Healthy People 2010 targets & levels achieved in 2000 figure hp.1


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Presentation transcript:

Healthy People 2010 targets & levels achieved in 2000 figure hp.1

Trends in ESRD incident rates figure hp Trends in ESRD incident rates figure hp.2, incident ESRD patients, adjusted for age, gender, & race

ESRD incident rates, by year table hp ESRD incident rates, by year table hp.a, rate per million population, incident ESRD patients

Trends in ESRD incident rates figure hp Trends in ESRD incident rates figure hp.3, incident ESRD patients, by age & race/ethnicity

Trends in ESRD incident rates, by primary diagnosis, & in rates of diabetes in the general population figure hp.4, adjusted for age, gender, & race

Trends in cardiovascular mortality rates among ESRD patients figure hp Trends in cardiovascular mortality rates among ESRD patients figure hp.5, period prevalent patients

Cardiovascular mortality rates in ESRD patients, by modality table hp Cardiovascular mortality rates in ESRD patients, by modality table hp.b, deaths per 1,000 patient years at risk, period prevalent ESRD patients

Trends in all-cause & cardiovascular mortality rates in ESRD patients figure hp.6, period prevalent ESRD patients, by race/ethnicity illi illi lla lla

Trends in rates of cardiovascular disease in ESRD patients figure hp Trends in rates of cardiovascular disease in ESRD patients figure hp.7, deaths per 1,000 patient years, period prevalent ESRD patients illi illi lla lla

Trends in arteriovenous fistula use in hemodialysis patients, by data source figure hp.8, incident hemodialysis patients, 1998-1999 combined Symbols D% from previous year illi illi lla lla

Arteriovenous fistula use in incident hemodialysis patients, by data source table hp.c, percent of patients illi illi lla lla

Trends in arteriovenous fistula use in prevalent hemodialysis patients, by age & race/ethnicity figure hp.9, period prevalent hemodialysis patients illi illi lla lla

Trends in access fistula use in prevalent hemodialysis pts, by gender & diabetic status figure hp.10, period prevalent hemodialysis patients illi illi lla lla

Trends in the percent of ESRD patients receiving influenza vaccinations figure hp.11 illi illi lla lla

Percent of ESRD patients receiving influenza & pneumonia vaccinations, by year table hp.d, percent of patients vaccinated illi illi lla lla

Trends in the percent of ESRD patients receiving influenza vaccinations, by age & race/ethnicity figure hp.12 illi illi lla lla

Pneumococcal pneumonia vaccinations in ESRD patients, by age & race/ethnicity figure hp.13, for 1995-1996 period illi illi lla lla

Trends in the percent of dialysis patients on the transplant waiting list figure hp.14, period prevalent hemodialysis patients illi illi lla lla

Percent of patients on the transplant waiting list, by year table hp.e illi illi lla lla

Dialysis pts on the transplant waiting list, by age, gender, race/ethnicity, & primary diagnosis table hp.15 illi illi lla lla

Dialysis pts on the transplant waiting list, by age, gender, race/ethnicity, & primary diagnosis table hp.15 (cont.) illi illi lla lla

Percent of dialysis patients receiving a transplant within 3 years of initiation of therapy figure hp.16 illi illi lla lla

Percent of dialysis patients receiving a transplant within 3 years of initiation, by year table hp.f illi illi lla lla

Dialysis patients receiving a tx within 3 years, by age, gender, race/ethnicity, & diagnosis figure hp.17 illi illi lla lla

Dialysis patients receiving a tx within 3 years, by age, gender, race/ethnicity, & diagnosis figure hp.17 (cont.) illi illi lla lla

Bars: Rat per million population Trends in incident rates of ESRD due to diabetes figure hp.18, incident ESRD patients, adjusted for age, gender, & race Bars: Rat per million population illi illi lla lla

Incident rates of ESRD due to diabetes, by modality & year table hp Incident rates of ESRD due to diabetes, by modality & year table hp.g, rate per million population, incident ESRD patients illi illi lla lla

Trends in incident rates of ESRD due to diabetes, by age figure hp Trends in incident rates of ESRD due to diabetes, by age figure hp.19, incident ESRD patients, adjusted for gender & race illi illi lla lla

Trends in incident rates of ESRD due to diabetes, by race/ethnicity figure hp.20, incident ESRD patients, adjusted for age & gender illi illi lla lla

Percent of diabetic patients receiving all 3 diabetic preventive health tests, by data source figure hp.21 General Medicare Pre-ESRD illi illi lla lla

Percent of diabetic patients receiving preventive health tests, by test type table hp.h, 1997-1999 illi illi lla lla

Diabetics receiving all 3 preventive health tests, by pt population, age, & race/ethnicity figure hp.22 illi illi lla lla

Diabetics receiving all 3 preventive health tests, by pt population, age, & race/ethnicity figure hp.22 (cont.) illi illi lla lla