Earth's Dynamic cycles.


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Presentation transcript:

Earth's Dynamic cycles

Matter cycles and energy flows Matter cycles and energy flows. Matter and energy move back and forth between the different Earth spheres, and the different spheres interact every day, all around you.

Earth Systems Science studies the flow of matter and energy in and out of the Earth’s open systems, or Spheres.

A Cycle is a series of steps that repeats. Cycles and the Earth A Cycle is a series of steps that repeats. Some cycles (water cycle) repeat over relatively short periods of time, while others repeat over millions of years (tectonic cycle). On Earth, the water cycle, energy cycle, carbon cycle, tectonic cycle and rock cycle “work” together to maintain a dynamic planet.

The Water Cycle

The Carbon Cycle Biogeochemical cycle- compound is changed and moved throughout the Earth’s spheres Carbon is commonly called the “building block of life” Carbon is not just a solid- it forms gases such as CO2 and Methane

Carbon Into the Atmosphere Living things breathe it out Combustion engines burn fossil fuels and emit carbon. Carbon based things (i.e. trees) burn. Diffuses out of oceans. Volcanoes erupt– Number 1 source of CO2 into the atmosphere

Carbon From the Atmosphere Oceans dissolve 40% of CO2 in the atmosphere from fossil fuels Wave action dissolves CO2 into ocean Photosynthesis- plants breathe it in, and breathe out oxygen (phytoplankton do this in ocean water)

The Carbon Cycle

Other ways CO2 is shared… Carbon stored in plants is passed on to another organism when eaten (food chain) Organisms die and decomposition puts carbon into the ground creating fossil fuels (oil, coal, etc.)

Nitrogen Example When leaves fall from a tree in autumn, they will break down into absorbable nitrogen that can be used by other organisms.

The Energy Cycle (Energy Budget) Water and carbon Cycles are like wheels Energy Cycle is like a balance Energy that comes in must equal the energy that comes out

What would happen if the Earth’s energy budget was not balanced?

Scenario #1 Too much energy enters the Earth system and not enough leaves…

Scenario #2 Too much energy leaves the Earth system and not enough enters…

Earths __________is the area where the most heat is stored. Hydrosphere. Explain…

Sources of Earth’s Energy Solar energy- 99.895 % Geothermal energy- 0.013 % Tidal energy- 0.002 %

Solar Energy Comes from nuclear fusion reactions in the sun Drives wind, ocean currents, waves Source of energy that causes rocks to weather forming soil

Geothermal Energy Comes from the Earth as radioactive materials decompose Drives the movement of the continents, powers geysers, earthquakes, and volcanoes

Tidal Energy The result of the pull of the moon on the Earth’s oceans Slows down Earth’s rotation and causes the oceans to bulge

Energy Budget (Cycle)

Energy Budget (Cycle) about 40% is reflected back into space without being changed the remaining energy is used within the Earth system as it moves through the system, it is changed. With every change, a little is lost to the system.

The Effects of Earth’s Surface Albedo is the percentage of energy that is reflected back into space without being changed Earth’s average albedo: 30% Forest has low albedo: 5-10% Desert has high albedo: 50% Fresh snow: 80-90%