-442
Totalitarianism; Single party/ leader controls the economic, social & cultural lives of it’s people Totalitarianism Rises in Europe; Weak Government, Promised to solve problems with 1. Militarism 2. Nationalism Characteristics; 1. Strong & Charismatic 2. State Control of Economy 3. Police, Spies & Terror for Enforcement 4. Control of Media/ Propaganda 5. School & Youth Organizations 6. Censorship of artists, intellectuals & political rivals WWI Legacy; Bitterness, Anger, Frustration, Despair, Revenge (Some expected more land for sacrifices) = rise of totalitarianism
1. Russia; Vladimir Lenin died (1924) Joseph Stalin (Red Army); suspicious, cruel, ruthless, tyrannical deaths of 10 Million People 2. Italy; Benito Mussolini (Black shirts; Fascist Party) Didn’t get land it hoped; Depression (no jobs); Weak Gov.; Communism Opposition 3. Japan; Hirohito (militarism); 1920s Very Democratic –BUT- Depression Expand through Asia; Guarantee Future Security
4. Germany; Adolf Hitler (Nazi Party) Democracy (Weimar Republic); dysfunctional Gov. (struggled) & WWI anger internal disunity Nazi’s Rise Bitterly Opposed Socialism, Communism or Class Interests –OR- rights ABOVE German ethnicity Dictates Mein Kampf; “explains” Germany’s problems Anti-Semitic Seizes Power; 1933 Appointed Chancellor of Germany; 1935 Continued to rise President (Voice of Germany) *Actually fixes depression *Adds to list of followers
Dictators Turn to Aggression; 1 Dictators Turn to Aggression; 1. Japan; Military Expansion (Manchuria & Nanjing = “Rape of Nanjing”) 2. Hitler & Mussolini Threaten Peace; Hitler Enlarges army, navy & air force (defies treaty); Reunify all Germany (one Reich) Must Expand Mussolini Imperial Plans (Africa/ Ethiopia) Weakness of League of Nations (U.S didn’t join); No Standing Army, No Real Power Spanish Civil War (1936); Fascism; General Francisco Franco Hitler and Mussolini Provided Aid
Appeasement; Policy U. S, G Appeasement; Policy U.S, G.B & France used against Germany, Italy & Japan; Concession in Hopes Peace will be Kept Avoid another WWI conflict; Soviet Union posed a bigger threat (communism) –SO- stronger Germany provides buffer FDR’s Good Neighbor Policy in Latin America; Why?
Hitler Takes Advantage; 1938 Brings Austria into Reich (Anschluss) Munich Pact; Prime Minister Chamberlain and Daladier (France) meet with Hitler; Lower aggression but sacrificed Sudetenland “Peace for Our Time” Wrong (Postponed 11 Months)