P 5 R Paper opulent venture WELCOME TO 5 PR!
What does Mrs. Pro expect of her students? Prepared..… •have materials every day Respect….. •treat others as you would like to be treated On task….. •focus on activities, instruction and assignments
PREPARE YOURSELF 1 2 PENCIL 3 4 BOC Book of Choice What can you do if you forget to bring a pencil? •ask a friend to loan you one •write yourself a note to remind you BOOK OF CHOICE 1 BOC Book of Choice Bring one to class EVERY DAY! 2 PENCIL You must have a pencil with you every day. 3 NOTEBOOK Have a notebook with you every day. 4 STUDENT PLANNER bring yours to class EVERY DAY!
•NO WATER BOTTLE ZONE! Also remember… 1 2 3 DO NOT BRING ANY ELECTRONIC DEVICES TO CLASS! If it’s in your hand, you’re using it! 2 LEAVE IN LOCKER! Also remember… BE TO CLASS ON TIME! Our classroom is a •NO GUM ZONE! •NO WATER BOTTLE ZONE! 3
WHERE DO I TURN IN MY HOMEWORK? In the shelving unit by the door you will see 2 wire bins. They are labeled: BLOCK 1: PRO BLOCK 2: CO Your homework will go in the bin that corresponds with your block.
WHERE DO I KEEP MY CLASSWORK? On the shelving unit by the door you will see 2 bins, RED or BLUE in color. They are labeled: BLOCK1: PRO BLOCK 2: CO You have a folder in the bin that corresponds with your class hour. That is where you will keep your classwork unless directed otherwise.
When any of these things happen when can I leave the room? When any of these things happen *If you feel ill and need to see the nurse, a classmate will escort you to the Health Office. *If you need to use the bathroom at any time during non-break times, ask me for permission to do so! *bathroom break *office calls *bell rings *fire alarm *tornado drill *lock down *illness 1 As a student from 5PRO or 5CO, you represent our team at all times during school. Your behavior is YOUR responsibility. When leaving the classroom be sure to follow our team rules and Ramsey school rules. 2 3
GRADING SCALE Your coursework will be graded on the following scale: 4: Exceeds expectation 3: Meets expectation 2: Near expectation 1: Below expectation Your learning habits will be graded on the following scale: + student consistently shows learning habit +/- student sometimes shows learning habit - student rarely shows learning habit
TOPICS OF STUDY 1. ELA *ELA INCLUDES THESE TOPICS: •READING: This includes independent reading and class assignments. Topics such as text features, making inferences, and learning the elements of a story will be studied throughout the year. •WRITING: This includes writing students do in response to class assignments, as well as various essays. Such essay structures include: opinion, narrative, and informational •SPELLING: Throughout the year you will study and be tested on 28 spelling lists. In addition to these lists, correct spelling on your assignments is expected. The following resources will be used to learn about the above mentioned focus areas. *Wonders curriculum, handouts, articles and books *Fiction and non-fiction literature
ESSAY WRITING TOPICS OF STUDY *You will write several essays *WHAT’S ON YOUR MIND? WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNED? *You will write several essays throughout the year. *Most of your writing will be assigned from the Wonders curriculum. *Sometimes I will give you topics on which to write, at other times you’ll select the topics.
Review: 3 2 1 5 4 6 7 8 Our classroom is a NO GUM/ Prepared..… •have materials every day Respect….. •treat others as you would like to be treated On task….. •focus on activities, instruction and assignments Our classroom is a NO GUM/ NO WATER BOTTLE ZONE! 5 4 6 7 8
Learning Takes You Places…