“Blessed with faithful Abraham” Study 5 – “The parable of Genesis 21 to 26” Blessed with faithful Abraham
Gal. 4:22-31 – Paul uses Gen. 16 and 17 as the basis of an allegory. The Divine Allegory Gal. 4:22-31 – Paul uses Gen. 16 and 17 as the basis of an allegory. Hagar = Mosaic Covenant Ishmael = Israel under Law (circumcised in flesh but not in heart – Gen. 17:25) Sarah = Abrahamic Covenant Isaac = Spiritual Israel under grace (circumcised in heart – Jews inwardly – Rom. 2:29) The banishment of Hagar and Ishmael from Abraham’s house is typical of the eviction of the Jews from the Land Blessed with faithful Abraham
The parable of Gen. 21 V.10-16 – Natural Israel banished to the wilderness and wanders aimlessly. V.17-21 – Scattered Israel preserved from destruction by angelic intervention. V.22-34 – Willing Gentiles converted and brought into the Abrahamic Covenant. V.22,32 – Phicol mentioned twice in chapter. His name means “the mouth of all.” V.23 – Alluded to in Isa. 59:21. “Beersheba” named here. Shaba/sheba – 7 times in chapter. Cp. 7 ewe lambs. Blessed with faithful Abraham
The parable of Gen. 22 Gen. 21:33 – Abraham left for Moriah from Beersheba – “well of the seven.” Gen. 22:19 – After the ‘sacrifice’ of Isaac he returned to Beersheba. V.3 – Two servants and the ass (chamor) = Jew and Gentile related to Israel. V.4 – Isaac ‘dead’ for three day journey to a hill in Moriah = death of Christ. V.12 – Isaac’s release likened to a resurrection – Heb. 11:19. V.20-24 – Abraham’s ‘family’ outside Land – 12 = Israel of God. Blessed with faithful Abraham
The parable of Gen. 23 Records the death and burial of Sarah in the cave of Machpelah = “folded together”. V.2 – “and Abraham came to mourn for Sarah” – RSV – “Abraham went in” (Roth.; LITV); i.e. into her tent. Sarah is a type of Zion – Isa. 51:2-3. In AD 70 Zion ‘fell asleep’ and was hid. Must be brought back – Isa. 52:8. Isaac is not mentioned in the chapter but was obviously present at the funeral. Why? In AD 70 Christ was in heaven. Blessed with faithful Abraham
The parable of Gen. 24 Gen. 24:1-9 – Abraham seeks a bride for Isaac in Gentile lands as God sought a bride for Christ among the Gentiles. V.2 – “hand under my thigh” – Sign that the mission related to the promised seed. The story retold several times = The Gospel message has been repeated many times since the Apostle’s work. V.15, 26, 52 – The actions of the servant convinces Rebekah of the character of his master – Cp. Gal. 3:1; 1 Pet. 1:8. Blessed with faithful Abraham
The parable of Gen. 24 V.58 – “I will go” – Rebekah’s faith is exhibited in leaving behind her family – see Ps. 45:10-11. V.60 – “thousands of millions” – The purpose of the marriage to fulfill the Abrahamic promises – Gen. 22:17-18. V.63 – Isaac’s mourning for his mother 3 years after her death = Christ mourning for Zion. V.67 – Isaac comforted in Sarah’s tent = Christ and bride rejoicing in Zion. Blessed with faithful Abraham
The parable of Gen. 25 V.1-6 – Keturah’s sons create ecclesias outside the Land = Spread of ecclesias to many lands. V.5 – Abraham gives all to Isaac = God put all authority in Christ’s hands. V.11 – Isaac dwells by the well Lahai-roi. Cp. allegory of Gen. 16:10-15. V.12-18 – Generations and death of Ishmael not in chronological sequence = end of Judah’s Commonwealth in AD 70. Cp. V.16 – 12 princes and Matt. 23:5. Blessed with faithful Abraham
The parable of Gen. 25 V.21-23 – Rebekah’s troubled pregnancy brought about by Divine intervention - type of the struggle between flesh and spirit in the bride of Christ. God has started a violent struggle between two totally different ways. Struggle will continue until ‘birth’ when flesh and spirit will be parted for good. Ultimately, the ‘elder’ = flesh, will serve the ‘younger’ = spirit. Blessed with faithful Abraham
The parable of Gen. 26 Isaac’s sojourn at Gerar among the Philistines a type of Christ’s community in the lands of probation. V.2-5 – The Abrahamic promises repeated to Isaac with conditions attached. V.6-11 – An uncertain start produces mixed results and embarrassment. V.12-16 – Truthfulness produces a full crop and obvious progress. V.17-22 – Continual struggle with the flesh ultimately produces rest. Blessed with faithful Abraham
The parable of Gen. 26 V.23 – Return to the “well of the seven” means a new start = Kingdom period. V.24 – The promise made unconditional. V.26-31 – Covenant with submissive Gentiles brings peace and harmony. V.32-33 – A new well of living water confirms Beersheba as the place of life and peace. Blessed with faithful Abraham
Final study…God willing Blessed with faithful Abraham Final study…God willing Study 6 – “They went both of them together” Blessed with faithful Abraham
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