You’re watching TV Today is Feb. 18, 2011
ECHS celebrates Black History Month Feb. 2011
Mon – chzy bread stix/pb&j Tue – salisbury steak/corn dog Wed – beef&chz nachos/turkey&chz sb Thu – popcorn ckn/mgr’s choice Fri – grilled chz sw/pizza
Mon – cereal and toast Tue – ckn biscuit Wed – breakfast bun Thu – sausage biscuit Fri – oatmeal & cinnamon toast
ululate \ UL-yuh-layt; YOOL- \ , intransitive verb; 1. To howl, as a dog or a wolf; to wail; as, ululating jackals.
FRI SAT SUN MON TUE 79 75 72 76 72 50 49 53 56
Graduation Test Review Sessions! Social Studies – room 206 Feb. 7, 14, 28. Mar. 7, 14, 21 Science - 2/8 in 908; 2/15 in 410; 2/22 in 902; 3/1 in 402; 3/8 in 401; 3/22 in 408
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Graduation Test Review Sessions! Lang. Arts – room 102 Feb. 9, 16, 23. Mar. 2, 9, 23 Math – room 404 Feb. 10, 17, 24. Mar. 3, 10, 24
Graduation Test Review Sessions! One last review: 3/28 – Science, room 411. 3:30-4:30 3/29 – Math, room 404. 3:30-4:30 3/30 – SS, room 206. 3:30-4:30
“Effingham County Rebels” and join the more than Be our fan on Facebook! Search “Effingham County Rebels” and join the more than 2,600 fans in the Rebel Nation! Go Rebels!
Happy Birthday on Feb. 18 to Matt Huntley!
Beta Club students: if you’ve been invited to join Beta Club, stop by room 216 before/after school. Pay dues by Feb. 28. 10th grader? Last chance to join! Stop by room 216.
Wrestling practice Feb. 21 (Monday) 9 a.m.
Interested in playing softball next year Interested in playing softball next year? Stop by and see Coach Huntley sometime on Feb. 18.
George Chance Memorial Scholarship is now available on the website! For: students accepted to UGA Due: April 20 It will pay $1000
Congrats to the Lady Rebels bball team on a great season!
Congrats to the Rebels bball team for a great season!
GradBash final payments are due by April 1 GradBash final payments are due by April 1. Pay online or bring payment to room 215 before or after school.
Good luck to the Rebel Wrestlers as they head to State competition!
Miss the info meeting about going to France in 2013 Miss the info meeting about going to France in 2013? Stop by room 112 and get the info and application.
Rebel Maker workouts begin Feb Rebel Maker workouts begin Feb. 22 from 3:45-4:30 on the lower practice field inside the track. Interested in being on the football team? Attend this. Bring cleats/tennis shoes, shorts/sweats and t-shirt/ sweat shirt…
…Rebel Maker continues Tue & Thu until Spring Practice begins on May 9. Park in the student parking lot.
FGE members: stop by room 201 to pick up candy to sell FGE members: stop by room 201 to pick up candy to sell. Money is due at next meeting.
FGE meeting Feb. 23 at 8 a.m. Room 201 Topics: candy sale, ten days
FBLA meeting Feb. 22 Room 904 3:35
FBLA members: pick up candy to sell FBLA members: pick up candy to sell. If you haven’t turned in candy money, do so today.
Youth Advisory Council Autism Awareness Walk is in March. Stop by Mrs. Zipperer’s office and donate your spare change.
Jazz Night Feb. 25 Carrabba’s is catering! Tickets are $15 each; 2 for $25 See a Jazz Band member or band director for tickets.
All you can eat Pancake Breakfast is Feb. 19 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. Applebee’s on Hwy 21 in Garden City. Tickets are $7 Get tickets from band members or directors
Congrats to Katie Ward, January 2011 Teacher of the Month!
Continue to vote for Teacher of the Month and make school suggestions on stage!
Miss Relay for Life Pageant Feb. 26 Forms on the school website Tell your cousins and family!
February Special! Junior dues are $50! This special is good ONLY until Feb. 28! Mar. 1 dues will be $80.
Effingham Women in Business Scholarship: due 4/1 See the counselors’ website for details.
Yearbook & Newspaper meet every Monday in room 816 until 4:30 Yearbook & Newspaper meet every Monday in room 816 until 4:30. Stop by and help us finish the book & paper!
Miss ECHS Pageant 3/26 Info packets in front office. Due back on 3/4. See Mrs. Ward in room 905
In addition to the regular math tutoring after school Monday - Thursday, math tutoring will also be going on from 7:30 to 8:15 every day in room 919.
Credit Recovery meets every day. Times are: 7:30-8:15 - room 101 daily including Friday. 3:30-5:30 - room 101 daily excluding Friday.
Listen to Rebel Radio! Have your own show! Stop by room 816 for details.
Writing test tutoring Room 905 Mon & Tue 3:45-4:30
Owe money on your yearbook or ad? Keep making payments. Pay it off by April 1.
Student suggestion box In the cafeteria. Share ideas. Student Council will consider all suggestions at their meetings.
Visit the Rebel Country Store! Hours: 7:50-8:20; all four lunches; 3:30-4. Variety of Rebel apparel, hand bags, jewelry, etc.
Buy pictures from this school year!
(graduation, rings): 912-764-9314 (pictures): Important Phone Numbers: Herff Jones (graduation, rings): 912-764-9314 (pictures): 1-800-874-0494
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