Vernier Equipment Understanding the Basics of Vernier Technology and Tools Part 2: External Probes and Networking
Using External Probes/Sensors Force Sensor – used to measure the amount of push or pull exerted on an object. Force Sensor – used to measure the amount of push or pull exerted on an object. (slide 2-3) Connect cable to Force Sensor Probe. Connect other end to the CH1 Input of the probe. Current reading automatically loads up (Speedometer icon) *Note the force display on the unit Tap the “Red” area of the display screen Tap “Zero” to calibrate device Tap “Play” icon *Default recording mode is set at 50 samples/sec for 10 seconds. This can be changed later. *As the device is recording, gently pull and push on the hooked end of the force sensor and observe the graph as it changes. Wait until unit finished recording Checkpoint: Sketch a graph of your result. Analog Channels 1, 2, 3
Using External Probes/Sensors Force Sensor Display Calibration Force Sensor – used to measure the amount of push or pull exerted on an object. (slide 2-3) Connect cable to Force Sensor Probe. Connect other end to the CH1 Input of the probe. Current reading automatically loads up (Speedometer icon) *Note the force display on the unit Tap the “Red” area of the display screen Tap “Zero” to calibrate device Tap “Play” icon *Default recording mode is set at 50 samples/sec for 10 seconds. This can be changed later. *As the device is recording, gently pull and push on the hooked end of the force sensor and observe the graph as it changes. Wait until unit finished recording Checkpoint: Sketch a graph of your result. Calibrate with Zero
Using External Probes/Sensors Force Sensor Display Record Force Sensor – used to measure the amount of push or pull exerted on an object. (slide 2-3) Connect cable to Force Sensor Probe. Connect other end to the CH1 Input of the probe. Current reading automatically loads up (Speedometer icon) *Note the force display on the unit Tap the “Red” area of the display screen Tap “Zero” to calibrate device Tap “Play” icon *Default recording mode is set at 50 samples/sec for 10 seconds. This can be changed later. *As the device is recording, gently pull and push on the hooked end of the force sensor and observe the graph as it changes. Wait until unit finished recording Checkpoint: Sketch a graph of your result. Push and Pull End Piece with Hand
Saving/Opening Files Save – files can be saved on unit, external flash memory, or onto network computer Saving File to Unit (slide 5-6) Tap “File” -> “Save” -> Tap on “untitled” Type in “HelloVernier” (Observe where you want to save file to in top left corner. If a USB drive was plugged in, a USB icon will show up. Tap on the icon to save file into that location.) Tap on Save Type in name
Saving/Opening Files Save – USB flash drive USB flash drive slot Saving File to Unit (slide 5-6) Tap “File” -> “Save” -> Tap on “untitled” Type in “HelloVernier” (Observe where you want to save file to in top left corner. If a USB drive was plugged in, a USB icon will show up. Tap on the icon to save file into that location.) USB flash drive slot USB flash drive icon
Saving/Opening Files Open – files can be opened from unit, external flash memory, or on network Opening File from Unit (slide 7) Tap “File” -> “Quit” Tap “File” -> “Open” -> Tap “HelloVernier” * You should be able to open the file you just saved. Tap Open Tap on File to Open
Using External Probes/Sensors Motion Sensor – used to measure the rate of change in position of object (distance, velocity, acceleration) Motion Detector Sensor (slide 8-9) Connect cable to Motion Detector Probe. Connect other end to the Digital Input of the probe. Current reading automatically loads up (Speedometer icon) *Note the distance reading on the unit Tap the “Play” icon Move your hand back and forth from the motion detector. Notice the graph changes and follows the position of your hand. Checkpoint: Sketch a graph of your result. Sensitivity setting – cart (small objects), Person and basketball (large objects) Use DIG1 port or DIG2 port
Using External Probes/Sensors Motion Sensor Display Motion Detector Sensor (slide 8-9) Connect cable to Motion Detector Probe. Connect other end to the Digital Input of the probe. Current reading automatically loads up (Speedometer icon) *Note the distance reading on the unit Tap the “Play” icon Move your hand back and forth from the motion detector. Notice the graph changes and follows the position of your hand. Checkpoint: Sketch a graph of your result.
Connecting to Network Wireless Connectivity – Allows for data sharing via smartphone. Wireless Connectivity Setup (slide 10) Tap “Wireless” icon in bottom right corner (looks like arcs of a circle growing out) Tap name of the network you want to connect to. (May have to check with network administrator for the network password). Wireless icon Tap on network you want to connect to (may have to check with network Administrator for password)
Data Sharing Wireless Connectivity – Connected and shows QR code Data Sharing (slide 11-12) Once connected, you will see a QR-code in the bottom left corner. Use smartphone QR-scanner to access the data (Phone must be on the same network as LabQuest) An alternative would be to type in the address displayed beneath the QR code. Wireless icon Connect to same network as LabQuest
Data Sharing Wireless Connectivity – Scan QR code with smartphone Data Sharing (slide 11-12) Once connected, you will see a QR-code in the bottom left corner. Use smartphone QR-scanner to access the data (Phone must be on the same network as LabQuest) An alternative would be to type in the address displayed beneath the QR code. Scan QR code with smartphone (Make sure you have already downloaded a QR code scanner app) Data on LabQuest can be viewed (not edited) on Smartphone)
End Questions? Thank you for participating. Ask for questions: Distribute Staff Survey 2 (Teacher_Survey_Part2.docx) All pictures used in this slideshow were taken by Peng Yav.