Mayan Kings and Cities Ch 16 sec 2
Maya Create Urban Kingdoms Maya boundaries were southern Mexico to northern Central America North (lowlands) Yucatan Peninsula to southeastern Mexico to northern Guatemala Highlands: Mountains from southern Mexico to El Salvador Mayans influenced by the __________ Urban Centers Period from _____ to _____ know as ______ period of Mayans Built major city in northern Guatemala called ________ Each center was its own ____-_____ ruled by ___-____ center for religious ceremonies and ______ _______ built in Tikal that was 212 feet high Effect of Mayans playing their game on the ball court would be to maintain the ______ of the ____ and _____ and bring ____- ______ rains. Agriculture and Trade Support Cities Mayan city-states linked through __________ and ______ Mayans sometimes used ______ _______ as currency Used ______ and ______ practice for agriculture Also planted on raised beds above ________ and on __________ ____________ Kingdoms Built on Dynasties Social class structure of Mayans Mayan _____ was at the very top. Passed throne down to eldest son. Other sons would join priesthood Noble class included the ________ and __________________________ _________________ and ___________ _____________ were the middle class The majority were at the bottom which were the ________________ ________________
Religion Shapes Mayan Life Religious Practices Worshipped gods in many ways _______ or made offerings of ____, _____ and ______ _______ their bodies, offered their blood to nourish their _____ _______ ________ of captured enemies Chichen Itza threw captives in sinkhole lake called a ________ Math Develops to Support Religion Developed _________, ___________ and __________ Effect of development of calendar helped determine best time to _______ ______, ______ ______ or crown new rulers Mayan astronomers and mathematicians calculated solar year at ___.____ days which is .0002 of a day short Use math system which included concept of _____
Written Language Preserves History Used 800 hieroglyphic symbols called ______ ______ was a bark paper book ______ _____ recounts Highland Maya’s version of story of creation
Mysterious Mayan Decline Possible reason for decline of Mayans _______ broke out between city-states _______ disrupted trade and forced many to flee cities ________ growth and ___-______ caused ecological damage