How are we going to finance all these missionaries we have to send?
God’s Plan for Provision 12 tribes (Genesis 49:28) The tribe of Levi was set apart (Deuteronomy 10:8). The tribe of Levi had no inheritance (Numbers 18:20,21). Levi received the tithe from the other tribes (Numbers 18:12).
Of the 12 tribes of Israel, only 11 had received land as an inheritance. Let us say that each of these tribes produced 100 measures of wheat in the harvest. If each one tithed 10 measures of wheat, Levi’s tribe would receive 11 X 10 = 110 measures. So the tribe of Levi would receive a little bit more in produce, to compensate for the fact that they did not have their own lands. © Pakowacs
Elijah and the widow of Zarephath (1Kings 17:3-14) Some Christians think that God always provides for his servants by sending the ravens! A principle of God’s economy: If we provide first for his servants, he will provide for us. © Vladimir Gorban
Where the Tithes Go In the Old Testament the tithes were destined for those who ministered at the temple (Malachi 3:8-12). Jesus affirmed the tithe (Matthew 23:23). The first Christians gave more than the tithe (Acts 2: 44,45).
The Apostles in First Place – in Sequence and in Urgency “It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers…” Efesios 4:11
“And in the church God has appointed first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then workers of miracles…” 1 Corinthians 12:28
But was not Paul a tentmaker? The Philippian church supported Paul. Paul received support from other churches (2 Corintios 11:7-9 and 12:13). Paul hoped for missionary support from the church in Rome. © Alexey Burmakin
Other Bible passages teach about financial support for missionary work. Jesus received financial support (Luke 8:1-3). The parable of the unjust steward in Luke 16:1-15
An Incorrect Paradigm “If someone goes to another country to work, it is so that they send money back to us here at home!”
Analysis of Our Spending Habits It is time to play… 100 Christians Said! How to discover a gold mine for financing cross-cultural missions!
Missionary candidates approach our churches trying to raise support, and many times the answer they hear from us is… But we do not have any money! Is it true? Have we given all we can to send these new missionaries to the 7,000 ethnic groups in the world that are still waiting to hear about Jesus? Let us analyze our missionary economy! © Viktoria Protsak © Andres Rodríguez
One Hundred Christians Said!! That is a lot of money! The evangelical church in Mexico is currently supporting about 400 missionaries. Praise God! If each missionary receives about $15,000 pesos (about $800 dollars) a month in support, the total in missions offerings is: $15,000 x 400 $6,000,000 pesos every month! (about a $350,000 dollars) © fuzzbones Yes, that really is a lot of money, and many people are giving with much sacrifice, but now it is time to play… One Hundred Christians Said!!
We asked 100 Christians the following question… How much money does a Christian spend every week on junk food? Junk food means: Sodas Chips Wrapped sweet pies and cakes Gum Candy After interviewing thousands of Christians, we calculated the average, and the divided it in half to arrive at a conservative figure. One Hundred Christians Said: Fifty Pesos! (That is about three dollars.)
Christian church gives to send their missionaries!) So let us work with the figure of $3 dollars per person per week. Population of Mexico: 100,000,000 people Percentage of Christians in Mexico: about 7% Christians in Mexico: 7,000,000 Money spent by Christians on junk food every week: 7,000,000 X $3 = $21,000,000 Every month: $84,000,000 Eighty-four million dollars, every month! (That is over 200 times more than the Christian church gives to send their missionaries!)
"Eighty-four millon dollars!" Say it out loud! "Eighty-four millon dollars!"
“Is this the kind of fast I have chosen?” God asks us in Isaiah 58:5: “Is this the kind of fast I have chosen?” What are the benefits of eating so much junk food? Obeisity! Diabetes! Cavities! Everyone, making a small daily sacrifice, would unleash the resources to finish the Great Commission! © /R_lion_O/Denis Barbulat /Liviu Peicu
We already saw how the Christian church invests its offerings. How the Evangelical Church Invests Its Offerings We already saw how the Christian church invests its offerings. 4.5% is spent for missions among the reached ethnic groups. Only 0.5% is spent for missions among the unreached ethnic groups. © Amat/Joe Belanger/Vladimir Wangel
Models for Financing Missions Where the Mission Offerings Go Through the denomination The local church deposits directly to the mission sending agency. Individuals can deposit directly to the mission agency. © Amat/ Joe Belanger/Vladimir Wangel
The Collection of Mission Offerings A fixed percentage of the church’s budget The Faith Promise An annual offering Special projects © Amat/ Joe Belanger/Vladimir Wangel
God blesses the church that blesses his missionary cause! What did Paul promise the Philippians after receiving the missionary offering? (Philippians 4:19) God blesses the church that blesses his missionary cause!