Welcome to Mrs. Iverson’s Science Class ! Stand around the perimeter of the room. I will give you your seat assignments. Make a name card. Include first and last name. Make it neat and readable from across the room. Do both sides of the card. Put this up at your seat every day. Put your first and last name on the front of your planner. Fill out the inside page.
“What Does A Scientist Look Like?” Read all directions first. You will be drawing what YOU think a Scientist looks like. No need to write a title at the top….just the drawing. Paper is “portrait “style (shorter sides at top and bottom.) Fill the paper/ yes you can include background objects. Make sure your effort is shown-drawing will be hung on wall. Work is colored, neat, use Dark marker to outline. Background is lightly shaded-no white areas in background, unless part of outfit, or scene. Full name and period in the upper right hand corner. DUE FRIDAY…..NOT TODAY, TAKE YOUR TIME, BE CREATIVE!!!! “What Does A Scientist Look Like?” Read all directions first.
Classroom Rules (we will be creating these.) 1. “Magic Spot” -Learn and Follow through!
Step Card Please fill it out neatly. Last name, First name-at top Parent/guardian-need first and last name If you don’t know information, email or give me a note with the info when you get a chance. I still need to collect it today.
What to do now Put your first and last name on your planner. Enter the date of your first dance! Never rip pages out of your planner Fill out your schedule-copy it from the white board.
Planner We will go over the planner now. Be ready to write down dates and information. We fill this out at the start of class. Have it out! This is when/where you learn about “steps” and important rules!
Lunch Routine Look for your grade level table. Today, after lunch you need to return to your homeroom Only use the restrooms by the lunch tables and intermediate classes.
What to do if you ever have, “free time.” Silent read your “silent reading” book. You always need one! Review your text, notes, flashcards Read a “Science World” magazine. Clean/organize your table basket. Up-date your planner.
Materials that you need Spiral notebook, college ruled, We use this daily….have it out. pencil Fully charged ipad-given to you Planner-given to you. We fill this out at the start of class.
You have a lot of information to absorb today. Don’t panic!
Science Notebook Science Notebook Includes: Updated and complete Table of Contents-date,Topic, page numbers. Headings on every page Assignments, Activities, etc. are completed. Illustrations are labeled correctly and include captions. Writing is neat and legible. Your first and last name is on table of contents page-top right hand side. Due Date-collected on Test Days. Points will range up to 100 points. Questions?
Projects: 100 points Projects go down one letter grade per “late” day. Being absent is not an excuse for turning in a late project...give it to a classmate or family member to turn into the office……EMAIL ME IF YOU EVER HAVE AN ISSUE OR QUESTION WITH PROJECT DUE DATES OR HOMEWORK QUESTIONS!
Unacceptable reasons for not having project.: No printer ink. No printer, (email it to me.) Computer crashes. “Dog ate it”. “Mom threw it away.” “Sister drew on it.” Pick a “due” date before my “due” date to have your project done. Wow, if you can be early, think how GREAT you will feel!!!!
Test/Quiz make-ups : Are to be done upon your return. Make arrangements with me a.s.a.p. YOU are the one to make contact with ME.
Extra Credit You may do two per trimester. Active Art Assignment, (found in your textbook.) Must be on current chapter. Achieve article-one you haven’t done in any class. Only 20 points possible per Trimester.
Science Books We have a class set. Please don’t take any books from the classroom. You can check one out from the librarian. Science Books are expensive, ($85) Don’t lose it. Keep it in a safe place at home.
Break Behavior Stay on the 7th grade side. No eating in the building. Stay on the concrete/okay to sit around trees. Use the restrooms/get drinks during break. Don’t Smash milk/juice cartons or pouches. Be respectful and responsible. Our School environment is AMAZING! Treat is as such. Stay out of the building during break and lunch.
Dismissal Routine A classroom text book will need to be at your seat area, “Placemat style. 4 books per table, don’t remove from class!!!!! Supplies-please don’t take anything from supply baskets. I have extras on the counter. Infractions may result in everyone at your table receiving a step. Yikes! The Teacher-not the “clock” will dismiss you. Stand behind your seat and wait for my cue. We exit through the back door to go to Math Class.
Somethings about Mrs. Iverson Married with two, “fur babies.” Was a Dental Tech in the U.S. Navy. Lived in Japan when she was in 7th grade. Graduated from Frankfurt American High School in Germany, (Go Eagles.) Loves to sing at Karaoke. Thinks 7th grade is the BEST grade to teach. Loves taking her dogs to Fiesta Island!
After Lunch, report to homeroom to go to a behavior assembly with Mrs After Lunch, report to homeroom to go to a behavior assembly with Mrs. Saunders. Have an Awesome Day!