Lesson 6 – Canadian Biomes
Biomes Biomes – large geographical regions that have a similar climate and a specific set of biotic and abiotic features Similar ecosystems fit into the same biome Earth has many biomes with recognizable ecosystems – desert, coral reef, tundra, tropical rainforest, etc. Canada has five major terrestrial biomes
Tundra Biome Cold, barren biome in northernmost part of Canada Low temperatures for most of the year Short growing season Permafrost layer beneath soil Precipitation from 0 to 25 cm/year Poor soil quality Low diversity Abiotic Biotic Low temperatures for most of the year Low diversity Short growing season Rapid-flowering plants Permafrost layer beneath soil Mosses and lichens Precipitation from 0 to 25 cm/year Caribou Poor soil quality Ptarmigan Lemmings Arctic foxes
Tundra Plants Rapid-flowering plants
Tundra Plants Lichen
Tundra Plants Mosses
Tundra Animals Caribou
Tundra Animals Ptarmigan
Tundra Animals Lemmings
Tundra Animals Arctic fox
Tundra Animals Snowy Owl
Boreal Forest Biome Largest biome in Canada Warmer than tundra No permafrost Changeable weather Precipitation 40 cm/year or more Soil contains some water and is acidic
Boreal Forest Plants Coniferous Trees – Spruce, Pine, Fir
Boreal Forest Animals Seed-Eating Birds
Boreal Forest Animals Squirrels
Boreal Forest Animals Voles
Boreal Forest Animals Snowshoe Hares
Boreal Forest Animals Black Bears
Boreal Forest Animals Pine Martens
Boreal Forest Animals Grey Wolves
Mountain Forest Biome Located on west coast of Canada Temperatures vary with elevation Cool summers Windy conditions Heavy precipitation on windward side of mountains Fast-flowing rivers
Mountain Forest Plants Large coniferous trees Ferns
Mountain Forest Animals Squirrels Marmots
Mountain Forest Animals Elk
Mountain Forest Animals Black Bears Grizzly Bears
Mountain Forest Animals Cougars
Grassland Biome Dry, hot summers lead to fires, which help maintain grassland by slowing tree growth Longer growing season than boreal forest Higher temperatures than tundra or boreal forest Precipitation from 25 to 75 cm/year Rich, fertile soil
Grassland Plants Fescue Grasses
Grassland Plants Wheat
Grassland Animals Voles and mice Grasshoppers
Grassland Animals Bison
Grassland Animals Snakes
Grassland Animals Hawks
Grassland Animals Coyotes
Temperate Deciduous Forest Biome Great variety of deciduous trees and animals Longer growing season than boreal forest Higher temperatures than tundra or boreal forest Precipitation up to 100 cm/year Fertile soil
Temperate Deciduous Plants Deciduous Trees
Temperate Deciduous Plants Flowering Plants
Temperate Deciduous Animals Squirrels Shrews and Mice Black Bears Many Insects Deer
Temperate Deciduous Animals Hummingbirds
Temperate Deciduous Animals Weasels
Canada’s Biomes Mountain Forest Tundra Boreal Forest Grassland Temperate Deciduous Forest