THINC: A Virtual and Remote Display Architecture for Desktop Computing Ricardo A. Baratto Network Computing Laboratory Columbia University
isolation... The advent of network technology has allowed us to move from a world of complete computer isolation ...
... connectivity to a world of connectivity with devices of all kinds are able to communicate with each other. Furthermore, as network capacity and ubiquity have increased, we have come to witness a phenomenon that has been denominated... Source: Internet Mapping Project (
dis-integration of the computer clusters and grid computing network storage the dis-integration of the computer where our computing environment is no longer confined to a single box on our desktop, but instead it's spread out all around us, and networks replace what once were internal communication paths in the computer. two of the most popular examples of this phenomenon are <click> network storage and <click> clusters and grid computing a third example of the dis-integration of the computer is...
remote display display updates input ...remote display. remote display is a client/server architecture that decouples a computer from the devices used to interact with it, such as the monitor, keyboard, and mouse, and <click> uses the network to provide a communication channel between these devices and the computer. the mode of operation is simple: graphical output from the computer's desktop that would normally be sent to the local video hardware, is instead <click> redirected over the network to a client to be displayed. similarly, in response to the user interacting with the desktop, input events are generated and <click> forwarded from the client back to the server.
benefits given the number of benefits associated with it, it's not surprising the popularity that remote display systems enjoy today.
ubiquitous access quick: for example, it enables ubiquitous access to our desktop. all we need is a network connection and a simple client device. complete: for example, it enables ubiquitous access to our desktop, and all we need is a network connection and a client. and since the required client functionality is so basic, it can be provided almost everywhere, using anything from a simple viewer application to specialized access devices
remote collaboration quick: you can collaborate remotely by sharing access to the same computer sosp: as the display output is redirected over the network, it can also be replicated and forwarded to multiple clients simultaneously. in this manner, groups of globally distributed users can collaborate by sharing access to a single computer and the applications and instruments on it.
online help in a similar manner, remote display creates a new paradigm for providing live computer help and technical support. sharing the desktop provides the perfect environment for either showing somebody else how to perform a computer task, or help them troubleshoot a problem.
application processing thin clients application processing and data secure server room stateless client quick: and finally, they're the key technology behind thin clients, where all application logic and data are moved to a secure location and access is done through very simple, stateless devices. sosp: finally, remote display is the core technology enabling thin clients. A thin client system moves all application processing and data to centralized servers and secure server rooms, and using a remote display protocol provides access to these servers from simple and stateless devices. the major benefit of the thin-client model is the reduced management costs associated with it. this reduction comes from the fact that the edges of the network, where management is more costly, are composed of simple devices that require little or no maintenance.
existing systems remote display has been around for some time now and as a result a number of remote display systems exist today. among the most popular are ... however, the remote display world as it stands today is suffering from a fundamental performance problem <click>
what's wrong? problem: focused on office applications on LAN and reducing data transfer on low bandwidth links therefore: poor support for display intensive interactive applications poor support for higher latency WAN environments Most existing remote display systems have focused on supporting office applications on local area network environments or reducing data transfer for low bandwidth links. as a result, they are unable to provide a high fidelity visual and interactive experience for display intensive applications which form the basis of today's desktop computing and they are unable to efficiently support access on higher latency wide area network enviroments
virtual and remote display architecture for desktop computing THINC virtual and remote display architecture for desktop computing In this context this dissertation introduces THINC, a virtual and remote display architecture for desktop computing designed to address the challenges facing current remote display technology
contributions high performance remote display system [SOSP 05] first to natively support multimedia applications superior remote display support for mobile devices [WWW 06, SCC 06] in particular, this dissertation introduces the following contributions. - first, we introduce a high performance remote display system for LAN and WAN environments. our system differs from existing technologies in that we focus on the architecture of the system and not just on the remote display protocol, as a mechanism to improve performance.. - second, we introduce the first remote display system to natively support multimedia content in a way that is both transparent to applications and format independent - third we present a system to deliver superior remote display support for mobile devices, both in terms of performance and usability. our system also provides a competitive alternative to native mobile applications
contributions II MobiDesk: desktop utility computing infrastructure [MobiCom 04, best student paper award] A2M: protect MobiDesk from DDoS attacks beyond remote display: desktop recording [SOSP 07] fourth, we introduce mobidesk, a desktop utlity computing infrastructure that enables service providers to host desktop sessions in fully virtualized environments. hosted sessions can be remotely accessed using THINC's remote display, and they can be migrated across computers to provide high-availability - fifth, we present A2M, a system to protect MobiDesk type infrastructures from DDoS attacks by combining an indirection based network and THINC's remote display architecture. A2M is able to provide protection with low overhead by exploiting the asymmetric characteristics of remote display, where the uplink... - finally, we move beyond remote display and show how THINC's architecture can be used to provide continuous, low overhead recording of a desktop. we also introduce a novel way to leverage desktop a11y services to allow users to search recording based on captured text content.
THINC remote display simple display protocol COPY, Solid Fill, Tile Fill, BITMAP, RAW focus on architecture of the system to improve performance interception translation delivery
interception: traditional display pipeline applications window system device driver framebuffer our first architectural component is the point at which graphical output from the desktop is intercepted so it can be redirected over the network. Pictured here is the display pipeline of a typical desktop system. At the top are desktop applications, such as web browser/email. Below it is the window system, which is in charge of managing display resources and maintaining the state of the desktop. As application requests are generated, the window system translates them into commands suitable for the display hardware. These commands are passed on to the device driver, a piece of code that knows how to drive a particular hardware device. finally at the bottom is the framebuffer, which contains the contents of the desktop which are displayed on the screen. given this display pipeline there are a number of places we can perform interception.
interception applications window system stateful client hurts mobility device driver framebuffer high-level requests stateful client hurts mobility app – window system synchronization the first option is to intercept high-level requests between the applications and the window system , an approach used by X and X-based proxies such as NX. In this model, everything below the window system is executed on the client. Intercepting at this level has the advantage of giving the rd system complete knowledge and control over the system. unfortunately it all has two serious drawbacks. first, since the window system is at the client, ... second, since an application's logic and its user interface are typically tightly coupled, running the ui on the client and the logic in the client may result in a need for continuous synchronization over the network. In high-latency wide are network environments this kind of synchronization results in substantial performance degradation.
interception applications window system framebuffer device driver high-level requests lose semantics: expensive encoding at the other end of the raw pixels
virtual display architecture ... this model has a number of benefits
benefits first, using the standard device driver interface allows THINC to provide remote display in a manner that is transparent to the applications and the window system.
benefits second, since the device driver sits below the window system it can leverage existing window system technology instead of having to reimplement, and it can readily take advantage of improvements in commodity window systems
benefits third, it enables us to have a simple, low-level protocol that closely mimics the kind of low-level requests delivered to a traditional device driver.
benefits finally, the simple low level protocol means that clients can be simple and stateless. in most cases, all they are required to do is read commands from the network and pass them down to their local hardware.
use and preserve semantic information for efficient translation how do we translate from application commands to the display protocol?
translation use semantic information when doing translation
use request semantics to generate update req: fill window W, color C application window system req: fill [x,y,w,h] color C THINC update: solid fill [x,y,w,h] color C
translation use semantic information when doing translation preserve semantic information throughout the system
why preserve semantics: offscreen rendering draw offscreen regions abcde copy abcde display
offscreen rendering (cont) offscreen region command log merge, clip, and discard commands as needed
maximize interactive response of the system delivery maximize interactive response of the system how and when do we send display updates?
delivery transmit updates as soon as possible merge, clip, and discard updates as needed ... not all display content created equal in order to maximize the responsiveness of the system, the server transmits updates to the client as soon as possible, by pushing them on the network. this approach guarantees minimum delay plus it doesn't suffer as much as network latency increases to properly adapt to varying network conditions and slow responding clients, coalesce + discard old updates
shortest remaining size first scheduler real time client buffer C1 C2 ... Cn . . . queue 1 queue n cmd size srsf analogous to srpt srpt optimal for minimizing mean response time as updates are generated, sort them in queues. the queues are flushed in increasing size additional real time queue allows us to prioritize updates that provide feedback to user (e.g. cursor change)
experimental results X/Linux prototype web browsing performance comparison to existing systems performance on wide area networks to demonstrate the effectiveness of THINC's rd arch, we implemented a prototype as a device driver for the X window system, and conducted an evaluation of its web browsing performance, first in a direct comparison with a number of state of the art remote display systems, and second by measuring its performance on real WAN environments. we measured web browsing performance using Mozilla web browser, and a mechanical device that generates mouse clicks a regular intervals. each click causes a new web page to be loaded. our primary measure of performance is page download latency, defined to be the time elapsed between the mouse click and the page being completely rendered on the client.
web browsing performance ... up to 4.8 times better performance the results for our direct comparison results are shown in this graph. the x axis .. the y axis. - as can be seen from the graph, THINC outperforms all systems, and can provide up to 4.8 times better performance. two additional points i want to show: - comparing to VNC and X on the LAN provides validation for our interception approach, and shows that THINC can outperform both X's high level interception, and VNCs low-level pixel based approach. - comparing to SunRay demonstrates the effectiveness of our translation mechanisms, in particular offscreen. as mentioned before, sunray and thinc's protocol is quite similar, however sunray incurs higher overhead because it lacks support for offscreen rendering which is heavily used by - finally, ... up to 4.8 times better performance
WAN web browsing performance - subsecond latency except in korea (really far away, 7k miles) - provides support for our delivery mechanisms, work in high latency environments.
existing systems
THINC multimedia native support for video playback bidirectional audio synchronized audio/video playback format independent and transparent to applications
video playback video player scaling for free YUV leverage client virtual device driver video player hw video acceleration interfaces scaling for free YUV leverage client hardware
audio applications OS audio daemon audio data virtual audio driver
experimental results
... perfect playback and up to two orders of magnitude better a/v playback quality ... perfect playback and up to two orders of magnitude better
mobile devices becoming ubiquitous have network connectivity but limited environment and applications - mobile devices pretty much ubiquitous. cellphones, pdas. would be nice if they could serve as extensions of our desktop. - however they provide a very limited environment and limited applications. constrained by low power, need to conserve battery, limited storage. - but they do have network, and graphics cards
pTHINC provide superior remote display support for mobile devices competitive alternative to limited mobile applications
server-resized updates ?
user interface zoom, scroll, rotate full screen by leveraging external controls
experimental results
PDA web browsing performance ... up to 17x faster than other systems, and up to 8x faster than native
native vs pTHINC
limitations need better compression NX/SunRay/VNC, adaptive multimedia too much bandwidth? limited on mobile devices flash video no support for new generation of high- end desktops and 3D applications TCP: - we have no provisions for lost/corrupted data - we need for non-blocking operation
impact Technology licensed for commercial use VESA standard in progress
conclusions high performance remote display system able to outperform existing solutions first to provide full support for multimedia content, transparently to applications and independent of format superior remote display support for mobile devices This dissertation introduced THINC, a remote and virtual display architecture for desktop computing. We presented the design and evaluation of a high performance remote display system that is able to outperform existing solutions by focusing our efforts, not only on encoding and protocol primitives, but also on the architecture of the system We also presented the first system able to provide full support ... Finally, we showed a solution which can provide superior remote display support for mobile devices, both in terms of performance and display quality, and which is also able to provide a better experience that native applications.
Page-by-page comparison THINC faster on all pages except image-only Our approach works better than both low and high-level on non-image content
Microbenchmarks It's not each individual component, but the combination Not clear microbenchmark results can be extrapolated to overall performance But do have some results: No offscreen: ~70% (all RAW) Only interception and redirection: ~225%
future work remote display standard (Net2Display) 3D indexing and searching improvements
list of publications MobiDesk: Mobile Virtual Desktop Computing [MobiCom 04] THINC: A Virtual Display Architecture for Thin-Client Computing [SOSP 05] Remotely Keyed Cryptographics: Secure Remote Display Access Using (Mostly) Untrusted Hardware [ICICS 05] pTHINC: A Thin-Client Architecture for Mobile Wireless Web [WWW 06] An Application Streaming Service for Mobile Handheld Devices [SCC 06] Net2Display: A Proposed VESA Standard for Remoting Displays and I/O Devices over Networks [ADEAC 06] DejaView: A Personal Virtual Computer Recorder [SOSP 07]
beyond remote display: desktop recording provide recording of all desktop output allow recording to be searched we want to: - provide users with a recording of all output that is generated on their desktop, no matter if they saved it to disk, bookmarked it, etc. idea is no need for that. - the recording should behave like a movie. can pause, rewind, fast forward, random access to any point in time - since it will be a large amount of data need to provide a mechanism to search the information
desktop recording accessibility applications services virtual device driver visual output accessibility services text output text capture daemon visual record client/ viewer index
recording runtime overhead
storage growth desktop most important: only 32 KB/s on average 32KB/s
wan a/v playback quality perfect except when connecting from korea (really far away, 7k miles)
mouth-to-ear latency overhead
PDA video playback quality
web browsing data transfer
A/V data transfer
PDA web browsing data transfer
PDA video data transfer
browse and search latency
playback speedup
web browsing performance ... up to 4.8 times better performance - almost everybody performs well (subsecond) better than everybody in both LAN and WAN (obvious). - compared to SunRay shows the effectiveness of our translation mechanisms, in particular offscreen. we have also measured just for THINC and found lack of offscreen caused a 70% increase in latency. - compared to VNC shows the ... up to 4.8 times better performance
existing performance problem This graph shows the results of displaying a video clip on the most popular remote display systems, and measuring the playback quality as perceived by the client. As you can see, none of the systems is able to provide performance that is even close to that of today's desktop computer.
implementation X/Linux and windows display server Linux audio driver (alsa) + daemon X/Linux windows, PDA, and Java clients X/Linux desktop recording capture using ATK (Gnome) index using Postgres + Tsearch2
offscreen drawing draw offscreen regions abcde copy abcde display
command queues offscreen region command queue
copy onscreen client queue 1 2 3 1 2 3
how? applications client hardware caps video
how we deliver updates display updates client buffer C1 C2 C3 ... Cn
desktop virtualization decouple desktop from underlying video hardware encapsulate window and graphical state can move around: carry in pocket around hosting servers
A2M: Access Assured Mobile Desktop Computing
old slides
contributions high performance remote display system [SOSP 05] focus on system architecture to improve performance outperforms existing systems first to natively support multimedia applications transparent and format-independent wireless mobile device support [WWW 06, SCC 06] server-side display scaling for improved display quality and performance user interface tailored for constrained environment in particular, this dissertation: - introduces a remote display architecture for high performance remote display on LAN and WAN environments.
contributions II MobiDesk: desktop utility computing infrastructure [MobiCom 04] fully virtualized environment for hosting desktops hosted sessions can be migrated for high availability A2M: protect MobiDesk from DDoS attacks indirection-based network + remote display exploit asymmetric traffic to minimize overhead beyond remote display: desktop recording [SOSP 07] low overhead recording, and efficient access novel use of accessibility services for indexing and searching
display protocol Inspired on Sun Ray protocol 2D Primitives copy solid and tile fill bitmap fill raw
video leverage existing hardware acceleration interfaces YUV (luminance-chrominance) color space format independence client hardware acceleration (scaling for free)
YUV Standard hardware interface Format independence Hardware acceleration (fullscreen for free!)
isolation... The advent of network technology has allowed us to move from a world of complete computer isolation ...
... and a PC
system architecture as important as protocol and encoding
goals minimize latency simple and portable transparent operation
application requests display updates translate commands deliver THINC Translation decoupled from delivery THINC
basic static translation Draw API standard device driver commands THINC commands
THINC high performance remote display LAN and WAN environments transparent operation in exisiting desktop systems full screen, full motion audio/video playback
server-resized updates
system architecture so what does THINC's architecture look like?
two key problems how do we translate from application commands to the display protocol? how and when do we send display updates?
but... performance problems issues supporting display intensive interactive applications issues coping with higher latency network environments lack of “features” limited or no support for multimedia content subpar support for mobile devices
system architecture is key interception translation delivery