Global Energy Network Research Programs Prof. Fred Aminzadeh Chemical Engineering, Petroleum Program Incoming Students Orientation August 31, 2016
Petroleum Engineering Problems
An Introduction Background Graduated form USC 1979 Bell Laboratories 79-82 Unocal (now part of Chevron) 82-99 dGB Earth Sciences 99-09 SEG president 2007-2008 USC 2010-present Courses at USC Intelligent and Collaborative Oilfield Systems Characterization & Management (PTE586) Advanced Oilfield Operations with Remote Visualization and Control (PTE589)
Relevant Initiatives The Global Energy Network (GEN) Reservoir Monitoring Consortium (RMC) Induced Seismicity Consortium (ISC) Reservoir Development and Monitoring System
PhD Students Magdalene Ante (Nigeria) Abdulrahman Bubshait (Saudi Aramco) Ahmed Bubshait (Saudi Aramco) Rayan Dablul (Saudi Aramco) Mehran Hosseini Nima Jabbari (now at Williams Associates) Metin Karakas (Chevron Fellowship) Debotyam Maity (now at Gas Technology Institute) Noha Najem (Kuwait Oil Company) Arman Nejad (now at FracGeo) Mahshad Samnejad Tayeb Tafti (now at Aera Energy) Minh Tran (Provost Fellowship) Robert Walker (Chevron Fellowship) Xiaoxi Zhao Current Graduated
The Global Energy Network Focus on Critical Energy Issues The Global Energy Network (GEN) and its partnering institutions and USC Centers address the critical energy issues, including: Fossil Energy Renewables Geothermal Environment and Safety Smart Grid Efficiency Big Data Revitalization of Urban Oil Fields
The Center for Geothermal Studies (CGS) CGS Goals Promotes excellence in geothermal research and development by offering a multi-disciplinary program in geothermal energy development. Focuses on the technical and operational challenges associated with developing geothermal energy, from exploration and production a in safe and cost-effective ways and conduct the necessary R&D. Provides high quality training and technology transfer on geothermal technologies Main Programs US Department of Energy : Characterizing Fractures in Geysers Geothermal Field by Micro-seismic Data, Using Soft Computing, Fractals, and Shear Wave Anisotropy (With LBNL and Calpine) USAID, U.S. – INDONESIAN GEOTHERMAL EDUCATION CAPACITY BUILDING (with ITB), Distinguished Lecture Program (DLP).
GEN2020 Campaign GEN2020 Campaign Goal: Raise $20 million by year 2020 GEN2020 will help accelerate GEN’s research programs on diverse sources of energy. The R&D programs of GEN, spans wide areas including the conventional and unconventional oil and gas resources, and alternative energy. GEN will be a catalyst for excellence in Energy research. GEN supports forums and constructive debate on the energy, relevant public policy issues and associated economic and environmental matters. Dr. Fred Aminzadeh, Managing director of GEN, is leading the GEN2020 initiative which sets out improved foresight on energy matters into the year 2020. Twenty million in funding is needed to launch 20 energy-related projects by the year 2020. GEN2020 main focus areas will continue to be the Energy, Environment and Economics trilogy (E-cubed). To Donate to GEN2020 go to
CURRENT GEN2020 PROGRAMS To Donate to GEN2020 go to
Reservoir Monitoring Consortium (RMC)
RMC Objectives Identify the current key technology gaps Focus on interfaces between different disciplines Integrate data, information, expertise and workflows Maintain a balance between the short term high impact research and long term needs Develop dynamic reservoir monitoring (DRM) workflow Focus areas of reservoir types: Shale, Carbonate, Deep water Mature fields
US DOE, Devonian shale gas Applications Fractured Reservoir Tight sands Shale oil and gas Co2 Sequestration Geothermal Reservoir US DOE, Devonian shale gas Geothermal US GS , Geysers and
Reservoir Monitoring Consortium What is RMC? USC’s Reservoir Monitoring Consortium brings technologies and expertise from a wide range of disciplines to develop new reservoir characterization and monitoring tools.
RMC Hybrid Structure RMC Base Project Member’s Access to general results of Base RMC Prioritization of Base Project Mix Partial Access to ISP projects (with ISP member concurrence) Individually Sponsored Projects (ISP) Access to RMC Base Project Results ISP Member focused project Limited distribution of data and results Increased interaction between ISP member and USC
USC Reservoir Monitoring Consortium RMC Base Projects Integrated Geomechanics- MEQ Modeling Fracture Propagation Mapping Optimizing MS Hydraulic Fracturing Increasing SRV MEQ & Seismic Integration for Shale Reservoirs Time lapse Seismic & Petrophysics for RM Uncertainty Assessment of Reserves
Reservoir Property prediction Vp Vp/Vs Velocity models from tomographic inversion Improved p and s velocity models as a precursor to delineating anomalies and structures of interest and correlate velocity anomalies with fracture swarms and other reservoir properties of interest Vs Poisson’s ratio Extensional Stress Hydrostatic Stress
4D Reservoir Monitoring Reservoir Simulation Seismic Response Rock Properties 4D Reservoir Monitoring Full-field model prediction pressure, saturation, Geomechanics Pressure Response Core analysis Analogue data Log Analysis (Vp, Vs, Density) Data Quality S/N, Bandwidth Repeatability Match Processing, Amplitude analysis (O'Donovan, 2000)
Analysis of Hydraulic Fracturing Modeling of Fracture Initiation and Propagation Width of fracture A novel algorithm is developed and is tested to model early time of hydraulic fracturing. It integrates various mechanisms in hydraulic fracturing to offer a realistic model of fracture initiation and propagation. Left Figure: Slide 8, Slide 5, Slide10, Right Figures: Slide13, Slide11, Hydraulic Fracturing Simulation Cross section view of discretized reservoir
Fracture Mapping using MEQ, Seismic & Petrophysical Data HYBRID FZI ATTRIBUTE MAPPING (ANN) Maity, and Aminzadeh, 2015: Interpretation, 3(3), T155–T167.
Fracture Propagation Mapping (a) P = 1.091×106 Pa (b) P = 1.83×106 Pa (c) P = 2.197×106 Pa On the left: a propagating fracture and the potential area of shear failure where shear failure and microseismicity may be observed for a case of high reservoir injection and pore-pressure. On the right: a propagating fracture and the potential area of shear failure where shear failure and microseismicity may be observed for a case of high pore-pressure. The cold colors show stable areas while the hot colors show the unstable areas, located at the fracture tip. It can be seen that depending on reservoir conditions, same fracture may give us different microseismic response. Stress field distribution in a 1 m by 0.5 m rectangular plate. Distance between two fractures is 10 cm. Normal stress distribution in Y direction. Khodabakhsh Nejad (2015)
RMC Individually Sponsored Projects (ISP) RMC -ISP Hydraulic Fracturing Test Bed (HFTB) DOGGR In-situ Stresses for hydrofacture (ISH) Saudi Aramco HCI with Absorption and Anisotropic AVO Y Next Generation Visualization (NGV) Tracer Analysis for EOR/ Monitoring (TAEM) Monitoring Kick and Overpressure (MKO) X KOC NETL/Aramco Advanced CO2 Monitoring with FOAM (ACMF) ADNOC Reservoir Stimulation & Vertical fracture Propagation Using MEQ & GM Modeling RSVP-MGM Mobility Control with Polymers (MCP) Saudi Aramco Saudi Aramco
Smart Tracer Technology A novel approach using downhole sensing and dynamic simulation is now being developed to address \challenges and aid in the identification of pathways, improve sweep efficiency and indicate SOR.
Real Time Kick Detection at the Bit In collaboration with NETL and Saudi Aramco, the algorithms will be validated and tested by using historical well log measurements of wells that encountered number of kick events. After the validation phase to ensure working under field conditions, the algorithms will be trail tested with real time wellbore data.
In-situ Stress in Hydraulic Fracturing (ISH) Determine regional fracture Well logs Velocity models Seismic attribute Fracture characterization Cores analysis
Reservoir Stimulation and Vertical fracture Propagation Using Microseismic and Geomechanical Modeling (RSVP-MGM)
Mobility Control Through the Use of Polymers in EOR Provide an understanding of the premature water breakthrough in some of the wells producing from Manifa field. Provide possible mobility ratio adjustment options through the use of different chemicals commonly used in the industry as a secondary/tertiary recovery method (CO2 or Polymer)
Advanced CO2 Monitoring (ACM)
Induced Seismicity Consortium What is ISC? The Induced Seismicity Consortium (ISC) aims to improve our understanding of induced seismicity and how is influenced by subsurface fluid injection and production (SFIP). Well Integrity Laboratory modeling of induced seismicity
Induced Seismicity from Energy Development fracture treatment / Fluid Injection Increase in stress and pore Pressure Decrease the stability of existing weak planes (natural fractures, flaws,bedding planes) slip and fail, similar to earthquakes along faults slippages emit elastic waves (stimulated seismicity) Induced or Triggered
Integrated Evaluation of Hydraulic Fracturing at a Field Laboratory in the San Joaquin Basin: Efficient and Safe HC Exploitation in California