Welcome Back Students!!! Welcome to Pre - Calc!!
What you need for Class!! 1) A binder or a flexi notebook (by Mead) and a folder 2) Scientific Calculator 3) Pencils 4) Printed out notes – print at home bring to class I DO NOT lend out writing utensils or calculators, the only thing I have to lend is erasers!
ALL WORK MUST BE SHOWN OR NO CREDIT!! Grading Quizzes (worth about 30-45 points)– 1 sometimes 2 a chapter; you have 5 days to make it up. You may make it up before school, in class (you are still responsible for what we do that day and the homework), or during your lunch 2) Tests (worth about 60 points)- 5 days to make up during the same time as quizzes ALL WORK MUST BE SHOWN OR NO CREDIT!! IT MUST BE CORRECT WORK!! My webpage calendar will have quiz/test dates on it as well as the homework board Review For a quiz: You are expected to study the night before on your own. Review packets are on my webpage 2) For a test: Review the day before in class
3) Homework (is given every day) and worth 1 point each, it can be found on the homework board and assignment sheet, which can be found on my webpage (how long you are absent for is how long you have to make it up)-Will not be checked everyday, you need to check your answers before class. The homework is due the day after it is given. No Late Homework!! Homework is All or Nothing, if you miss 1 problem it is nothing. A question mark or redrawing the picture does not count as doing the problem and will earn you no points. I will just give you a 0. You must show some effort on solving the problem. Your marking period average is weighted with the following categories and percentages: a) Homework: 15% b) Quizzes/Tests: 85%
Help Hours Every morning from 7:35 – 8:00 2) First 20 minutes of lunch 3) In the math resource room (RM 101) Email Address: ntirrito@nutleyschools.org I check my email every school day that I am here by 7:30 am. If you email me after that time I will not read it until the following morning.
Detention All detentions are held at 7:30 AM except for cell phones. There are NO CELL PHONES allowed at any time for any reason, not even to check the time, from bell to bell. You can put it in the cart if you don’t think you cannot look at it. I mean it and I will know when you are on your phone! If I see the cell phone, for any reason, it is mine and I will give it to the administration if the lesson is going on. If it is before or after I start the lesson you will have detention with me until 3:30. Once I take it, it will then go in the cart every day.
Dress Code - No Hats of any kind can be worn during class. You will be asked to take it off. No shirts with straps that are less than 2 fingers width across the shoulder, this means no spaghetti straps, tube tops, off the shoulder shirts No bellies or behinds hanging out No pants/shorts worn low below the hips
Mrs. Tirrito’s Extra Information 1. DO NOT ASK ME “WHEN WILL WE USE THIS” or “WHY DO I NEED TO LEARN THIS”. Math is very important to help build your intelligence in all areas. Even if you will never use the specific topic we are doing, it works your brain making you think which is an important life skill. 2. There is NO SHARING calculators on quizzes/tests. All test and quizzes must be done in pencil. If they are not done in pencil I will take 1 point off. There are NO TEST CORRECTIONS OR REDOS for credit. 3. If you miss class for any reason it is your responsibility to get the notes from a classmate or come in and get them from me. Homework can be found the homework board or the assignment sheet.
4. If you cut on the day of a quiz/test you will get a 0 on it 4. If you cut on the day of a quiz/test you will get a 0 on it. If you do not make up a quiz/test in the time allotted (5 days) you will get a 0 on it. If you cheat you get a 0. No exceptions. 5. If you chose to go on a field trip (which also includes being forced on a field trip for a sport/music/club) the day before a quiz/test you must still take the quiz/test the day that it is given. It is your responsibility to get any review packets. Your homework is worth 1 point; if you ask to go get it you lose 1 point. It is due the day after it is assigned. If you do not have it, it cannot be made up, unless you are absent. It is either fully complete (not 1 missed problem) or you do not get credit for it. It is updated every 2 weeks in the portal. 7. All backpacks and purses must be placed on the floor or the windowsill during class. 8. There is NO eating or drinking in the classroom, unless you have a note from the nurse.
***ID’s must be on to leave the room!!*** 9. DO NOT ASK FOR EXTRA CREDIT!!! If I give it, it will be to the whole class and the whole class only. DO NOT come to me at the end of the marking period asking me what you can do to bring up your grade! Once the bell rings DO NOT ask to go to the bathroom, get a drink, or go to your locker! If we are finished with the lesson then you may ask to go to the bathroom or get a drink. ***ID’s must be on to leave the room!!*** ***You must show all work on tests and quizzes, I will take points off if you don’t!!!!*** ***There is no extra time on quizzes/tests. They are designed to be finished in the time allotted if you know the material***
My Expectations are high for everybody. I expect that you take notes and do your homework. I expect that you ask questions on the homework, and on any material you do not understand either in class or during my help hours. I expect that you are paying attention and to answer questions when I call on you. I expect you to ask the people around you for help and talk to them about the material so that you will be able to answer questions that are asked of you. It is okay to talk to each other about problems when I give you them to do.
Even though I may seem tough I want you to know that I am here for you and want you to succeed. I am tough on you because I know that you can do it. You can always come to talk to me if you need someone to listen.
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